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Today was the day that Ashton would be officially moved in with Luke. The couple spent probably a few hours packing Ashton's things. Going in and out of foster homes, he didn't have a lot of clothes and expecting to be going in and out even after Shirley and Robert adopted him, he didn't want to get anything extra just in case.

Ashton probably had 2 boxes the most and a duffle bag. That's it. Which is a lot for him, he wanted one box, however, he had too many books he just couldn't part with.

So after school, Luke would take him home to get his things and say goodbye before going back to his place. All Ashton needed to do was get through the last class of the day and he was done.

When the bell rang hurriedly making it to his locker to avoid any interactions with David, but what Ashton didn't know was that David was already there looking for him before even noticing. Though he couldn't stay looking for long since his friends saw Ashton and went to go pick on him first.

"Hey Ashton, whatcha doing?" David asked as him and his 3 friends surrounded him. "Um, I-I'm just getting my books." He stuttered not making eye contact. "Oh this one?" David asked again grabbing the textbook from Ashton's grasp before extending his arm all the way up.

"Give it back. I'm gonna be late."

"If you want it, come get it." David and his friends then walk to the nearest restroom where he dangled the book teasingly above the toilet. When Ashton tried to get it, he was only held back by his friends. "Where's your boyfriend now? Looks like you have to fight your own battles."

"Just give it back to me!" Ashton yelled only raising his voice a little. "Oh, grew some confidence I see. You want it? Come get it." David smirked then looked at his friends who let go of their hold. As Ashton went towards the book, Brett; one of David's friends, stuck his foot out causing him fall making his head collide with the corner of the metal toilet paper holder.

They all hissed at the sight teasingly. "Yeah that's got to hurt." They snickered as David dropped the book at his hands. Ashton whimpered softly with shaky hands that went to his forehead, he gasped when seeing his fingers turn red.

Getting strength to get up while getting a bit light headed, managing to pull his phone out as he walked to the nurses office.

"Ash? What happened? You're supposed to be in class."

"Um, d-don't freak out please, b-but I-I um I had another encounter with David and his friends. C-could you pick me up please, I-I really need you please L-Luke. I'm going to the nurses right now."

"I'm on my way Sugar."

As he entered the office, gasps were heard softly from each lady as they saw the blood running down his face. Calling Nurse Amy, she gasped as well and immediately took Ashton's hand to help aide and stop the bleeding.

"It was David again wasn't it?" He didn't answer though that gave her the answer she didn't want but knew she was going to get. "Okay, I'll do as much as I can, but it's pretty deep you might have to go to the hospital. Is there anyone coming to pick you up?"

"My boyfriend. He'll be here in maybe fifteen minutes."

Before Nurse Amy could speak, the principal came in. "Oh my God, Ashton, who did this?" He avoided her eyes as his body tensed up in fear. "I-it was an accident."

"Nurse Amy, can you give us a moment alone?"

The principal sighed softly as she sat down next to Ashton. "Ashton, you know as well as I do, you have to tell me who did this so they can have consequences."

"Y-you can't do anything. Nothing will happen anyways."

"Who is it?" Ashton let out a shaky breath before speaking. "David, Brett, Chad, and Brock. But p-please don't do anything. I don't want David's parents suing or anything. I-if they find out I told they'll hurt me worse. P-please Principal Adams, don't do anything." He pleaded almost on the verge of crying.

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