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Safe to say ever since that night, Calum's been on edge. He's been more jumpy and unfocused. Though he tried to hide it, it still seemed tough every now and then. Like if Michael walked behind him hugging him, he'd jump in fear more than usual. He offered Mike to stay the night almost every night afraid to be alone.

Of course, he didn't try to make a big deal out of it seeing as Mike had a lot of things to worry about on his own and he didn't need to babysit his boyfriend every second of the day. The first few nights after that incident were the worst, it calmed Calum's nerves a little when seeing nothing has happened, but then 1 night, he got a nightmare.

That night was the first time Michael wasn't with him. Perfect timing right? Shakily picking up his phone praying the boy wasn't asleep, then pressing his contact before putting the phone to his ear.

"Cal? Baby? What's going on?"

"C-can you come here please? I-um I had a nightmare, and I really don't wanna be alone." He spoke as his lips quivered trying to hold back tears.

"Of course, I'll be there in no time."

Michael climbed through the window again, Calum knew he would, so he waited anxiously watching the window waiting for a silhouette to appear from the outside.

"Baby, I'm here now. Tell me what happened." He spoke immediately as he stepped in giving Calum a comforting hug.

"Y-you were on another job, but it was just a distraction. They used that t-to get to me. Once you found out, t-they made you take my spot. A-and they killed you right in front of me. I-I know it's just a dream, but, it felt so real."

Michael rubbed his boyfriends back comfortingly waiting a bit for him to calm down to speak.

"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, this job doesn't come with good things, but one thing I can promise is that I will never let anyone get you and I'll always be here to protect you, okay? I love you so much." He mumbled while giving a soft temple kiss before wiping the tears on his boyfriends cheeks.

"And I also know that ever since I told you to watch your surroundings more you've been more on edge. I know you've tried hiding it cause you don't want to be a burden and I know you've been trying to deal with it as best as you can and I really appreciate you for trying, but I know it's also taking a toll on you. I know that's the reason you've been more frantic lately and I'm so sorry to have put all that on you. A part of me wishes I never should've told you. I'm so sorry Cal."

Now it was Calum's turn to comfort his boyfriend, not that he minded. It seemed like both boys hid their feelings for so long it was relieving to have a heart to heart conversation like this in what seemed like in a long time.

"Why do you have to know me so well." He started with a soft chuckle. "Ever since I found out about what you do for your dad, the first thing you told me were the risks that came with. I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I knew, ever since that day, you've been keeping your promise of making sure I didn't get hurt. And I know you will continue to do so. I also know that I can't see my future with anyone else besides you Mike, so whatever comes our way, I'll be okay as along as I have you by my side." He smiled while giving a small kiss on Michael's lips. "I just love you so much."

"I know babe. I love you too. Why don't we go back to bed, let's play a movie until we both fall asleep." Michael suggested knowing Calum could only fall asleep if there's background noise.

That night, he slept at ease, they both did. They both felt at home, secure in each other's presence. Michael kept a tight arm around Calum's body keeping him close as possible.

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