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That's all Ashton could describe his feelings as. Other than the fact of feeling a total adrenaline rush because of what he just did. He kissed his crush. Well, his crush kissed him. He kissed back, so same thing.

When telling his mom, she was beyond happy, she squealed out in excitement in the kitchen making his dad pop his head in to make sure everything was okay. So that led to her telling his dad and he was very excited as well. Reckon, he didn't squeal out in excitement, but the smile on his face gave Ashton all the reassurance he needed.

After Ashton left the music shop last night, Luke was bombarded with questions. Which was expected and he answered yes to all of them except one.

"Have you asked him to be your boyfriend yet?"

Luke frowned softly with a head shake,"No, not yet. But I'm planning on it. Soon." Michael nodded,"You should do it tonight. I mean you have a date tonight right?"

Luke nodded. "Then? Why wait? If you really like him and want to be his boyfriend why wait?"

He thought about it and Michael was right. Surprisingly. Their date was just at Luke's place again, but this time he was going to cook. Not Ashton, though he enjoyed seeing him glare deeply into his soul then blush when calling him Sugar, like he always did.

When the time came, Ashton was going to meet Luke at the shop as usual then from there, they'll go have their date. To pass the time by, he started cleaning again. Which got a few laughs out of the 2 best friends, however, he didn't care because he was going to see Ashton again.

A few more hours passed by until he heard the familiar sound of the bell ring and it was the only person who could really put a smile on Luke's face.

"Hi." Ashton grinned widely. "Hi. I'm almost done with my shift. Give me like thirty more minutes." Ashton nodded before Luke walked away to go help a customer.

In the meantime while waiting, he started reading the magazines they had displayed. Although it was a very small section, he did find one that was interesting, it was just a recent one about all the celebrities. However, he did find a cooking magazine next to it, though he honestly wasn't sure why a cooking magazine would be in a music store, but he picked it up after putting the one he held down flipping through it curiously.

"Whatcha doing?" Luke asked with a small smile, now finishing his shift. "This magazine has a lot of recipes. Maybe I can learn one and make you something." The taller boy smiled adoringly with a small laugh taking the magazine and putting it back on the shelf. "Let's just leave the cooking to me Sugar. What's in your bag? Please don't tell me homework 'cause if it is, it's not allowed in my apartment."

Ashton giggled softly,"Um, I brought some of my favorite movies we can watch and popcorn if you didn't have any and a blanket if you didn't have one. But now hearing myself I'm pretty sure you would have a blanket." Luke smiled while putting his arm around his shoulders again while they both exited. "We can use your blanket, I have to wash mine anyways."

Luke smiled warmly at the shorter boy as he took the backpack from his shoulders then putting it on his own and ignoring the small pleas saying that he could carry it on his own, though that wasn't going to happen.

On the car ride over there, Ashton was telling Luke all about his day and how he got an A on a project by just doing it himself. Though he had to stay up until 1 in the morning, it was worth it because the outcome was something to be proud of. Even the teachers loved it and was impressed by it especially knowing it was done by one person.

Then by responding, all that came out of Luke's mouth was saying how proud he was of Ashton, which of course caused a blush and a soft "thank you".

"Okay, I am planning to make chicken. You like chicken right?" Luke asked as they entered his apartment before heading to the kitchen. "Yep, my favorite. Do you need any help? I can help."

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