Alternate Ending

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Two Months Later

Luke sat at that chair in the bar he's been at every night for what felt like since Ashton died. The same bloodshot eyes that were once full of life now full of nothingness. Full of heartbreak. Full of despair.

When it first happened, Luke was in shock. As one would be. He didn't want to believe it, but when they had to take Ashton's body away, that's when it sunk in. The 2 other guys sat in silence waiting for any reaction out of Luke. But the blonde just sat and stared at nothing. For hours he said nothing until nightfall came, he didn't want to go back home. It wasn't home. Not without Ashton. So instead of going home, he went to a place where he swore he'd never go again.

There was no point in keeping his sobriety. No point at all. Life didn't seem worth it anymore. He did feel an ounce of guilt walking in, he knew Ashton wouldn't allow this if he was still alive, but he's dead. He will stay dead forever.

It wasn't until the first shot Luke had when he started to really cry. It was a good thing the owner knew him from when he used to drink heavily years before. He cut the blonde off when it became too much and called Calum. 

"I fucking miss him." Luke cried. "I know buddy. I know." The owner spoke taking his shot glass away. "Give me another."


"I said give me another." He growled. The owner sighed giving in and sliding over the glass.

Calum was fucking heartbroken hearing Luke drank again. He didn't expect him to stay sober, but hoped he would. Nonetheless, he still picked his friend up. He knew Luke had been doing not so great, but didn't know he was drinking again.

"Hey Luke." Calum spoke softly. "Cal. What are you doing here?"

"I called him. You're in no condition to drive."

"Let's go." Calum swung an arm around his neck holding Luke up as they walked. He laid the long boy in his back seat as they drove back to the apartment.

"Where are you taking me?"


Luke began to sob uncontrollably hearing that word. "Don't call it that. It's not home. Not without Ashton. It will never be home again." Calum frowned,"I'm sorry."

"I miss him so much."

"I know."

Luke cried and cried and cried until what seemed like the tears dried up then the alcohol took over and that's when he blacked out. It was heartbreaking seeing his friend who had worked so hard on his sobriety ruin it, but under the circumstances it was understandable. It was also heartbreaking watching his friend crumble like that.

With one last look, Calum left the apartment before driving to Michael's house. "Hiya babe, didn't know you were coming over."

"Mike." Calum spoke seriously. "What happened?"

"It's Luke. He drank again." Michael's face faltered,"You're fucking lying."

Calum nodded,"I just dropped him off at home from the bar. It was bad."

"Fuck. Okay tomorrow we're going over to be with him." Calum nodded in agreement.

The next day, despite having a massive hangover and crying when waking up when realizing the bed was empty next to him. Luke went through the apartment and gathered Ashton's things in some boxes to shove in a closest. He couldn't stand looking at them anymore. It broke his heart each and every time. And every time it felt like he relieved the moment he knew the boy was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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