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"Wait what? She came to your guy's apartment?" Calum asked in disbelief to which Luke simply just nodded. "How did she even find you?" Michael asked. "Beats me, but whoever told I hope they rot in hell." He muttered with an exhausted sigh.

"So Ashton knows?"

"Not yet, it wasn't really a good time for me to tell him, I was just too upset." Michael and Calum nodded. "Okay, enough with that. He's coming tonight though right?" Luke nodded,"Yeah, when I pick him up we'll go to yours Mike's and help set up."

"Alright cool, I can't wait. We have everything right Cal?" He asked turning to his boyfriend. "No, we still need to get drinks. Remember you said you wanted them to be fresh."

"Right. Okay, we're gonna do that right now, I'll see you in like an hour or so. Bye Luke."

Luke sighed softly as he closed the door behind his friends, tidying up the place a bit even though it's always clean because Ashton cleans it since he never does anything. Which isn't his fault, Luke never lets him, so the younger boy finds little things to do.

After cleaning up a bit more, the couch seemed extremely comfortable, so flopping on his stomach then turning on the TV to find something to watch to pass the time by. The show started as soon as Luke's phone buzzed that familiar pattern signaling that it was Ashton.

I'm in math and I think my brain is dying

Luke softly chuckled with a head shake at his boyfriends over dramaticness when it comes to math.

You'll be okay Sugar, only about 50 more minutes

That's too long, I miss you

I miss you too, maybe this is the reason you're failing. Texting during class

-.- I was failing before I met you. Sh, oh I gotta go I think I've been caught

Luke replied with a simple bye as he closed his phone going back to the television. His eyes began to grow heavy and as he was about to fall asleep, a knock was placed at he door.

When he opened it, that anger he felt the other day swarmed back.

"Didn't I tell you to never come back?" He snapped. "I need—" Luke rolled his eyes,"Money? Go ask your fucking boyfriend mom. Stop coming by, I don't want to see you."

"W-we got into a fight, Lukey, please I have no one." She pleaded manipulatively. Luke grabbed his wallet taking the only cash he had and throwing it at her again,"Never come back. I mean it mom."

Right now, it seemed like Ashton was the only person that could calm him down, as stupid and cliché as that sounds, he didn't want to be there anymore so he left to go pick him up even if it wasn't time yet.

Music was the only thing that could calm him down at the moment—since Ashton couldn't obviously—as he neared the school, his anger lessened and lessened, though not fully. A little part of his was still so irritated.

While waiting in his car in a parking spot, his finger tapped impatiently to the beat of the song.

Ashton impatiently bounced his leg as he kept looking back and forth between the sheet of paper laying on the desk and the clock ticking away on the wall. It was Friday which meant that football had practice, which also meant that the whole team got out early from their last class so they can get ready in time.

So David would be looking for him, he knew this, however, he always managed to slip past him some how, whether it's because of his height or he blends in well with other students, either way, there were no complaints. To get out of school with no injuries was something that's close to a miracle. Which was what Ashton was hoping.

The Walls We've Built (Lashton)Where stories live. Discover now