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You know, usually, Luke would have a problem with dirty clothes on the floor, but seeing Ashton's dirty clothes didn't bug him at all, he saw it as a way of Ashton making his place seem like his too. How comfortable he was now that he was leaving his dirty clothes everywhere not that they were littering the floor, but seeing a shirt in the bedroom and seeing socks in the living room. For a while in the beginning it seemed like Ashton wasn't even living at his place because of the way he cleaned up after himself, the way his clothes stayed in his duffel bag for while before they moved to the dresser and closet. Even the way he made Luke's bed after them waking up. But now, it being a month almost 2 that he's been living there, slowly but surely, it's becoming their place instead of just Luke's.

"Sugar?" Luke called since hearing silence within the apartment. "Yes sweetcheeks?" Ashton answered poking his head in the room.

"Sweetcheeks?" Luke rose an eyebrow with a slight laugh. "What? I'm trying to find a cute nickname for you."

"Cupcake?" Immediate head shake.

"Munchkin?" Immediate burst of laughter.

"My love?" Received a maybe.

"Daddy?" Luke choked on his spit as Ashton had a fit of giggles,"I'm just kidding. Maybe I'm just not the nickname type."

"Maybe. You should leave it to me Sugar. But anyway, get ready. We're going to the mall."

"Why?" Ashton furrowed his eyebrows. "For your birthday. I gotta treat you."

"What? No, we don't have to. You don't have to buy me anything. I'm perfectly fine with the things I have now." Still, Luke was extremely set on going to the mall. "It's your birthday. It's like, law. I want to do this. Please Sugar, it would make me feel like a good boyfriend." Sighing softly,"But you already are an amazing one. I know you care for me deeply and like me a lot, you don't need to do these things for me to know."

"This is for your birthday. It's good to feel special like this once a year and the fact you told me you never made a big deal out of it the past years, I have to make up for that. So come on, get ready, put your shoes on and let's go." Luke smiled leaving the room giving no time for any arguments.

Walking to the car, on the way there, and finding a parking spot, soft pleas were said to make them go back. Insisting that this didn't have to be done, but they weren't listened to as expected.

"It's not too late to turn around."

"Mmmm, I think it's a little late. We're here Sugar." Ashton sighed softly. "Why won't you let me do this for you?" He added. "Well, same reason you wouldn't let me do things for you I'd assume. I just don't feel like you should do all these things for me. I don't feel like I'm worth all this effort, I feel like I haven't done anything to deserve this. Plus, it's just a waste of your money you can use on important stuff like bills and groceries." Luke furrowed his eyebrows,"That's really what you think?"

"Sugar, you are worth way more than what you let yourself believe. I'd give you the absolute world if I was able to. All this effort I'm doing for you is because I want to and you're worth it. And after I fucked up so badly three weeks ago, you forgave me almost instantly, even when it was so hard for me to forgive myself. That right there is one of the reasons why you deserve this. You stayed with me and I don't know any other way to show how grateful I am for that and for you."

Ashton didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. What do you even say to that? Nothing has ever been said to the boy like that. Ever.

"Stop. You're gonna make me cry." They both laughed softly. "Good tears I hope." Ashton nodded,"No ones ever done so much for me. No ones ever said anything remotely close to what you said. And I'm just so freaking happy I have you Luke. Thank you for being such a great boyfriend and doing so much for me." He smiled letting one tiny tear fall from his face before Luke moved his thumb to wipe it away. "Well now you're gonna make me cry. You are very welcome Ash, don't ever forget. Okay? Now, no more tears. Are you gonna let me do this for you?"

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