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"No, Luke higher!" Calum exclaimed.

Since Luke decorated his apartment, Calum and Michael saw it fitting to decorate the store as well. So that's what they were doing, well, that's what Luke was doing. Since he was the only one able to put the decorations up.

"A little to the side." Calum demanded again which caused Luke to grumble incoherent things.

"There." He huffed as he climbed down from the small step stool. "Happy?" Calum and Michael nodded like little kids as they went to grab the rest.

As they left, his phone buzzed in his pocket, seeing it was Ashton made his heart drop since he's supposed to be in class. Whenever he gets a call from him during the school day, it's never good.

"Sugar? What happened? Are you okay?"

"C-can you come get me again? P-Please." Ashton sniffled. "Please Lukey, I-I need you."

"Baby, I'm on my way okay? Are you in the nurses office again?"

"No, I-I'm in the locker room restroom. C-can you bring me an extra shirt and pants please."

"Of course Sugar, I'll be there soon."

Shirt? Bottoms? Why would he need to have an extra pair of those things. Unless David did something and if he did, Luke swore he'd kill him.

Rushing home, going over the speed limit, grabbing the first pair of pants and shirt his hand touched not caring if it was Ashton's or not.

As soon as he got to the school, calling Ashton again to try to find which restroom he was in, it was a bit of a maze trying to find the damn place.

But in no time, he did.

"Ash?" Luke called looking under the stalls to see if he could see feet. "In here." The door to the big stall slowly opened and Luke walked in feeling his heart break when Ashton was hugging his knees to his chest in only his boxers, socks, and shoes.

Making sure the door was locked behind him, before making his way to his boyfriend who was shaking in fear. "I'm here baby. Here. Put these on."

Ashton grabbed the clothes shakily putting them on.

"What happened Sugar?" Luke asked softly. "I-I was showering after PE, a-and I go to change back into my regular clothes b-but David took them. I-I don't know where he put them. Everyone w-was laughing at me. T-they pulled my towel away." He explained as getting fully dressed again then practically throwing himself on Luke to cry on his shoulder. "Okay, well you're dressed now, let's get your stuff and get you back to the apartment." Luke spoke in a hushed tone tightening his arms around Ashton while rubbing his back soothingly waiting for the boy to slightly calm down.

If this was a cartoon, smoke would be fuming from Luke's ears. He wanted to go to the principals office, he was going to. But not at that moment. Right then, Ashton needed him, he needed to make sure his boyfriend was okay.

The ride home was quiet, besides Ashton's soft sniffles and the bouncing of his leg. He grasped onto Luke's hand tightly not wanting to let it go ever, though he had to for a moment so they can get settled in their room.

"Just take a nap okay? I'll make you some food."

"C-can you lay with me please?" Ashton asked softly, barely audible. Luke nodded certainly getting in bed and being instantly cuddled by his boyfriend who laid his head on his chest.

They didn't speak, they didn't have to, their silence comforted each other enough. They laid together in silence until the soft snores were heard from the younger boy.

The Walls We've Built (Lashton)Where stories live. Discover now