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Uh oh. Code red, code red.

You know that episode of Spongebob where it looks inside his brain and everything's on fire and being chaotically destroyed with mini Spongebob's running around? Yeah that's what Ashton felt like. And he hated it. He hated not knowing what to do and how he was feeling. Not to mention they've been talking for only a short amount of time, so to be feeling something this early was just wrong. In his eyes at least.

Ashton tried to not text him as much though, because he needed a check with reality for a moment. A guy like Luke could never like a guy like Ashton. Maybe this is just a dare to see how long it'll go. Or maybe Luke is just a bad person and loves messing with guys this way. Or maybe Luke just wanted to get laid.

Sighing and closing his locker taking away all thoughts he was consumed in, he started walking to his last class for the day hoping it would go by quickly to go home already and take a nap. Or maybe eat. Or just do nothing. He sent back a quick response to Luke before going to turn his phone off only for it to be snatched away.

"Ooh, does Ashton have a boyfriend." David cooed mockingly reading through his texts. "Give it back." He demanded softly. But David didn't listen, but to continue scrolling and laughing at their messages. "You should know better. I don't even have to see him to know that he will never like you. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. I mean, are you seriously thinking he could like you? Why would anyone in their right mind like you?" David spat with a smirk knowing he was tugging at Ashton's emotions.

Handing back Ashton's phone, he stood there frozen in the hallway not even wanting to go to class. Instead, he went to the restroom going to a stall crying and locking it. He cried because David was right. Luke could never like Ashton, what was he thinking. He probably asked for his number because of some stupid dare.

"I'm so stupid." He mumbled as his hands covered his face.

Ashton couldn't be there anymore, so he left. Yes that's very unlike him to just ditch school, but even if he did stay, there would be no point. He wouldn't be able to focus at all.

On his walk home thinking about everything David said, it stuck in his brain like glue even when arriving home. Those words just wouldn't leave and it tormented him every single second as the day went by.

"Ashton? Why aren't you in school?" His mom asked furrowing her eyebrows as he walked passed not saying anything. "Hey Ashton I'm talking to you!" She exclaimed from downstairs now walking into his room only to find see a pillow being angrily thrown at the wall.

He turned to face her with tears at the brink as her face softened. "Why are you crying Ashton?" She asked hugging her son who cried more. "Cause he's right."


"David. He said Luke could never like me and that I'm just embarrassing myself. He took my phone and read our messages." He explained. "I know I sound so stupid crying over this but it was the way he said it, he made it seem like I'm some freak that no one will ever like."

"Ashton that's not true and you know that. Look honey, this day was bound to come, I know that, you know that. And you know you can't avoid it forever. Don't be afraid, okay? Like I always say take a leap of faith and don't listen to what anyone else has to say. If he makes you happy then that's all that matters. Go for it." Ashton nodded with a sniffle,"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a cry baby."

"Don't apologize. Just rest alright?"

"Thank you."

Ashton sighed laying flat on his back just thinking about what his mom said. So with one courageous inhale he grabbed his phone and texted Luke.

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