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Ever since that night dropping Ashton off, he's been trying to find a way, any way, to make it up to Luke. As a way of saying thank you, as if the 100 other times wasn't enough, it was to Luke, but to Ashton, he felt like he needed to do something more. So, seeing how he wasn't going to stop until he found something to do, Luke let him do it.

When Michael was told that Ashton was in fact not a CIA agent, he was disappointed to say the least, however, he concluded that it was a good thing since they could potentially be targets if he was apart of the CIA. That conversation then led to asking how Ashton was doing and if he got a better explanation on what actually happened. So Luke told them, he told them that he just got picked on at school that's about it. That resulted in Michael and Calum cussing out the air as they said "whoever messes with Ashton, messes with us."

Luke laughed at their childishness, but still was grateful that they didn't hate Ashton, but I mean, who could hate him. He's literally the sweetest guy you could meet. That's a fact. So as of right now, Ashton was going to meet Luke at the shop and they were going to hang out after his shift.

Ashton kept going on and on about how he had a surprise for Luke which he was very excited for to say the least. His whole shift was just filled with anxiousness, he couldn't wait for it to be over, he kept looking at the time, groaning when seeing only a minute had passed even though it felt like hours had passed.

Luke was practically itching to do anything to make the time go faster, so that day at work was probably the most productive he's been. Ever.

"Wow Luke, Ashton should surprise you more often. You never work this hard." Calum commented with a small laugh. "Just be grateful and enjoy it 'cause it's only a one time thing." Calum rolled his eyes walking away to do what he needed to. Which led Luke to do what he needed to do as well.

But he finished rather quickly actually, so with nothing left to do, he cleaned. Yes, he actually cleaned. Every single thing was spotless by the time he was done. No dust to be seen, no crumbs on the floor, not a speck of dirt on any counter or shelf. He even cleaned each and every CD they had, made sure there was no lint on the shirts on display, and cleaned the hanging instruments.

"Wow. I'm speechless." Michael admitted scanning the store as if he was there for the first time. "Can Ashton surprise you more often? I am liking this new Luke."

"Hey, are you not happy with the Luke you have?"


"Shut up." Michael laughed as he walked away noticing Luke check the time again and practically squeal in excitement when his shift was over.

Calum and Michael both looked at each weirdly hearing Luke squeal for the first time since knowing him. They both muttered something about how Ashton was changing him and they weren't sure if it was a good thing or bad thing. But that of course led Luke to flip them off.

A couple minutes after Luke's shift ended, he just waited in the shop for Ashton, getting paranoid that he forgot or he wasn't coming, but all those thoughts quickly vanished when seeing him walk through the door with a big picnic basket. "Sorry I'm late, it was a hassle trying to get this on the bus." He apologized sincerely putting the basket on the counter. "No worries Sugar."

"Ashton, please do this more often, I have never seen him work as much as he did today." Calum butted in making Ashton giggle softly. "Is that so?" He rose an eyebrow looking at Luke. "Yes, most definitely, I've never seen him clean before. Thank you." Michael added.

"Alright well we're leaving now. Bye guys." Luke spoke not wanting to hear them embarrass him anymore. "Maybe I should do this more often. The store looked very nice and clean." Ashton spoke up as they got in Luke's car. "Hey, I clean even if you're not coming. I just needed something to pass the time. Anyway, enough with that. So we're having a picnic?"

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