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Ashton woke up in the morning with a throbbing headache and racing over to the toilet to throw his guts out.

"Luuuke." He groaned. "Next Halloween we're staying in. Please." Luke laughed softly while rubbing his back gently before giving something for his headache. "Well, you had fun which is all that matters. You're lucky yesterday was a Friday."

After throwing up more, Ashton laid back down on their bed with Luke following shortly after. "Is this normal?"

"Yes baby. It'll go away soon. I promise."

"How do you know? I didn't know you drank last night."

Luke sighed quietly while biting his lip,"Not last night, but yes I used to. A lot actually to where it became like an actual problem and to where it could actually cause me harm. It was when shit was happening with my mom. But Calum and Michael helped me overcome that and I haven't drank since." Ashton nodded not quite sure what to say.

"I'm sorry. If I would've known that I wouldn't have drank."

"Don't apologize. It's okay, really. I'm glad you did. I saw you let go and have fun, which in my opinion you really needed that."

Ashton nodded, agreeing with Luke but was too drained to say anything. Instead he let his head fall back down on the bed dramatically hearing his boyfriend laugh. "I'll make you something that always helped me. But you're gonna come with me and keep me company cause I said so."

Ashton groaned as he didn't move, but Luke picked him up with ease hearing him groan even more. "Stop being so dramatic Sugar."

Call him clingy but he just wanted to be close to Ashton. And also if he threw up again he'd be closer and help him sooner, he just wanted to keep a close eye just in case anything happened.

Since Ashton was basically in love with his grilled cheese, he figured that would be a good way to clear it up, but he also made some hard boiled eggs and soup. With some crackers of course.

It may sound weird, but those 3 things helped Luke go through a bunch of hangovers. And since Ashton barely ate the night before, he knew the boy would be starving.

The only conversation the 2 had was basically Luke asking how he was doing and Ashton groaning as a response. Though, when Luke did bring the food over, that really had him talking.

"Okay, I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back shortly. Eat your food babe, it'll help I promise." Ashton nodded already digging in with his eyes glued onto the TV, not quite sure what was said was fully comprehended because the food was so good to the point it was distracting.

After a couple minutes of Luke showering, that's when Ashton finally realized he was gone and just wanted to be closer. So grabbing a book and walked into the bathroom quietly sitting on the toilet cover reading silently waiting for his boyfriend to be done.

About 10 more minutes passed before the water turned off and a hand reached out for a towel. Seconds later, the curtain opened all the way but Ashton still continued to read even after hearing the laughs of his boyfriend.

"Baby what're you doing. You're supposed to be eating."

"I missed you." Ashton spoke truthfully as he looked up to see Luke basically naked with a towel wrapped around him, but honestly, what else did he expect? "O-oh, um, I-I'll leave now." He added with a small blush.

"I don't mind if you stay."

At this point Luke knew he was making him flustered and embarrassed by how red he got, which was totally on purpose. Ashton knew he should've left but he didn't. Something about the way Luke looked dripping water and with his bare tattooed body made Ashton feel some type of way down there if you know what I mean.

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