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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!" Ashton heard when feeling a huge weight on top of him. Groaning grumpily as he opened his eyes slightly to see a very cheerful and excited Luke. Groaning again when looking at the time pulling the covers over his face.

"You never wake up early. Ever. Why must you start on my birthday? Can you come back in bed with me please?" He asked softly when feeling the covers being removed. "As tempting as that sounds. No can do baby. We have a whole day of fun ahead of us. Come on my birthday boy, let's get ready."

Tugging on Ashton's arm softly while making his body as relaxed as possible Luke softly laughed. "Baby, please."

"Make me coffee."

"Already did. It's waiting for you out in the kitchen. You don't want it to get cold do you?" Luke laughed when seeing Ashton's eyes open more as he groggily got up and trudged towards the living room.

When seeing the kitchen table full of food and coffee he turned back to Luke who had a wide grin on his face. "How long did it take for you to make this?"

"Like an hour the most."

"So you woke up at eight? So unlike you." Ashton laughed softly sitting down. "Yes, for my birthday boy." He smiled kissing Ashton on top of his head.

"Have I ever told you how thankful and lucky I am to have you?" Ashton smiled as he dug in. "It's been mentioned."

"Are you gonna eat?" He asked again.

"No. This is all for you. I'll eat when we go to Mike's." Ashton shook his head pushing over a plate of eggs. "I can't let you starve now can I?"

The 2 ate peacefully with joy as they very much enjoyed each other's presence. Maybe a little more today than other days.

But what once was a table full of food was now a table full of empty plates.

"I'm stuffed. Time to go back to sleep." Ashton spoke running quickly to their bedroom with no time for Luke to stop him. As soon as he settled in bed again, he felt the covers being removed and being carried in strong long arms. "Why must you disrupt my sleep?"

"Cause you need to get ready."

"For? What could we possibly be doing at like ten almost eleven in the morning?" Luke only smiled as he sat Ashton down on the toilet giving him an outfit for him to wear.

"Shower. Get ready. I'll be out in the living room."

Luke was beyond excited for the day. Having so much planned and knowing Ashton would love it made him even more excited and happy. Though it was cute when seeing him try to stay in bed. As tempting as it was to go back in bed as well, the day just barely started.

Ashton couldn't believe Luke. He didn't really think they'd celebrate it. Not knowing what it felt like to celebrate his birthday in a big way made it all feel so foreign however, he didn't mind. He liked it. Though, it's like that on an everyday basis besides the fact that Luke wakes up in the afternoon.

Stepping out of the shower to dry himself off, he saw a message in the mirror that was fogged up.

Happy Birthday Sugar :)

Smiling softly with a small head shake he quickly got dressed before walking back in the living room while using a towel to dry his hair more seeing Luke was on the couch playing on his phone.

"Hey birthday boy. You all ready now?" He smiled putting his phone away. "Yes, and I liked your message you left me."

"I'm glad. Now let's go."

"Wait. At least tell me what we're gonna do." Ashton begged. "No can do sweetheart, birthdays are meant for surprises." Glaring softly but having no time to argue or even speak on the new pet name that Ashton loved already, Luke tugged him outside to the car.

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