Chapter 33 (Epilogue)

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Gerard looked at me in the suit, and shot me an encouraging thumbs up.

"Now, it's just your hair to do, and then the rest of us need to get ready. Then, it's showtime!" Gerard's enthusiasm made me smile widely, and I was honestly looking forward to it. I'd get to see him again, and I'd be able to call him mine without fear of losing him.

Gerard practically attacked my hair with the brush before grabbing hairspray and using it. I had no idea how long it was going to take him to sort my hair out, but I had a feeling it was going to take a while.

About five minutes later, Gerard handed me a mirror and grinned. I looked better than I'd thought, my hair was perfect, it looked the same as always, but better. My hair looked straight and new, the way I'd wanted it to.

"Wow..." I breathed softly, before I handed him the mirror back.

"You like it?" I wordlessly nodded and Gerard's eyes lit up, before he sighed with a smile. I tilted my head and looked at him curiously, the expression on his face was one of awe and longing. "I just remember how it felt when me and Frank got married, the way he looked, his eyes were shining when he saw me. It's one of the best feelings ever.

"I just looked at him, and I saw my future in his eyes, my lover, my pride. He really does mean absolutely everything to me." I didn't miss the way his eyes shone whenever he spoke about Frank.

It was honestly really sweet, and it distracted me completely from the anxious feeling in my stomach. Gerard smiled sweetly at me. "You look incredible, Rick. We'll be another five minutes, and then? Then, you'll be getting married!" 

I grinned widely at the idea of getting to see Chris again, I really missed him. An entire week of not seeing him felt like an eternity, and before I knew it, we were walking up to the church. 

Chris was already inside. "Go and get him." Gerard said with a grin, I swallowed nervously and walked inside, the doors opening and everybody stood up and turned to face me. At the end of the aisle, was my husband to be, looking at me with pure love and joy. 

I didn't pay much attention to the roses littering the ground, nor the music, I was completely focused on seeing my future before my eyes. The walk down the aisle was too long, and the moment I was stood beside him, he grabbed my hand. 

All my previous worries vanished in an instant, and I smiled up at him. The priest before us indicated for everybody to sit down and the music cut out before he spoke. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the joyous union of Richard Allen Olson, and Christopher Cerulli."

The priest gestured for us to start speaking, due to us writing our own vows. "I guess it's me first." Chris laughed nervously, before he gazed into my eyes with a loving smile that I shyly returned. 

He gently grabbed both my hands, and smiled before taking a deep breath. "Ricky, without you the world would be plunged into an eternal darkness. You've changed me for the better, you've made me a person I'm proud to be. My entire world revolves around you, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." 

My eyes teared up at the sweet truth of his words. "I promise you that I'll stay with you, through better and worse, I'll always make you laugh, and I vow to be loyal, and honest with you for as long as I'll live. And I also promise to be with you for the rest of my life. You're one of a kind, Ricky Olson and I love you." 

Ronnie's daughter handed Chris a ring, which he slid onto my finger with a wide smile.

I quickly moved my hand to wipe away my falling tears and I smiled before I took a deep breath. "Chris. My world, my lover. You've changed my life and helped me see a bigger picture. You helped me through the worst I've ever faced. Everything was dark before you, and when I fell for you, it was like a constant meteor shower, illuminating the universe." 

The  shine in his eyes was breath taking, and the proud, happy smile on his lips was infectious. I placed my hands in his again, and gazed into his eyes. "I vow to be by your side, through thick and thin, through hell and heaven. I promise to be by your side no matter the time nor place, for the rest of my life. I will be loyal and honest, helpful and loving for as long as I live." 

Willow handed me the ring, and I fumbled with it slightly before I grabbed Chris' hand and slid the ring onto his finger, relieved that it matched my own, and that it fit perfectly. 

His eyes teared up as he gazed into my eyes, "I love you." I murmured, before the priest spoke. "By the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and husband, you may kiss your husband." The room erupted in a round of applause as Chris lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine. 

He was mine, my husband, my one and only. And I was never letting go, I finally had everything I ever wanted. 

He used to be my master, my owner, and now he's my lover, my husband. 

And now I have the entire world in my hands as long as he stays by my side, and that's more than anybody could ever want or need. 

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