Chapter 18

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-2 weeks later-

"Chris I'm coming round."
"Nooo..." I whined, pulling the blankets over my head. Yeah like that's gonna stop her.

For the two weeks he'd been gone, I'd lost myself. I didn't leave my room unless I didn't have another choice, I barely ate mostly because I didn't have an appetite, I couldn't sleep properly and I felt like shit. I missed him.

I hung up and a few minutes later, the blankets were ripped from my grasp and Ashley stood there, looking like an avenging angel. "You need to speak to Ricky."
"He doesn't wanna talk to me..." she groaned and turned around, pressing a few buttons on her phone before she strangely placed it on my bedside table.

"Chris do you love Ricky?"
"Yes...I do..."
"Then say it. Go on. Imagine he was here, tell him how you feel."
"Ricky I-I'm sorry and I love you. Nobody else and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I-I was afraid. I didn't want to fall in love but I couldn't help it."

The next thing I knew, I heard Ricky gasp and when I looked up, he was standing in the doorway. He looked so fucking tired, and slim, it hurt me to see. My eyes widened at the sight of him. No matter how ragged he looked, he was still beautiful. Ashley winked at me and I laid there in shock.

Then, she walked out and Ricky hesitantly walked in, shutting the door and stood at the door.

"Ricky I-..." I didn't know what to say day, and I don't think he did either. "Chris I-I..." he said before I climbed out of my bed, feeling more energetic than I had in weeks. He looked up at me and I opened my arms, looking at him hopefully. He bit his lip, and looked down.

I sighed and hung my head before I felt him collide with my chest, making me fall onto the bed with him on top of me. My arms went around his waist and I clung onto him as tightly as I could, trying not to dwell on the tears which wet my chest. 

"I love you. I love you, fuck Ricky, I love you." I groaned, pressing my lips to his head. He let out a small whimper and pressed his lips to my chest before he looked me in the eyes. I wiped away his tears and he smiled softly. "I-I love you too..."

I felt my heart stop briefly. Was he being serious? When I realised he was, I started shaking as my entire body felt like it was being electrocuted. It felt like I was having an out of body experience, and it freaked me out. I blinked and when I saw the sincerity in his eyes, I pulled him even closer. He kissed me and I ran my fingers through his hair, relieved he was back with me.

"I love you, I really do. I never thought I'd ever say those words to anyone and mean it, but Ricky I fucking adore you."
"I love you too..." he mumbled, looking down with soft red cheeks. I kissed him again, this time with desperation. He kissed back, and let out a soft moan as my lips trailed down to his neck and started nibbling softly.

Ash walked back in and leant against the doorframe, a smug grin on her face. Ricky went to move but I didn't let him, instead I simply sat up with him firmly in my lap.

She tossed something on the bed and me and Ricky both glanced down to see his pet collar. He bit his lip as he looked up at me and I smiled before I put the collar back on him. He smiled shyly at me and hid his face in my chest, making me chuckle softly. "I told you~" she sung as she walked up to us both.

"Oh so what." I grumbled, playing with Ricky's hair and sighing happily. Ash sat down next to us and she seemed unable to stop smiling. "I think history's repeating itself." I tensed up at her words and they both noticed. "Ricky baby?"
"Yes Master?"
"Fuck I missed you calling me that...anyway, can you go downstairs to Ryan and Jared please?" He nodded and left, quietly shutting the door behind him.

"Ash..." I groaned. She tensed up and I knew she had a vague idea about what I was about to say. "You know what I'm like, what honestly makes you think I'm gonna free him? I may love him, and I'll do anything to make him happy. But I crave having control over him, I love being in control. You know I do. And that leaves me with a predicament. If I free him, I'll lose control over him, and I'll feel awkward. But if I don't free him, I keep the control I have over him, at the risk of losing him."

"I get it. Nikki was the same way. Soon, you'll understand what you need to do. But right now? I'm sure you both need each other. Also Chris?"
"Try hiding it when you're hard okay?"

I felt myself blush as she left and a few moments later, Ricky came back up. I stood up, with one thing on my mind. I walked over to him and slammed him against the wall, colliding our lips. He whimpered as I picked him up and carried him to the bed without breaking the kiss.

I laid him on the bed with me on top of him, kissing and biting on his neck. "Get up." I commanded, standing up. He did as I said instantly and I smirked darkly. "Take your clothes off, I wanna see that sexy body of yours." He groaned softly and did as I said, standing in front of me fully naked.

I pointed to the floor and he dropped to his knees, tugging my trousers and boxers down before he started licking my tip, making me let out a soft groan. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and he opened his mouth, knowing what was coming. I ended up throat fucking him as hard as I could, relishing in the sensation. Each time he gagged, I let out a soft moan.

Eventually, I pulled away. He deserved a treat. "Bend over the bed bitch." He let out a soft whimper and did as I said. I stood behind him and thought about it for a moment. "Do you need prep?"
"N-no Master please fuck me master please?" He begged, making me smirk softly. I placed my tip at his entrance and slowly slid in, earning a gasp and a moan from him.

I ran my fingers through his hair before I pressed my lips to his back and started thrusting into him. "Fuck so fucking tight..." I groaned, thrusting quicker into him. He let out a whorish moan, and I decided to keep hitting that one spot until his cries and whimpers had me closer than I thought was possible. I dug my nails into his back as he clenched around me, slowly losing myself in the sensation. "M-Master can I cum please?" He moaned breathlessly.

I didn't answer him, I just sped up until I couldn't stop the moans leaving my lips. By this point, he was desperate and needy. I reached around him and touched his dick, moving my hand back and forwards slowly. "Cum for me baby." I growled into his ear. He moaned louder than I'd ever heard him moan as he came everywhere. I kept thrusting into him while he had his orgasm, and when he'd finished I ended up cumming.

I slid out of him, earning a soft whimper and I helped him stand up before I pulled him into my arms. Our sweaty bodies collided together and I pressed my lips to his, running my fingers through his sweaty hair. "You're amazing." I whispered before we laid down in the bed. His cum was only on the floor, so thankfully we didn't have to sleep in a messy bed.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against my chest, smiling when he rested his head on my bare chest. "I love you."
"Love you too..." he said sleepily. I felt whole again, valued and loved. I was happy.

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