Chapter 3

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I woke up to a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Urgh fucks sake... come in!" The door opened and Ricky walked in, holding a tray. "Put it there.." I mumbled, gesturing to the end of my bed.

"Yes sir." I watched as he walked up to the end of my bed and placed the tray at the end of my bed. He straightened up and I gestured for him to shut the door. He did and I moved the tray. "Come here." I said, patting the space next to me. He did as I said hesitantly and I instantly straddled his hips. His eyes widened slightly, but that was the only reaction I saw. I dug my nails into his chest, hearing him whimper softly.

My eye went to his face, and he was crying silently. I pushed him away in disgust and he fell onto the floor. "Stand the fuck up." He did after a few moments, blood running down his face. I frowned and stood up, looking at his head. "Go fucking downstairs." He nodded and I growled. "What did you say!?"
"Y-yes sir..." he whimpered in fear.
"Just fuck off." He left.

How the fuck had he cut his head open? Picking up my phone, I called Ashley. "Chris, nice to speak to you."
"Ashley, I need to you come check up on one of the slaves."
"Oh my what's this? Chris Motionless being compassionate?"
"Shut the fuck up. Can you come here as quickly as possible?"

"Why what's happened?"
"I was on top of him, and he cried. He started fucking crying Ash. I pushed him away and he fell on the floor. I told him to stand up and he did, his head was bleeding and he was still crying."
"You what!? Oh we are going to talk about this Chris. I'll be over in 10." She snapped, hanging up the phone.

I laid back down and groaned before I pulled my hair in rage. "Fucks sake!" I snarled. I don't even know why I was so pissed off, but I was. I stood up and walked into my shower. After I'd showered, I put a clean suit on and checked my piercings, to make sure they hadn't moved. I brushed my hair quickly and went downstairs.

I opened the basement door and walked downstairs again until I reached the basement. Ryan was pressing something damp to Ricky's head, to stop the bleeding. I observed for a few moments, listening to Ricky's small sobs and Ryan's soothing words. I walked down the rest of the stairs and cleared my throat. Ryan instantly dropped to his knees, his head down and his hands on his knees.

Ricky sat up with half of his face covered in blood. He wobbled as he climbed off the bed and sat down on his knees. "Ryan. Come with me, Ricky stay there."
"Yes sir." Ryan said while Ricky groaned. Ryan followed me upstairs and I shut the basement door before I turned to face him.

"How bad is the cut on his head?"
"Pretty bad sir."
"Damn. Also quit calling me sir, it's master to you two. I brought you."
"Yes Master."
"Better. Now, seeing as you two are part of my household, it's time you both look the part. I have an old friend of mine coming over, I expect you both to be dressed in the suits that are in the drawers next to your bed."

"Yes Master."
"Now go." Ryan nodded politely at me and walked down to Ricky. I walked into the dining room and pulled one of the maids to one side. "Get the kitchen staff to prepare a banquet we have guests."
"Yes Mr. Cerulli, right away." I nodded and she left, telling the rest of the staff my wishes.

The door knocked loudly and my butler opened it, bowing to Ashley. She walked in dressed in a black dress, and she came up to me before slapping me across the face. Nikki walked in dressed in a suit with a figure behind him, wearing an ownership collar. "This is Angelo." He said tiredly, gesturing to the slave behind him.

"Chris. Show me him, now." I nodded and told them to follow me. We went down into the basement, where Ryan was sitting on his bed, dressed in the appropriate attire. Ricky was slumped over on the floor, a puddle of blood by his head. Oh no. Ashley glared at me before she ran to Ricky and gently pressed his head, where it was cut. "I need a needle and thread. NOW CHRIS!" I nodded and ran up the stairs.

I sped around each room until I found a needle and thread. I sprinted downstairs, my heart pounding in my chest and I passed Ashley the stuff she needed. Instantly, she got to work. I watched transfixed as she sat down and managed to sew the cut shut within a few minutes. "Pick him up for me Chris." I went to object but the look she gave me destroyed any hope I had of resisting her wishes. I picked him up, holding him close to my chest and placed him on his bed.

"Ryan clean up this mess."
"Yes master." He said, standing up and walking off to grab the cleaning equipment. "Let's go upstairs.."

When we were sitting in the parlour, and Angelo was downstairs watching Ricky, Ashley decided to talk. "Chris what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"He's a Virgin for one! And he has this weird aura around him, like he isn't fit for being a normal slave."
"AND!? And you should be taking fucking good care of your slaves! Their still people! Look at Ricky for fucks sake! He almost died!"

"I...I didn't know."
"Well, you're stupid. If you can't look after him normally then get rid of him. He needs more attention and care than any other slave!"
"How the fuck would you know that!?"
"Because me and Ashley trained him when he first went to Iero and Way."
"Yeah, me and Nikki trained him. We were told he'd come to a good master, but now I'm not so sure." Ashley said, glaring at me.

"I didn't mean to hurt him."
"Well...just look after him. And the other one."
"I will, I promise." She nodded, apparently satisfied I understood and turned to Nikki. I drowned their words out and turned my attention to the TV. "...maybe...Kuza..." I heard small parts of their chat, confusing myself. "Chris?"
"Yes Nikki?"
"Can we invite Kuza around? He's brought a new slave..."
"Sure whatever." I said, disinterested.

A few moments later, Angelo bounced up the stairs and stood quietly in the doorway, waiting for someone to acknowledge him. "Yes Angelo?"
"Ricky's awake Mistress." He said softly, replying to Ashley. My eyes widened and I stood up swiftly, walking down to Ricky. He was sat up in his bed, holding his head. I sat down on the side of his bed and looked at him. "Ricky. How do you feel?"
"Yeah Sir..."
"Master." I corrected, tilting his head up.

He shivered slightly at how cold my gloves were, but he quickly adjusted. " sorry. I went too far and..."
"No...don't be sorry Master. I'm sorry for interrupting, but you shouldn't be sorry."
"Why? I hurt you."
"Master, you was only being yourself. I apologise for not being ready.."
"Jesus. I dread to think what'll happen if I ever sold you.." I murmured, moving away.

"Put the suit on and come upstairs when you're ready."
"Yes Master." He said, looking down. I sighed and walked upstairs after getting Ryan to clean upstairs. I sat down with a glass in my hand and I kept tapping my ring against it. Angelo was sitting on the floor by Ashley and Nikki. "When's Mike getting here?"
"He'll be here any moment." Ash said, smiling at Nikki.

The door opened and my butler bowed. "Mr. Michael Kuza." He said, introducing Kuza. I rolled my eyes at his entrance and he walked in. He had a slave behind him, with brown messy hair, and he was only wearing a pair of boxers. "Fucking hell Mike. Can you degrade them any more!?"
"Vinny. Sit." The slave, Vinny, who looked about the same size as Ricky, went down onto his knees. Mike sat down next to me and raised an eyebrow. "Where's Devin?"
"Sold him."
"Oh really? Huh, nice to know."

Ricky walked in, his head low and he stood awkwardly at the door. "Ah Ricky. Meet Mike and his slave, Vinny."
"C'mere." He walked over to me and I pointed at the floor next to me. He sat down properly and I found myself playing with his hair while I was talking to Mike. "Why does he have piercings?"
"I don't know but they suit him."

"Ricky? Come over here please." Ashley said, a small smile on her face. "Go ahead." I muttered as he stood up and walked over to her. "Do you remember us Richard?"
"Yes Miss Costello-Misery." She squealed and pulled him into a messy hug, which he awkwardly returned. "Is he treating you well?"
"Yes, Miss Costello."
"I'm glad."

"Lunch is ready sir."
"Ah great. I'm looking forward to some food." Kuza commented standing up. "Ricky? Go back downstairs with Angelo and Vinny. I'll have the butlers prepare a meal for you all with a drink."
"Yes Master." He mumbled, standing up.
"Oh go whatever Vinny." Mike said, rolling his eyes. Ash smiled encouragingly at Angelo and all of them went into the basement while we went into the dining room.

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