Chapter 17

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I laid in the bed Nikki had taken me to, and I didn't move. I felt empty and numb.

Chris loved someone. I wouldn't be surprised if he loved Ryan or Jared, they're better than me. But that didn't stop it from hurting me so fucking much. I remembered his tears soaking into my shirt, and it made me wanna cry even more.

I felt traumatised, numb even. I just didn't know how to feel, or what to do. Ashley walked in, and I glanced at her. She was dressed in a red dress, which emphasised her curves, and I felt myself sigh. She smiled softly at me and say down at the edge of my bed. "Hey, you feeling any better?"
"My head hurts..." I croaked, my throat sore.

She frowned and called Ange up. He appeared at the door in his casual clothes, a tee and jeans and she smiled at him. "Sorry to bother you Angie, but could you get Ricky a glass of cola or something please?"
"Of course mistress."
Ange left almost as quickly as he appeared.

"Ricky, what's wrong? I know when somethings up, i know what it's like, hiding everything."
"I...I just thought...just for a second that h-he'd actually l-love me back...I'm so fucking stupid." I scoffed, rage filing my veins. She moved off of the bed and I pretty much jumped off of the bed before I started pacing around the room.

"You're not stupid Ricky."
"Oh but I am. I really am." She sighed and shook her head before she walked out. I sat down against the white wall, resting my arms on my knees, which were pulled against my chest, and my head was against the wall. I played with my piercings for a while, trying to figure out what to do.

I didn't know who Chris loved, and it hurt. I know I'm just a slave to him, but it fucking hurts so badly. Ashley's the only one who understands what I'm going though, but she never heard Nikki telling someone that he was in love with someone else. I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before the door opened.

Ange walked in and handed me a glass of ice cold coke and I drank half of it greedily before I thanked him awkwardly. "Are you alright?"
"I thought not..." he sighed, sitting down next to me. I shrugged and closed my eyes again.


Ryan opened the front door and my eyes widened at who was there. Justin was standing at my door, an awkward smile on his face.

I momentarily forgot my dreary mood as I tackled him in a hug. He hugged me back and pulled away, smiling widely. "I'd missed you man."
"Same here Justin. It's been how many years now? Shit, how are you?" I said as I sat down on my sofa.

"Not too bad, I've just been at a therapy session, and I was in the area. I thought I'd come and say hi."
"Well hi."
"I got married y'know?"
"Really? Who is she?"
"God She's the best Chris. She's so fucking beautiful, I love her." He said, sitting down with a love struck smile on his face.

He showed me a picture of her, and I wasn't surprised to see that she had pink-ish hair. It matched perfectly with his green hair. "What about you? How have you been?"
"I was great up until yesterday..."
"What happened?"

"I got rid of Devin a few months ago, but he's been back causing trouble. Anyway, I got two new slaves, Ryan and Ricky. Ricky has beautiful blue eyes, and I ended up falling in love with him. He found out I loved someone yesterday and ran, so I think he's scared I love Jared or something."
"Who's Jared?"

"Jared is the other slave I got. I made Ricky my pet a while ago, and Ryan started getting stressed, I didn't let Ricky do any work. So I brought Jared, mostly to help Ryan, but partly because I was bored." Justin nodded, like he understood slightly and Ryan poured us both a drink before he stood there awkwardly at my side.

"Do you have a question Ryan?"
"Yes Master. Where's Ricky? Is he okay?"
"He's fine, he's at Nikkis. Where's Jared?"
"Coming up now Master." I nodded and dismissed Ryan with a wave of my hand. Jared stood at the door and I beckoned him in. He was covered in bruises and cuts from what happened yesterday. And I didn't regret it.

"Master." He said, glaring at me. I raised my eyebrow and his expression went blank once more, making me sigh exasperated. "I wanna know something. Why did you beat Ricky up?"
"Jealously Master."
"Care to elaborate?" Justin cut in, frowning at Jared in disgust.

"Ricky gets all the attention. He's just a slave like me and Ryan, and he's the only one who gets any attention from Master. It's like Ricky's in love with Master!"
"He fucking is!" Ryan spat, glaring at Jared with pure hatred in his eyes.

Normally, I'd punish him for barging into a conversation, but I was interested to see what Jared was gonna do. "You what?" He said, his nose wrinkling in disgust.
"You heard me you piece of shit. Since you came here, Ricky's been miserable!"
"I couldn't care any less."

I stood up and Jared instantly shut his gob, looking down at his feet. "You will fucking respect the man I love. Do you understand me!? Even if he isn't here, I will not let you treat him like shit or talk about him like he's a piece of trash. Do you understand you stupid little bitch?"
"Yes master..."

"If I hear anything, and I mean anything, offensive about Ricky, I'll end your pathetic existence. Now go clean the fucking house." He walked out quickly and I sat back down. Justin had a small smirk on his face and I looked at him in confusion.

"I never thought you'd fall in love. You never loved Gaia..." his face fell slightly as he said her name and I had to bite back a shout of rage.
"I know I didn't. She didn't deserve it." I spat, drinking some of the wine Ryan had poured me. Justin sighed and relaxed in the chair, seeming more like himself than he had before.

"So what are you gonna do?"
"What can I do? Ricky doesn't really wanna speak to me, I broke his heart."
"Unintentionally. And you know he loves you right? From what Ryan told us anyway, it sounds like he loves you."
"I just...I fucked up, okay?" Justin raised his eyebrows and shrugged before he stood up and stretched, yawning. "I better get back, call me if you need anything Chris."

"Same with you man. It was good seeing you again, I missed you."
"I missed you too." I gave him a quick hug before he left and instantly I let the numbness and emptiness take over again. Ryan came in a few times to check up on me before he helped me get into bed.

"He'll be back soon Master, he does love you."
"If he loved me Ryan, he'd tell me himself..."
"I know but think about it like this, all he heard was you saying you loved someone. It's not obvious who you love, so it's gonna hurt him."
"I-I didn't think of it like that...I'm fucking horrible aren't I?"
"No Master, you're not. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ryan." I muttered as he left. I wrapped myself up in my blankets, sighing and trying to imagine that Ricky was here with me, cuddling up to my chest. "I love you Ricky...I'm so sorry..." I mumbled as I fell into an uneasy sleep.

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