Chapter 21

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As soon as his eyes opened, his eyes locked into me and he smiled softly. I noticed an underlying sense of pain to his smile, and it hurt.

"Are you okay Ricky?"
"Yes Mas-"
"Chris." I cut him off. He smiled softly, probably wondering what was going on. "I know I said I wasn't gonna do this, but tomorrow. I'm getting Gerard and Frank here and I'm gonna free both of you." His eyes widened, and teared up. "Really?" When I nodded, he moved.

I frowned before he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and clung onto me, his tears making my shirt damp. I held onto him, closing my eyes and losing myself in the feeling of his arms around me. I was certain I was gonna free them.

I pulled away and attached my lips to Ricky's briefly before smiling at him and Ryan. "I'll get you some clothes...I-if you come back anyway."
"What do you mean?" Ricky said, with a crease in between his eyes.

"To free you two, Gerard'll have to dump you in some random area where you'll be found. You'll probably be questioned by the police for a few days before they'll let you go. Then you have to get ID and all of that shit, and then? It's up to you."

"I promise I'll come back. I promise you Chris." Ricky said, clear sincerity in his voice. I shrugged, trying not to smile in delight.
"I'll do the same if you want anyway." Ryan said quickly, acting like he wouldn't care what'd happen to him.

"I'd love it if you did. My house is fucking huge and honestly? I get lonely." Ricky rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to mine, making me smile. "Um..Chris? C-can I Uh talk to you?" Ryan asked, fiddling with his fingers. I nodded and carefully moved Ricky, making sure he was laid down on the sofa. I stood up and motioned for Ryan to follow me, which he did.

We walked outside and he took a deep breath, a blush spreading across his face. "I uh...I was um wondering if all of us It doesn't matter."
"What? Do you want to...y'know? With me and Ricky?"

The blush on his cheeks told me all I needed to know.

"Well come on then. We're wasting time, aren't we?" I said, glancing at the setting sun behind us. I held my hand out and he slid his into mine, keeping his head down low.

We walked inside and I beckoned Ricky over. He looked at us curiously, especially when we all ended up in my bedroom. Ryan sat down on the edge of the bed as I kissed Ricky like my life depended on it. He kissed me back exactly the same, almost freezing when I pulled his shirt off. "R-really?"
"If you're okay with it, Love."

Instead of answering me, he walked over and sat down on Ryan's lap, straddling his hips. I leant against the wall and watched as Ryan slammed his lips against Rickys, lacing his hands in his hair. Ricky's arms were around his neck, holding him against him. I watched as Ricky started grinding slowly on Ryan, smiling at the look of pure joy on Ryan's face.

It looked like Ryan had been wanting this to happen for a while, and honestly? I wasn't jealous for once. Ricky started kissing Ryan's neck and I decided to intervene. I wrapped my arms around Ricky and pulled him off of Ryan, kissing Ryan while palming Ricky through his jeans. Ricky's lips latched onto my neck and I tilted my head to the side, letting him kiss and bite my neck.

Briefly breaking the kiss with Ryan, I took his shirt off and ran my free hand along his chest, making him shiver. "Two beautiful little bitches all for me huh?" I growled, kissing Ryan fiercely. He whimpered into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my neck and holding me against him desperately. Ricky pulled away with half-lidded eyes and watched everything.

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