Chapter 27

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Two weeks later

Ricky leapt up and dashed over to the door, pulling open with a joyful yell.

What was going on? I quickly walked up behind him and felt a smile grow on my face when I saw Ryan, but he was with Josh and Justin. Why was my old slave here?

Well, Josh wasn't my old slave, but I still trained him so I guess it counts. "Hey guys, come on in." Justin raised his eyebrow and smiled softly, walking in with Ryan and Josh following.

We all sat down in the parlour, I obviously had Ricky on my lap, because he's just too damned irresistible. "So, how's shit going then Chris?"
"Well, I'm a different person now, so, you tell me." Justin smiled widely at my comment before Josh decided to speak.

"So you're not a slave master anymore then? What made you quit?" Justin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, gesturing for me to tell him. "Josh, would I be sitting here with someone on my lap, and two of my old slaves next to me?"
"I don't know. What do you mean, Old slaves?"

"Ricky and Ryan were my slaves. But I freed them because I fell in love with Ricky." Ricky blushed softly and buried his face in my chest with a weak noise of protest. Ryan kept his head down, but I saw a joyful smile on his face. Josh, however, seemed confused.

"Justin, explain?" I asked, turning my attention to Ricky. "Baby, what's wrong?" I mumbled softly, ignoring whatever the hell Justin was telling Josh. "I don't know.." he whispered softly before clinging onto me tighter and shooting Josh a dark glare.

I wonder...

I picked Ricky up and walked out with him, putting him down and dragging him upstairs. We went into our room and he sat down on the bed with his head in his hands. "What's wrong?"
"He's so stupid. Why does he have to bring that sort of shit up? Now all I can think about is..."

Ricky broke off with a sigh, keeping his head in his hands. Well this is fucking great, isn't it. I crouched down and lightly rested my hands on his knees, resting my head against his. "I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, you know I will Ricky. I love you and I meant it when I said it."

"I know you did. And I know you'd do anything to make me feel better. All I want is to move on with my life, I don't want people constantly mentioning it. I'm still trying to get used to being me again, and not somebody's property." He spat, shuddering at a previous memory, I assume.

"What, exactly happened? For you to end up as a slave? I'll tell you why I became a slave master if you want." Ricky took a deep breath and shuddered once more before he nodded, keeping his head in his hands.

"My ex. His name was Jackson, and I thought I loved him. He's 3 years older than me so I guess he's a year older than you. The first date was amazing, I was 15 years old, so it was a while ago. He took me out to a fancy restaurant, took me home. He made sure I was okay and stayed on the phone to me until I fell asleep..."

"I loved it. It felt like someone had cared about me enough to show it me. And I quickly thought I was in love. Looking back on it now, it was probably just hormones. Jackson did this a few more times, making sure I was comfortable with him, until he proposed something. He asked me to move in with him." I nodded against his head, urging him to go on.

"Haha...fuck. I was nervous, I mean moving out at the age of 15? It's not what most people do. But I wanted to, I thought he loved me the way I thought I loved him. My parents didn't care so I packed my stuff and moved in with him. The first week at his house wasn't too bad. He treated me like a king, making sure I was happy. But the second week. That's when he started asking me more stuff, personal stuff. Like if I'd had sex and kinks I had. Which, at the time, I didn't know about."

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