Chapter 10

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I lost track of time.

Pretty soon, Nick came out and said bye before leaving me in the darkness. And I was still holding that damned collar.

It was like I couldn't let go of it, and if I did then I'd lose everything I'd ever liked or even loved in this world...including Ricky.

"Why are you so sad? Isn't this what you want?" A soft voice said, directly behind me.
"No it's least I think it isn't I don't know Ricky I-I don't..."

I turned around to face him and I felt so much self hatred when I saw the bruises on his throat and face. "Master?"
"Just get here..." he did as I said and I pulled him into my lap, holding him close.

He tensed before relaxing, probably confused. I didn't blame him, I was acting really unstable. But when he was with me, I felt like I was truly alive for the first time.

I put the collar back on him, and he let out a soft sigh, cuddling into me. A gust of wind made him shiver and I stood up, keeping him in my arms. I carried him inside, walking up the stairs and carrying him into my room. I laid him on the bed as I took the key off and placed it on my dresser. "Master?"
"Just relax I'll be over soon my pet." I took my shirt off and climbed into bed before taking my trousers off.

I covered me and Ricky and pulled him against me. I was surprised when he was still missing a shirt, but I was grateful I had someone to hold whilst I slept. "You're okay with sleeping with me tonight, right?"
"Yes I am."
I smiled as he rested his head on my chest, intertwining our legs.

He looked at me and I looked down at him before I pinned him to the bed and kissed him. He kissed me back desperately, gasping when I pulled on his hair. I stopped kissing him and he looked at me, desire evident in those fucking beautiful eyes.

I grabbed the handcuffs from where they were on the floor and I handcuffed his hands to the bed posts. This time, he didn't speak, he just looked at me with lustful eyes. I stood by the bed and slowly ran my hand along his body before I moved it and smirked down at him. "Beg for it."
"P-please Master please please Master please fuck me please..." he whimpered, making me smirk darkly.

"Well well, is my little bitch getting needy hm?"
He just whimpered and I smirked before palming him through his jeans. He tugged harshly on the handcuffs, his body straining upwards. I moved my hand back and looked at him. "Impatient are we?" I chuckled, freeing his hands. "Knees." Instantly, he was on the floor, looking up at me expectedly. I pulled myself out and he lightly kissed the tip before quickly deep throating me.

I groaned and grabbed a fistful of his hair, holding him down. He choked and a few seconds later, I let him get some air. By now, he was covered in his spit and his eyes were watering. "Stand up." I hissed, getting impatient. He stood up instantly and I pulled his jeans down, leaving him naked in front of me.

I pulled my boxers down and made him bend down, so his stomach was on the bed. "This might hurt." I muttered, grabbing some lube and dripping it onto his entrance and my fingers. I slipped a finger in and felt him tighten around me, hearing him whimper in pain. "Just relax. It'll stop hurting soon." I saw his head nod and I rolled my eyes before putting another finger in.

This time, he gripped the bedsheets and muffled a quiet sob, pulling at my heartstrings. I didn't stop, I just suppressed my emotions, and carried on stretching him until I'd managed to get 3 fingers in and earned a few soft moans off of him.

I grabbed the lube again and took my fingers out, earning a small whine off of him. I quickly coated myself in the lube and pressed my tip at his entrance. "What do you say?"
"Please fuck me Master." I smirked and pushed, stopping every so often, so he could adjust.

I didn't want to, he was so fucking tight it was amazing. For me anyway, for him? It was painful. Eventually, I'd managed to enter him completely, and I waited until he relaxed slightly before I began to move.

Each thrust felt better, like I'd never had sex before. Pretty soon, we were both moaning and I cursed when I felt him tighten around me. "Please M-Master..." he moaned, arching his back. I didn't answer, I just thrust deeply and heard him moan louder than ever before. "Please what?" I said, breathless.

"Please can I cum master?" I kept up the pace, earning a few whimpers of pain from him before I shrugged. "Go ahead."
He tried saying thank you, but it was swallowed up in his moan as he reached his orgasm. He tightened even more around me and I let out a loud moan, slamming into him quicker.

He whimpered, probably because of how sensitive he was, and I pulled out. He weakly turned around and opened his mouth before deep throating me a few times before I came loudly. He gagged and I pulled out, shutting his mouth so he'd swallow. He did and pulled a face before he leaned against the bed, panting.

I ran into the en suit bathroom and turned on the shower. "Ricky? Pet come here." He did, and I saw him limping which made me frown. "Are you able to have a shower quickly?"
"Yeah..." he said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Liar. I sighed and grabbed his arm before pulling him into the shower with me.

I couldn't believe what I was doing, I never shared a bed or shower with a slave before, even a pet. I'd had one pet before and I ended up killing him, which I regret.

I washed Ricky's hair and myself before he relaxed a lot in my arms. I didn't know why, until I heard his soft snores. Snickering, I turned the shower off and picked him up. I laid him down awkwardly on my lap as I dried him and took him into my room.

I laid him down on the bed and covered him up before I dried myself off. I turned the light off and pulled a pair of boxers on, stretching and yawning before I grabbed a pair that were way too small for me, clean obviously, and I put them on Ricky. I laid down, pulled him into my arms and fell asleep.

Which, by morning, I realised was a mistake.

When I woke up, he was still in my arms which was a good thing, but the bed fucking stunk. I scrunched my nose up and clambered out of bed, relieved when I saw that Ricky was awake. "Ricky come on, the maids need to change the bed."
"Yes master.." he mumbled, climbing out of bed and wincing. "Sore?"

I smiled softly and pulled him into my arms, planing a kiss on his head before slapping his ass. "Get dressed." He did and I pulled a clean suit on before the door opened. Ashley stood there with a huge grin on her face. She knew. Of course she fucking knew.

"Ricky can you go downstairs to Angelo please I need to speak to Chris."
"Yes Miss..." he said, walking out slowly. Ashley walked in and shut the door.

"So? How was it?"
"It was...good."
"Are you keeping him?"
"Fuck yes. He's amazing Ash." And he was. I couldn't believe what I was saying, or that I meant it.

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