Chapter 25

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I walked into the front room to see Ricky curled up in a ball on the sofa. He was shaking, hyperventilating and pretty much, having a break down.

I made my way over to him quickly, pulling him into my arms and climbing onto the sofa before pulling him on my body, in between my legs. His back was pressed up against my chest and one of his legs was draped across mine while he tried to cover his face. "Ricky, calm down. I'm here baby, I'm here." Ricky nodded his head frantically, not saying anything.

I sighed when I realised how bad he was. "Do you want to come live with me again baby?" He nodded and let out a low whimper before clutching onto me tightly. "Okay. Should I get Ronnie to pack your stuff up?" When Ricky shook his head, I pulled him into my arms and stood up. His hands clutched my shirt as I carried him out of Ronnie's house bridal-style.

Craig rushed out when he saw me and Ricky, opening the door for us. I thanked him and climbed into the back of the car with Ricky in my arms. "Baby please, it's okay." He whimpered and hid his face in my chest, making my heart clench. I was so worried about him.

Damn, I didn't even know how I could help him. I'm used to just ordering a slave to shut the fuck up or gagging them. I definitely wasn't used to comforting people and trying to make them feel better. It just didn't feel normal to me, but that was probably because I was so accustomed to being a slave owner.

I knew I'd have to change my lifestyle because I'd freed them, I knew I would've had to. But I didn't know it would be this hard, I really didn't. I was resisting the urge to shout at Ricky, just so he would shut the fuck up. But at the same time, a part of me was screaming at the other part of me, wanting to know how I could be so unemotional.

I wanted to know as well, I really did.

Craig climbed into the front, the door slam dragging me out of my thoughts. "I'm not doing this again, so am I dropping you to your house?"
"Yes. Thank you for all of this Craig." Craig started the car and within a few minutes, we were at my house.

Craig opened the door for me and nodded to me before locking the car, handing me the keys and going into his own car. I nodded back and walked inside, kicking the door shut behind me and sighing happily. Ricky was asleep in my arms, a goofy grin on his face. I found myself smiling as I carried him up to our bedroom and laid him down in the bed.

He whimpered and started moving around until I clambered into the bed with him and wrapped my arms around him. He snuggled up to me with a happy sigh and instantly relaxed. I sighed and closed my eyes, eventually slipping into a deep sleep.

-Time skip-

"POLICE! OPEN THE DOOR!" I opened my eyes and groaned, rolling off the bed and landing with a thud. Ricky bolted up, looking petrified. "come on." I said, holding my hand out.

He grasped my hand and smiled shyly at me before we walked downstairs and opened the door. TJ was standing at the door with a bunch of other cops. "We have reason to believe that you are the person who kidnapped Ricky Olson. We have a search warrant and a warrant for your arrest."

Ricky raised his eyebrow and let go of my hand to stand at the door in front of me. "If he kidnapped me, would I be here willingly?"
"Why are you here exactly?"
"He's my boyfriend." I growled, glaring down at them.

TJ smirked and rolled his eyes. "Is this true Mr. Olson?"
"Obviously." Ricky said, growling in anger. The chief of police appeared at my door a few moments later, with a dark look on his face. "Get back down to the station now. You were not authorised to come here." He spat at the cops who were at my door.

Ricky wrapped his arm around my waist as we watched them climb into their cars and drive off. "I'm sorry about them Chris."
"Oh it's fine Oli. Just don't let them come here again, they scared the shit outta Ricky." Oli nodded at me and smiled at Ricky.

"What the hell just happened?"
"I don't have a clue Chris." I looked at Ricky, with an eyebrow raised. "Wait, they said they had a warrant for my arrest." Ricky's eyes widened and the next thing I knew, I was being handcuffed and shoved in the backseat of a cop car. "What the fuck?" I growled, wondering why the fuck they'd come back.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you." Oli said, giving me a cold look. "What's going on?"
"You're wanted for kidnapping Ricky and Ryan." I swore and kicked the back of his seat. He rolled his eyes, ignoring my shouts of rage, and carried on driving me to the station.


I watched with wide eyes as Chris was slammed against a car and handcuffed. I thought they'd all left, but Chief Sykes ended up arresting Chris.

I didn't know what to do, if I did anything then they'd probably find a way to twist it so Chris ends up in more trouble. God fucking damn it. I should've just stayed a fucking slave, none of this would've happened if I didn't push Chris until he let me free.

It's all my fault. And now I have to fix it.

I grabbed the phone Chris had left and scrolled down until I got to Ashley's number. Without giving myself any time to reconsider, I called her. "Hello?"
"Mi-...Ashley. I need some help I-It's Chris.."

"What's happened Ricky?"
"He's been arrested by Ollie Sykes? I think that's his name anyway."
"WHAT!? Stay right there, we'll be up in a few minutes. You are at Chris' right?"

"I'll be there soon." She promised before hanging up. I walked back inside and shut the door before walking around the house and sighing. I stopped when I reached the basement door and took a deep breath before I opened the door and walked down.

To my surprise, it was completely empty. The walls had been repainted white, and it looked like an ordinary basement. For a brief second I wondered if I'd dreamt everything that'd happened, but I quickly dismissed it as soon as I gently touched the stitches in my head.

The front door opened and shut quickly before I heard heels clicking on the floor. I turned around to see Ashley standing by the door, a smile on her face. She opened her arms and I didn't hesitate to rush into them, hugging her tightly.

"We'll sort all of this out. With no evidence, Chris can't be held in jail for longer than a day, but Nikki's gonna pull some strings and sort it out."
"But what if it doesn't work that way Ash? My life hasn't exactly been fucking heaven."

"Trust me it'll work. And if it doesn't, then Me and Nikki will speak to Chris and with our money combined, we'd be able to buy the police company and free Chris."
"R-really?" She nodded.

I didn't know the police could be brought, that's...impressive. "Will Chris be okay?"
"Of course he will. He has you after all, doesn't he?" She said, winking at me before moving her hands down to her stomach.

And damn, you could slightly tell that she was pregnant, but it only made her look better. And that's coming from a gay guy. "Come on, we'll go watch something and wait for them okay?"
"Are you sure he'll be fine?"

"For the last time, yes. I wouldn't say it if I wasn't certain. If he ends up in jail with a sentence, we'll do everything we can to lower his time and keep him safe."
"Okay...lets go upstairs then." She smiled softly at my words before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

We sat down in the front room watching a marathon of the Transformers movies, which Ash chose to put on. I sighed and did everything I could to try and distract myself so I could focus on the movie instead of Chris.

I really wish I didn't fall in love with my old master...
(1454 words)


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