Chapter 12

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When we got to Gerard and Frank's house, I felt my eyes widen. It was a fucking massive mansion.

Then again, I shouldn't really be surprised, they definitely made a lot of fucking money from their slightly illegal business. I grabbed the chain attached to Ricky's collar, smiling as we walked inside.

And holy shit it was everything I'd expected and so much more. They had purple, orange and green lights flashing, loud music playing and people were fucking everywhere. People dressed up as mummies, vampires, demons, werewolves and so much more. People were dancing in one room and in another, there were three tables full of funky coloured drinks and fuck loads of Halloween based food.

Ashley and Nikki walked off somewhere, probably to go chat to one of their mates, Jeremy, and I'd given Ryan permission to have a day off, for one night. I would've done the same with Ricky, but I...was really protective over him.

I adored him, and I was afraid. I'd only known him like, what 3 weeks, almost 4, and here I was. Falling for a slave, who I'd brought from Gee and Frank. God knows where he was with his Uncle before.

There was also 6 fucking tables piled with presents for Frank. I walked over and carefully placed the presents we'd all gotten him on the table and I heard Ricky whimper. I turned around to see a very very drunk Andy Biersack flirting and touching Ricky, which he didn't want. I growled and shoved him away, pulling Ricky closer. He mouthed something and I shook my head, unable to hear him.

I heard a song I was sorta familiar with, and with a smile, I pulled Ricky's chain until we were in the room where everyone was dancing. He frowned slightly before I guided his hands so we were able to dance to one of the slow songs playing, I didn't know the name of it, but I knew I definitely enjoyed having a dance with Ricky.

"Can I have everyone's attention please? I want you all to go to the ballroom in 5 minutes I have an announcement." I heard Gerard's voice over the music, so I assume he'd used a microphone to tell us all what he wanted to.

I locked eyes with Ricky and shrugged before I walked to the ballroom, Ricky closely following.

Their ballroom looked like a stereotypical movie style ballroom, with a stage at one end, where Frank was sat. We walked to the front of the stage, not getting on the stage and Frank walked over, a guilty look on his face. "Hey know how everyone assumed me and Gee were married?"
"We're Uh not..."

Well now I felt like a complete utter twat. Though I probably shouldn't assume shit when I didn't even have any evidence to back it up with. "Fair enough then." He frowned and and I smiled encouragingly at him. He smiled back and instantly, his eyes went to Ricky. "He's looking so much better you know Chris?"

Just then, more and more people walked in and our conversation drew to a close. Ryan was standing next to me, Ricky was still by my side.

A few minutes later, Gerard walked on stage and by them everyone was in the ballroom. He had a microphone and he cleared his throat before making sure the microphone was on.

"Everyone! As you all know, me and Frank have been dating for 5 years now and I'm so fucking happy I managed to sort this amazing party out for him! It's his 30th birthday, and I know he loves you all being here! You're all very special to us all, and I want you guys to be the first to know!"

He turned to face Frank, who was standing in the middle of the stage. He was dressed up as Dracula and of course Gerard was dressed up as Van Helsing. He smirked briefly at Frank before dropping to one knee and looking up at him, pulling a velvet box out.

"It's taken me a lot fucking longer than normal, but I'm ready. I know a lot of you were under the assumption that me and Frank were married, sometimes we even believed it ourselves. But, no we weren't. Frank, my beautiful Frank. I'm so happy I was the one who saved you so many years ago, since I first laid my eyes on you, I knew."

"I knew you was the one for me, there was this instant connection, and all I could think about was you. I don't know what I would've became or who I would've been without you. And now, I'm ready to show you just how much you really mean to me. I can't picture having a future without you being the key part in it. You're amazing, you've always been there for me."

"You kept on putting me before you, ignoring all your problems with your past. Then, I managed to save you, and we started our business. And we managed to keep everybody safe and happy, pairing them with their perfect match. I love you, so fucking much Frank and now I need to know. I need to know before this ends up killing me. Will you marry me Frankie?"

Nobody spoke. They all seemed too emotional at his speech for Frank. And then, Frank's sob broke the silence. "YES OF FUCKING COURSE I WILL GEE! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He sobbed, falling to his knees. Gerard slid a ring on Frank's hand and pulled him into his arms, holding him tightly. They both had tears of pure happiness rolling down their faces and I couldn't help but envy them.

I honestly felt jealous, I wanted that for myself. To find someone who'd do anything for me, regardless of what I've done...someone purely beautiful and with the best eyes I'd ever seen. Eyes? I briefly wondered what that meant, but I decided not to read too much into it.

A good few hours later, we went home, and in the car, Ricky fell asleep on my lap. Angelo was driving and Ashley was on Nikki's lap, sleeping. Ryan was in the passenger seat, seeming depressed which worried me obviously. "Ryan. What's wrong."
"Stupid people at the party."
"Care to explain?"
"Not really Master I don't want to."

As much as I wanted to make him tell me, I didn't. Nikki glanced at me and shrugged before he told Ange to hurry up. I was beginning to get fed up with many people, especially Jeremy, who'd told Nikki something, about me and Nikki refused to tell me.

"Nikki. Tell me man, what did he say?"
"You're so fucking annoying Cerulli. He said that your little slut was really cute, and he'd love to fuck him with you watching. And that you'll never find anyone who'd love you because of this monster you've apparently become."
"He. Fucking. Said. What!?" I shouted, waking Ricky and Ashley up.

"I just told you."
"He's fucking dead. I swear ILL KILL HIM!"
"M-Master?" Ricky mumbled tiredly, looking up at me sleepily.
"It's okay go back to sleep baby."
"Yes Master..." he said, yawning and cuddling back up to my chest. There was an awkward silence until we were certain Ricky was asleep.

"Did you just call him what I think you did?"
"Maybe Ash I don't know. And I'm sorry for waking you up."
"It's fine. Nikki, I think it's time we should tell him, don't you?"
"Tell me what?" Nikki nodded at Ashley and she smiled brightly.

"Well remember how I said I could see Auras?"
"Well, yours matches Ricky's perfectly. And I mean, perfectly. And there's this...flash whenever you two are with each other. Your aura is a deep red, with parts of black in it. All that means, is that you have a lot of anger inside of you, and the black parts mean that you have a deep secret, and you're kind to whoever you love."

"And?" I said, getting bored and confused.
"And, Ricky's is a deep purple with black and red in it. The purple symbolises how broken he is, and you know what the red and black means. And when you two see each other? Parts of gold show."
"Which means what Ashley?" I asked, eager to know more.

"It means, that you and Ricky are perfectly matched for each other."
"So? It's not gonna change anything."
"That's what you think. Just wait, you'll see what I mean soon." I groaned and rolled my eyes before looking out the window.

I don't think I believed her much, I was the infamous Chris Motionless, feared by nearly everybody and destined to be alone. I wasn't the person I used to be anymore.

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