Chapter 23

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(Ricky's POV)
-three days later-

"Well, it's good to have you back in the community Richard. Do you think you'd need therapy for the traumatising event?"
"Uh no." I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

I'd only been back in the city for what three days? And I already hated most of the people here. They were acting like I'd gone through something that could've killed me, and that it was a miracle I was able to "escape" the "woman" who'd kidnapped me and Ryan.

Ryan's case took longer to close, I hadn't seen him since I last saw Chris so I didn't know how much longer his case would take. I missed him, he'd always been there for me and when he wasn't it didn't feel right. I was used to being with him constantly, because of Gerard and Frank.

I wanted Chris. I drowned out the woman's words about how I could potentially have a mental issue, and concentrated on Chris. I didn't even know if he'd still wanna see me, so it kinda worried me. A lot. "Look, can I go?" I said, cutting her off.

She frowned, and nodded, waving me away like she was dismissing a class. Goddamn I hated her. I stood up and walked out of the station, rushing to my friend, Ronnie's house. I'd known Ronnie since Franks birthday, and when I explained everything, all he did was tell me where he'd be if I ever needed him. Chris liked Ronnie, which made me happy.

I think Ronnie was one of the people who'd saved me from Devin a while ago, with his friends, I think they were Craig and Andy? I didn't know, I didn't really know their names. But Ronnie knew everything and I was grateful to be able to call him a friend.

I knocked on his door and he opened it, smiling softly at me. "Come in Rick, come in." I did as he said and stood awkwardly in the doorway until he made me go into the front room. "Hey Rick. What's going on?"
"Well I just need somewhere to stay until Chris can come and get me."
"And after you have your citizenship and ID?"
"Yeah..." I mumbled, hanging my head and sighing.

"Well you can stay here."
"Are you sure?" I asked, my head shooting up and my eyes widening in surprise and shock. He snickered and nodded, which made me hug him tightly. He awkwardly hugged me back and I stepped back, smiling widely. "Do you want to call him?"
"Can I!?" I asked getting really excited.

I could speak to Chris!! "Of course. The phones over there." I walked over to where he was pointing and quickly dialled Chris number. "What Ronnie?" He said, sounding almost dead inside.

"RICKY!? OH! MY GOD BABY!" He shouted, life coming back into his voice. I fought back tears and found myself nodding. I felt stupid I knew he couldn't see me, but whatever. "How are you? Are you okay!? What's going on Rick?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm staying at Ronnie's until my ID and citizenship have been sorted out."
"I miss you..."

"I miss you too Chris, I really do...I can't wait to see you again."
"Same here baby. I love you."
"I love you too Chris..." I whispered, getting really emotional.


I groaned as soon as my eyes opened.

I didn't wanna move. I hadn't moved since they'd gone and honestly I didn't have the motivation. The only remotely productive things I'd done was order take out food, sleep, talk on the phone with the bands and concert managers, stared at a wall and go to the bathroom.

I stayed laid down in my bed, trying to remind myself that Ricky was coming back and that I wasn't alone. I hated feeling alone, i didn't like it.

Then my phone rang. I let out another loud groan and lazily reached over and grabbed my phone off of the dresser. I looked at the caller ID, getting slightly confused at who was calling. Ronnie. He never called. "What Ronnie?" I said in a lifeless, dull voice. There wasn't a reply for a moment and I was about to hang up.

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