Chapter 13

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Nothing against anybody in any of this chapter, it's just for the story. I don't know much about Gaia, but I've been told her and Chris went out so I used her, but seriously nothing against her or Devin. Devins great and I'm sure Gaia is too, this is all just for the story.

3 years ago...


Devin and Josh instantly appeared at my side, Josh had a confused look on his face. Devin however, had a smirk on his face, and he wasn't in the correct posture. He glanced into my eyes and instantly I punched him in the stomach.

He dropped to the floor whimpering and I relentlessly kicked him until he was covered in fresh bruises and crying that hard he couldn't breathe. Instantly I felt bad, but I ignored it. He was just a pointless slave, something I'd brought for enjoyment.

Josh kept his posture correctly and as I reward, I let him suck me off. When I came, he swallowed it and went back to whatever I'd made him do before. Devin was still on the floor, trying to attack me. I let it go for a while, thinking that he'd eventually stop otherwise I'd probably kill him. But he didn't, and I kept getting angrier and angrier until I snapped.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair and dragged him up to his feet, spitting in his face. "You never fucking learn do you? Nothing I say or do sticks into that thick slutty skull of yours!" I growled, dragging him with me as I walked downstairs. He tried getting out of it by pleading and apologising but I wasn't having it. Not this time.

I threw him down the stairs of the basement, where he landed on the floor with a loud thud. Before he could move, I'd chained his wrists up and took him into the room I used to punish him. Josh wasn't a problem, but because I was only training him, he was going soon. I didn't know when I'd see him after this and honestly? I didn't care.

I grabbed my whip and tore Devins shirt off. "N-n-no p-please!" He bawled, unable to move.
"You should've thought about that before you fucked one of the maids and tried putting the blame on Josh!" I spat, raising my arm and bringing it down as forcefully as I could. He let out a guttural scream and blood welled up on his chest, running down his chest from the one cut he'd gotten from the whip.

But did I stop? Ah ha fuck no. By the time I was even considering stopping, his entire chest was covered in his blood. By then, he'd passed out from the pain, so I decided to wait until he woke up before I finished his punishment.

With that in mind, I walked upstairs to see Nikki standing in my parlour, Ashley standing next to him with her arms around him. "What the fuck?"
"She's my girlfriend."

My eyes widened and I frowned in disgust. I hadn't seen him for two years prior to this, mostly because I'd almost killed Ashley, but I didn't expect this at fucking all. He'd lied to me and Kuza. Mike was gonna kill him. He'd gone soft on us. "You fuckin what?"
"You'll understand when you fall in love Chris. But seriously, it's something that changes who you are." I scoffed and walked back downstairs, desperately needing something To take my anger out on.

And luckily for me, Devin was awake. The cuts on his chest had begun to close up, and I sighed in relief before I grabbed my favourite punishment tool, a taser. One thing Devin despises is being tased, so I brought one specifically for him. His eyes widened when he saw it and he struggled harshly on the chains, his eyes tearing up with fear.

I shrugged and clicked the button to tase him and pressed it to his neck. He screamed in fear and agony, making me smirk. I loved hearing him scream and seeing him covered in blood. It just suited him perfectly. His body went limp and I frowned for a brief second, almost considering that I'd gone too far.

Ah who am I kidding? No I haven't gone far enough. My girlfriend walked in, Gaia and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her softly. She smirked and winked at me, making me smile softly. I didn't love her. I loved the sex, I loved her body. But I did not love her and she knew it. "I've got blood on my hands baby."
"And?" I shook my head and smiled at her before kissing her once more and walking upstairs with her in my arms.

I didn't love her.

-two months later-

My best friend, Justin Morrow, had came over to speak to Gaia, which I didn't understand much, but I didn't question it.

But when I walked outside my room and I heard her moans, I snapped. I booted the door down and saw Justin, chained to the bed with her on top. And he was crying. It took me a second to realise that he didn't want this.

I shoved her off of him and she glared at me, looking powerful whilst standing there completely naked. "Get the fuck out you dumb slag." I hissed, raising my hand and slapping her across the face. She spat at me and got dressed before she decided to open her mouth.

"If you tell anyone about this? I'll make sure you end up rotting in a prison cell until you die. Also Chris? I never loved you." And she walked out after packing her shit up. I unchained Justin and he went to have a shower, looking pretty shaken up. Honestly I didn't blame him.

An hour later, he came downstairs looking like a shell of who he used to be. "You alright man?"
"Yeah I-I just need to sleep this off..." I frowned at him and shrugged before lighting a fag and smoking it before snuffing it out. I said bye to Justin and went back downstairs to check up on my little bitch.

He was sat on his bed appropriately, but he didn't have his shirt on. I saw the scars I'd given him and I felt bad. I really felt bad about what I'd done, I knew I went too far but there wasn't anything I could do about that. I was doing all of this because I didn't want to be in love.

There was something about Devin that drew me in, but I didn't want it. I didn't want anything to happen with him. I enjoyed hatefucking him, and I sometimes enjoyed the punishments but anything else? I despised with a passion. At least I wasn't as bad as Kuza, he's killed more slaves than me, Ronnie, Nikki and Charlie combined. And that's saying something.

I didn't meant to kill any of them, they just really pissed me off. "Master?" He asked softly.
"I want you to clean the entire house. And then paint this room, I want it red, not fucking white. Do I make myself clear!?"
"Yes Master." He sneered.

So I tased him until he was unconscious and left him on his bed. Fucking talk to me like shit and I'll treat you like it. And with that, I walked back into the parlour and relaxed with a good movie, a new slave delivery and a box of fags to entertain me until my new toys come over.

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