Chapter 26

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"For the last time, how do you know Richard Olson and Ryan Sitkowski?"
"Gerard Iero-Way, Frank Iero-Way, Nikki Costello-Misery, Ashley Costello-Misery, Ronnie Radke and Michael Kuza, like I've said about 20 times now!"

TJ clearly didn't believe me, and if it wasn't for Olly, I'm sure he would've tried to kill me by now. "PROVE IT!" He shouted in my face. I glared at him and took a deep breath before looking over at his boss.

"Are you gonna deal with him or do I have to?"
"What do you mean Mr.Cerulli?" He asked curiously. "Well, I'm buying the police you see." TJ's eyes widened.

"He can't do that! Can he?" TJ protested, shoving the chair back and slamming his hands against the table in the interview room. "Officer Bell stand down. And yes he can. Where is the proof that Mr. Cerulli kidnapped Olson?"

"Well...I-I mean there isn't any per sae...but-"
"That's enough! Mr. Cerulli you're free to go. Officer Bell, we will discuss your intentions later." TJ frowned and looked down while Olly walked me out of the station. Goddamn it I wanted to pound some sense into that boy.

"I' sorry. I didn't think his past would've interfered with his job so much."
"Yeah I'll be the first to admit he's my ex. And maybe I didn't treat him the best way. But that happened when I was a teenager and he needs to grow up. Just, next time, stop him okay? Otherwise I'll stop him."

"Alright Chris. Do you need a lift back?"
I glanced around and sighed in defeat before nodding slowly. "Come on then." He said with a small, awkward smile before leading me to his car. We climbed in and began the long ass journey home, and all I could think about was if Ricky was okay or not.

"Hey Olly?"
"What's gonna happen?"
"We're probably gonna get into contact with the names you mentioned and get their half of the story, I mean the fact that Ricky's still with you is a pretty good indication that you didn't kidnap him."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, ashamed of the truth, and trying to lose myself in the lie. "It'd be possible he may have developed Stockholm syndrome, but if that was the case then we would've seen clear signs pointing to it." I decided to stay quiet the rest of the journey, thinking about Ricky and ignoring reality.

As soon as we pulled up outside, I thanked Olly before I called my finance manager and told him my plans to buy the Scranton police force. "That would be an amazing idea sir." He said happily.
"Then get to it, Josh." I snapped before hanging up.

I walked in and was almost shoved back outside by Ricky charging at me and flinging himself on top of me. I barely managed to catch him and support myself. He wrapped his legs and arms around me as tightly as he could, clinging onto me.

"Whoa...hey what's wrong Rick?"
"He's been panicking ever since you left Chris." I glanced inside curiously to see Ashley leaning against the wall with a smile on her face.

"You're looking great Ash. Is it a boy or a girl?"
"I don't know yet, stop getting ahead of yourself Cerulli." I rolled my eyes at her before pressing my lips against Ricky's.

She squealed as soon as he kissed back, pretty much making him jump out of his skin. I watched him with a frown as soon as his eyes darkened. "Ricky, love?"
"Fuck you!"

"You don't love me. You never did. You fucking sadistic bastard." I let go of Ricky and took an involuntary step back with a sharp intake of breath. He wasn't being serious was he? "Ricky where's all this came from?" Ash said softly, resting her hand on his arm.

"I can't forget what he did to me..or to Ryan. I love him b-but I can't just forgive him so easily..."
"Ricky, honey. You wasn't like this a few moments ago, he's doing everything he can to make you feel better." She said with a slight frown, pulling him into an awkward hug.

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