Chapter 30

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Two weeks later...

"Ange help?" Ashley's cries from outside woke both me, and Ricky up. He wasn't exactly pleased, to say the least.

"I'll go see what she wants, love." Ricky grumbled and turned back over. By the time I'd gotten dressed, he was asleep. I walked down the stairs and pulled the door open, smiling softly at Ashely. "Hey, fancy seeing you here."

"I have something for you." I frowned and looked at her like she was possibly mental, or at least stranger than I'd previously thought. She rolled her eyes and Angelo handed me a box, smiling with joy.

"It's here?" I whispered, looking up at them both with wide eyes. She bit her lip and nodded, a wide grin growing on her face. The ring, it was here. I couldn't believe it, I didn't think it'd actually come.

I thought that it was a joke, I honestly did. "Nikki reserved places for you two at that Italian restaurant you and him love so much, for tonight. It's under your name." 

"What'd you mean?"
"Why would you two do all of this...for me and Ricky?"

She laughed softly and shook her head. "Because, dipstick, you two deserve it. Now, I need to take Ricky with me. I'm getting him dressed up for later."

"You'll see." She said mysteriously before walking inside. I stood at the door, shaking my head with a smile. A few moments later, a half asleep Ricky stumbled downstairs and outside, with Ashley ordering him what to do. He's such a sub.

"We'll be back in a few hours. You need to get ready too, I've left an outfit on your bed." She winked and left, leaving me standing there.

I couldn't fully say that I understood what was going on, but I guess I didn't need to. Ash had it all figured out anyway, regardless of my feelings. A few moments later, I walked in and shut the door. Ryan walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn.

"What time is it?"
"I don't know, about 2." I muttered, looking down at the ring box in my hand. Ryan stopped in front of me, and looked down at the box.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?"
"That depends on what you think I'm doing. If you think I'm proposing to Ricky tonight...then you'd be right."

Ryan looked at me with wide eyes before a smile slowly grew on his face. "I didn't think this day would ever happen. Don't fucking hurt him, otherwise I'll hurt you."

"I'm surprised. You've changed, my friend."
"Of course I have. You'd change too, if you could."

"I have. You know I have, Ryan. I'm probably gonna be gone most of the day, so go hang out with Justin or whatever, so you don't get bored." Ryan rolled his eyes, nodding.

I walked upstairs into my room and grabbed the suit she'd left on the bed. Without looking at it properly, I walked into the bathroom.

After having a shower, shaving and trimming my hair, I put the suit on. It was a black suit, with a white button shirt underneath. The tie was black with those horrid suit shoes.

I grabbed the hair dryer and dried my hair quickly, grabbing my hair gel and brush before I sat down and glanced briefly in the mirror.

I brushed my hair back and used the gel to keep it slicked back. I pondered about putting my piercings in before shrugging and doing it anyway.

I grabbed some eyeliner and put it on, not a lot, but just enough so I looked nice enough for tonight. The front door banged open and someone ran up the stairs, opening my door quickly.

I stood up and smiled widely at Ricky. He was in a suit too, with eyeliner and his piercings in. His hair was straightened, with the roots touched up.

He looked fucking spectacular. Ashley walked in behind him and leant against the wall, smiling softly. "Chris, remember that song you wrote ages ago?"

"Oh hell no. Don't you dare!" Before I could stop her, she turned City Lights on.

I hated it, I didn't like writing music. I mean, I did and I'd tried but it didn't work out. I lost motivation pretty quickly and gave up. Ricky cocked his head to the side and smiled softly, wrapping his arms around my neck.

My arms found themselves at his waist as we swayed slowly in time with the music. Never thought I'd dance with this song, but hey there's a first for everything.

"Now, come on you two." I sighed and nodded, gesturing for Ricky to follow Ash down. As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed the ring box and slid it into the inside pocket of the suit.

I wasn't letting him see it yet, it was a surprise.

I shut my door behind me, walking outside with Ash and Ricky. A sleek black limo pulled up, making Ricky's eyes bulge in surprise.

"You're amazing." I breathed, pulling Ashley into a tight hug before me and Ricky clambered into the car.

"Where are we going?" Ricky mumbled, resting his head against my shoulder as the car drove.
"To that restaurant you love so much."

Ricky looked up at me with shimmering eyes before he pressed his lips against mine softly. "I love you."
"And I love you too. Now come on." We climbed out as the limo pulled up and walked in.

I gave my name in and a waiter promptly took us to our table. It was in the centre of the room, underneath a crystal chandelier. I pulled the chair out for Ricky and pushed it in before I sat down in front of him. "These tables have their disadvantages." He mumbled, glancing at me and sighing.

"Oh? And what are those disadvantages hm?"
"It's just you look so god damned hot and I can't do anything with this table in between us. It's annoying." He muttered with pink cheeks.

I rolled my eyes and the waiter appeared literally out of nowhere. After we'd ordered, I turned to face Ricky again. The box felt heavy in my pocket, and my hands were sweaty. Should I propose now, or after we'd eaten?

The waiter brought our food over, so I didn't have to make a decision. It was made for me. As we ate, I found myself picking at my food half of the time stressing about this entire situation.

"Chris? Baby, what's wrong?" My head snapped up and I focused on Ricky. He'd finished eating, and he looked worried. " stuff. Don't worry about it." He shot me a disbelieving look before shrugging.

I couldn't eat anymore, the nerves were getting too much. I slid out of my chair and stood up, walking over to Ricky. His eyes followed my every movement. "Stand up." I said softly.

He did, and I swallowed. Everybody seemed to fall silent, or maybe they just went. I didn't know, but I wasn't focusing on any of them. "It's been a great year. And you've changed me so goddamned much..."

His eyes widened as I fell to one knee, pulling the box out and looking up at him. He looked down at me with teary eyes. "I don't know what I'll do without you, okay, that's probably the cheesiest line I've ever said. But, it's true.

"You changed me for the better, and I love it. I love you, for everything you've done. And your eyes, Christ, their like diamonds. And worth so much more, their priceless. And when you think about it properly, they don't do you any justice.

"You're beautiful, Ricky. So fucking beautiful. And amazing, and funny. You worry about more than you should, but it makes me feel safe, loved and happy. You do everything you can do to make me feel happy.

"You're the sun to my earth, without you, I was nothing. You lit up my world, and changed it until it was perfect. I love you for that, which is why...which is why I need to know."

I paused and swallowed, watching the tears spill from his eyes. "Richard Allen Olson. Will you do me the honour, and the privilege of marrying me?"

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