Chapter 20

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A few moments later, a loud scream broke the silence. I sprung out of my bed, cursing.

Why didn't I tell him no? I basically ran into the door and opened it as quickly as I could and flew down the stairs, where the shouting got louder. I heard glass smashing, another scream of pain and rage before the sound of someone being punched. Ryan ran up to me, his eyes wide with fear.

He pointed downstairs, and I nodded before getting down there as quickly as I could. And I swear to fucking god my heart dropped at the sight. Ricky was being pinned against the floor, with Jared holding him up by the collar of his shirt. But of course, knowing my luck, this situation definitely did NOT have a good ending.

It became painfully obvious that Ricky was passed out. And judging by all the blood on his face, I was pretty sure Jared had knocked him out. That, and the fact that Jared was holding him up anyway. I grabbed the back of his collar and dragged him off of Ricky, throwing him to the floor before I stamped on his face in rage.

How dare he hurt my Ricky. "YOU PILE OF SHIT!" I shouted, kicking him in pure undiluted rage and hatred. Who the fuck did he think he was!? What gave him the right to hurt MY Ricky. He let out a short yell before I kicked his head and he passed out.  I was shaking with rage. How easy would it be to kill him? Pretty easy I imagine.

I ran to Ricky after I snapped back to my senses and dropped to my knees beside him, pulling him into my lap and resting his head against my shoulder while I looked at all the damage. He had a split lip, a black eye, his nose was swollen, possibly broken, he had glass in the side of his head and his neck was coated in blood. "RYAN!" I screamed, clutching Ricky closer. Instantly Ryan ran down and his eyes widened at the sight, probably having the same reaction I did.

"Call Ashley s-she needs to get here...then call Justin, Kuza, Frank and Gerard. I need them all here now!"
"Yes master." He said before rushing out. I brushed a bloody hair out of Ricky's face and felt a tear run down my face. Ricky was so fucking pale, I didn't even know how much blood he'd lost. But fuck, I was worried. Of course I was worried.  And pissed off. I was so angry it felt unnatural.

I stood up, keeping him in my arms and I carried him upstairs. I was walking into the parlour, when Ashley burst into the house, Kuza got on her heels. Her eyes widened at the sight of Ricky, and I looked at her pleadingly. "Take him into the dining room, lay him on the table. I need to grab some stuff..." she whispered before walking upstairs. This can't be good. What am I thinking of course it isn't good.

I did as she said, clearing any shit that might've been on the dining table before laying him down, gently, on the table. Ashley came down a few minutes later, a first aid bag, needles, thread and antiseptic with her. She dumped all the crap down and her gaze went to his head. "I need tweezers go get me some while I deal with the rest." I hesitated for a moment and she looked me dead in the eye. "Do you want him to die?"
"THEN GO RIGHT NOW CHRIS!" She shouted, picking up the antiseptic as I ran out.

I dashed upstairs and practically kicked my bedroom door off of its hinges before I ran up to my dresser. I swiftly pulled open the top draw and rummaged around until I managed to find a silver pair of tweezers. I smiled in relief, I didn't know if I still had them or not and I dashed back down the stairs to Ashley.

She'd cleaned up the blood off of his face and stitched a few of the cuts up on him. Half of his face was still coated in blood, but that was most likely because of he glass in his cuts.  I handed her the tweezers and she disinfected them before taking a deep breath to steady herself. "If he wakes up, hold him down. Do you hear me Chris!? You need to hold him down." I nodded and stood to one side, my hands ready by his shoulders just in case.

She leant over the table and grabbed a shard of glass before she quickly tugged it out. I watched as more blood dripped down his face. The sight of all the cuts on his face actually hurt, he shouldn't have to deal with that. Ashley quickly disinfected the cut, and I noticed the look of pain on his face briefly before she threaded a needle.

Then, with one hand, she held the cut close and expertly stitched it shut, wiping over the stitches and the now closed cut with an antiseptic wipe. She was at this for half an hour, repeating her actions. I didn't grow bored of how easily she did it, she made it look so simple. But by the beads of sweat lining her forehead, I knew it wasn't.

Over half of the glass was out of his face, but as she went to take another piece out, his eyes flew open. He tried kicking her away, but Ryan, who'd came in about fifteen minutes ago, pinned his legs down. He let out a low cry and tried to sit up, but my hands were already on his shoulders so he couldn't move. "No.." he moaned, a few tears running down his face. "Shh'll be okay, calm down baby, okay? There you go.." I murmured in what I hoped was a calming manner.

Ashley subtly injected him with an anaesthetic, which I hadn't realised she had, and soon his body relaxed. Well that's some strong shit then.  His eyes drifted shut and soon, he was completely unconscious. "Monitor his heart rate if you can Chris, if it starts slowing down then you need to tell me." I nodded and quickly found his pulse before placing two fingers over it and I concentrated on keeping count. Within twenty minutes, Ashley had finished sewing up all the cuts.

She moved back and glanced at his face, noting each detail. "It shouldn't scar, thank fuck for that. I'm going home. Oh and Gerard and Frank are here." I nodded and pulled Ricky into my arms again, looking down adoringly at him. "Chris? Why'd you want me here?" Kuza cut in, raising his eyebrow at me. "Jared. You like punishing them right?"
"Yeah? My own slaves anyway."
"Go get Gerard and Frank for me please." I said.

I walked into my parlour and sat down, keeping Ricky in my arms. Gerard and Frank sat down on the other sofa and looked at me. "I'm killing Jared. I hope you guys know that, and I'll fill out all the paperwork and pay whatever fucking fine."
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Frank asked, not used to seeing me so angry and adamant on paying fines.

I looked down at Ricky, a small smile playing on my lips. Frank made a noise to show he understood before Gerard cleared his throat. "Are you sure about this Chris?"
"I want him dead. I'll fucking do whatever I can to get rid of him. As soon as I do that, Ricky'll be safe."
"There is another option, so you don't kill him."
"Which is?"
"Give him to Kuza. I'm certain he'll put him into is place." Gerard said matter of factly.

I nodded and Gerard handed me a piece of paper. I signed it with my free hand, and Kuza walked in with Jared. Jared was only in his boxers, crawling on the floor. Looks like he was one step ahead of me. "I'll see you around Chris alright?" I nodded and he left, Vinny absentmindedly trailing after him. Gerard and Frank stood up simultaneously and nodded before they both left. Ryan walked in and sat down on the floor, making me frown. "Get on the sofa Ryan man." I mumbled, not caring about anything.

He did as I said and I took a deep breath, knowing what I'd have to do. "What's your last name?"
"Sitkowski. Why?"
"Just needed to know so I can free you. Do you know what Ricky's is?"
"Hang on what?"

"I know what I need to do to keep him safe. I'm gonna have to give up all of this shit and make him mine legally. I'll buy you a house and employ you in my company if you want. Just lately I've seen you more as a friend than a slave, so I don't wanna treat you like this anymore."
"Are you certain?"

"What do you mean Ryan?"
"Are you sure this is what you wanna do? Like really? It's a big change and you haven't known him that long."
"I know, but there's something about him. I wanna be that person whose always there for him regardless of anything. I love him, I really do." I mumbled, unable to take my eyes off of Ricky. "Olson."

I looked up confused and slightly startled. "That's his last name. His full name is Richard Allen Olson III."
"Ricky Olson hm?"
"Yeah." Ryan mumbled, yawning slightly. "Do you have a middle name Chris?"
"Christopher Thomas Cerulli..."
"Wow..." he said, biting his lip to stifle a laugh.

I smiled, chuckling softly, when I heard Ricky mumble softly and his eyes started opening slowly.

Why were they opening softly?
Had something gone wrong?
Was he gonna be okay?
(1651 words)

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