Chapter 11

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When I walked downstairs, I was greeted by Nikki's aggravated face.

"I couldnt sleep because of you and your Pet."
"Good." I said proudly as I walked into the parlour. I sat down and beckoned Ricky over, who was standing awkwardly in the doorway. He smiled widely and basically ran over.

I pulled him into my lap and held him close. He sighed happily and cuddled up to my chest, apparently much more comfortable and relaxed around me. I switched the TV on and put on A Nightmare Before Christmas, because why fucking not?

Ash walked in and she smiled softly before clearing her throat to get my attention. "Yes?"
"What are you dressing up as for Halloween?"
"What'd you mean?" I said, looking at her whilst playing with the ends of Ricky's hair. "Frank invited us to his birthday party? It's a fancy dress sorta thing, we've gotta dress up for Halloween."
"Oh..." I mumbled before sighing.

"I don't know, when is it?"
"Tonight? In a few hours, you and Ricky stayed in bed until three you lazy fucks. Also, I'm going as Harley Quinn, Nikki's being the Joker and Angelo's getting dressed up as a devil."
"Uhh...I'll probably just dress up as a vampire or something. And I'm not that Lazy..."
"And Ricky? And Ryan?"
"Shit. Ricky can dress up as a skeleton maybe? Ryan can be a fucking murderer or whatever."

"That's it. Ricky you're coming with me. So's Ryan. Nikki'll sort you, him and Ange out."
I frowned and clutched Ricky closet to my chest. "No...I don't want him to go..." I whined, giving her puppy dog eyes.
"You don't have a choice. Ricky here now." I sighed and he looked at me sadly before I kissed him softly. "I'll see you soon..."
"Okay Master." I smirked softly before I sighed and let him go.

He walked over to Ash, who grabbed his arm and dragged him out. I heard her speak briefly to Ryan and Nikki before she walked out, my slave and pet following her obediently. I slumped down in the sofa and aimlessly changed channel until Nikki walked in and turned it off. "Come on."
"What?" I groaned, dragging the word out to show how I wasn't gonna enjoy this one fucking bit.

"Come. On." He said, stressing each syllable of the words. I sighed and stood up, switching off the TV and I walked over to Nikki, more fed up and annoyed than ever. He snickered and rolled his eyes before grabbing my arm and hauling me upstairs. We went into my room and he sat me down at me dresser, looking at me thoughtfully.

He sighed and groaned in exasperation before his phone rang loudly. He answered it. "Baby? What's up? Oh really huh? That's...a really good idea babe. Oh holy shit yes! And Ange? Deadshot eh? Alright. I love you, see you soon baby." He hung up and smirked at me, putting his phone on silent. "What?" I asked slowly.
"I know what I'm doing." I raised my eyebrow in confusion, but he simply blindfolded me. "What the fuck!?"
"Trust me, I'm doing it for a reason." I groaned.

He made me stand up and he walked out, leaving me alone. A few moments later, he came back in and slammed the door shut. "Take your suit off."
"Just do it." He sighed, impatiently. I did as he said, standing in my boxers shaking from the cold. "Nice tats man."
"Yeah thanks." He handed me a pair of jeans and helped me put them on before he put a random shirt on.

"Can I look yet?"
"No, Chris. Be patient." I sighed and he pushed me, so I was sitting on my bed. "Feet up."
"Just fucking do it Chris." Groaning, I did as he said and felt him put some weird ass powder on my feet, rubbing it in before he put my socks on and a pair of boots on. At least, I assume it was a pair of boots, I wasn't too sure though.

"Stand up." I groaned and did as he said, hating not being able to see. I now know how my slaves feel when I blindfold them, and I don't like it one fucking bit. I heard the clinking of chains and felt him clip them onto the jeans, making me roll my eyes. What exactly was he doing?

He grasped my arm and dragged me over to somewhere before pushing me down. I sat down heavily into my chair, which was by my dresser and I groaned. I missed Ricky. I didn't even know why, it wasn't like I was in love with him, right?

"Can I trust you to keep your eyes closed?"
"Yeah whatever." He scoffed and walked out, leaving me on my own. I stayed exactly were I was, and I swear to god it was so boring. I must've been sat there for hours, seriously, I almost fell asleep, before Nikki walked back in with Angelo, I think. "Eyes closed." He hissed before taking the blindfold off.

My eyes were already closed and I yawned before I felt him put some weird shit on my face. I kept perfectly still, especially when I realised he was doing my make up. "What time is it?"
"8:59. Ashley's getting back here at half 9, and we're leaving at 10. We should get there by half 10, maybe 11." He murmured, pulling my eyelid sideways so he could put some eyeliner on.

After about twenty minutes, he stopped and I think he looked before he told me to stand up and open my eyes. I did as he said and gasped. He'd put black eyeshadow and eyeliner on, so it made my dark eyes seem darker. "I'm not done yet." I raised my eyebrow and frowned before he held up a box of contacts. I groaned and he put them in, which disturbed me slightly.

But I didn't care as soon as I looked at myself properly. My eyes were now a blood red, so it looked like I just had red eyes. He'd drawn lines down my face, so it looked like my veins were showing and my skin was much paler than before. I was in a torn black shirt and jeans, with a thick black chain on my jeans. But I almost lost my shit when I realised he put some fake horns on my head. "Please tell me these come off..."
"Yeah they will. Literally, it's just a headband." I groaned and glanced down before my eyes widened in shock.

I was in a pair of black boots with spikes all on the sides, and he handed me a matching pair of leather, fingerless gloves and a leather jacket. I put them on and felt myself smirk. I looked evil, truly fucking evil. I looked properly at Nikki, noticing how he was wearing a green wig. He looked like the Joker from suicide squad, he even drew the fucking mouth on his hand. "Ash's downstairs..." he said, smirking as the door opened and shut.

Angelo was dressed up as one of the Joker's puppets and I laughed softly, shaking my head.

And then? Then Ashley walked in. She was wearing the puddin' choker and honestly? She looked like Harley, but with her face if that made any sense? Ryan walked in after her, dressed up as Chucky, much to my delight. And then Ricky walked in.

I swear to fucking god my mouth pretty much fell off of my face. He smirked at me and I couldn't help but stare at him. He was in a tight pair of jeans, a very very torn, tight black shirt, boots similar to mine and his make up oh holy shit. He had black eyeshadow around his eyes, kinda reminding me of mine actually, which only emphasised his fucking eyes. I swear, his eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen.

He looked paler, with an extra piercing in on the other side of his mouth. It looked swollen and I frowned before I saw the collar.he was literally wearing a spiky, black, leather collar- really similar to a chocker- and there was a chain attached to it. "You look...fucking spectacular..." he blushed and looked down and I finally noticed the tattoos on his skin.

Wow. But he looked so good, pitch black hair and pale skin, it really suited him. And I mean, it really suited him. "What's he supposed to be?"
"A fallen angel, duh. And he's your fallen angel."
"My fallen angel..." I breathed, grabbing the chain and pulling him to me.

"Mine...all mine." I growled, pressing my lips to his roughly. Ashley cleared her throat and I sighed before pulling away. "Why did you get him a new piercing?"
"I didn't. It's fake." I burst out laughing and shook my head. Angelo glanced at Ryan and Ryan smirked devilishly before he pretended to stab Angelo. Ange being Nikki and Ashley's pet, decided to act like he'd been stabbed. He fell to the floor, clutching his throat and making fake gagging noises.

"Come on, we've gotta go..." I sighed and nodded before I glanced at Ricky again and licked my lips in anticipation. Tonight was gonna be a night to remember.

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