Chapter 5

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I crouched down and tried to make him look at me, but he turned away. Instead of getting angry, I felt sad. I must've hurt him more than I realised.

"Ricky. Look at me." He whimpered softly and looked at me, his pain and confusion evident in his eyes. "Talk to me."
"What would you like to talk about Master?"
"Why you look like you're in pain."
"Because I am Master, I-I only lied to try and make you feel better..." I felt like the biggest asshole going.  "I'm sorry for punishing you..."

He looked down and I sighed before I unlocked the shackles. "Come on. I need to talk to you again."
"Yes master..." He stood up and tried looking for his shirt, but he couldn't find it.

I frowned at the sight of the wax still on his chest and I made a mental note to get Ryan to sort him out later. I walked upstairs and into the parlour, where he sat down on the floor in front of me. "You're so much more than a normal slave. You know that right?"
"Not really Master." I frowned. This was gonna be harder than I thought. Much fucking harder. The door knocked loudly and I rolled my eyes.

Tim Skold walked in, flaunting his white hair. "What?"
"Me and Nero heard you had new slaves!"
"Uh yeah. This one, Ricky. And another one downstairs."
"Oh he's so cute! Please can I play with him? Please Chrissy?"
"Urgh whatever, just leave me alone." I thought he meant Ryan, but he didn't.

Tim grabbed Ricky and dragged him upstairs, making me groan in exasperation. "Great job Chris. You've fucked up. Again."
"GO WILD!" I shouted, feeling proud of myself. I'd managed to tell Tim not to fuck him, I'd remembered.

Ashley sent me a text, saying that their house has flooded and they needed a place to stay for a week or two. I called her. "You can stay here for a few weeks, nobody's gonna care."
"Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have said it otherwise."
"You're the best Chris!" She squealed, making me wince.
"Yeah I know. When are you gonna be over?"
"Like tomorrow or something."
"Alright see you then." I mumbled, hanging up.

A while later, Tim walked downstairs with a pleased, almost cocky look on his face. "Where's Ricky?"
"Oh he's asleep. He did a really good job, so I decided to return the favour." I nodded and frowned before I stood up and walked out.

I climbed upstairs and saw Ricky asleep on the floor, his hair all around his head. Tim had picked the wax off of his chest, I noticed. And the skin was less red and swollen than before. Tim had left him in his trousers, thankfully. "Richard wake up." I said, nudging him a few times with my foot. He opened his eyes and yawned before siting up. "Master?"

"Crawl downstairs to the parlour."
"Yes Master.." he said, sounding almost disappointed. He went on his hands and knees and I walked in front of him. I occasionally glanced behind me to see a flash of pain contorting his face before he put his poker face back on. Outside of the parlour door, I hauled him to his feet by the collar and shoved him inside.

He stumbled and fell, banging his leg off of the table loudly. Tim frowned at him and helped him up, checking out his leg to see if he was okay. I growled and shoved Tim's hand back, which earned me a cold look. "You can't keep treating him like this."
"I can treat him however the fuck I want too. I brought him, he's mine."
"You're a lost cause. You really are." I rolled my eyes and sat down, Ricky sitting in his normal position at my feet. "You didn't just come here to see him, did you?"

"No, I needed a break from Nero. Don't get me wrong, I love him and shit. But he's been too clingy lately and I'm not sure why."
"Fair enough. Oh that reminds me! Ricky, Ashley is staying over here for a few weeks. Go clean upstairs, I want it spotless."
"Yes Master." He said, stumbling up to his feet and dashing upstairs. "So how long are you planning on staying?"
"Not much longer actually. I have a meeting with Gerard."

"You're buying again?!"
"No, I'm putting an investment in, I need to make money and Frank said if it's okay Gerard, then I can make money with them."
"Fair enough, good luck then."
"Thanks Cerulli."
We chatted about random stuff for another hour before he left and I slumped in my sofa. I'd messed up, again.

I walked into the basement after noting the time and frowned when I only saw Ryan in bed, asleep. It was half ten, he should've been in bed an hour and half ago. I walked upstairs and heard a soft sneeze. I frowned and opened the door to reveal Ricky, dusting the shelves in a spare room. I glanced around, impressed. The windows were practically shining, the grey walls didn't seem as dusty, the wooden floor was shining and the king sized bed had been made that neat, it'd put 5* hotels to shame.

"Ricky. Why aren't you in bed?" I questioned, walking fully into the room. He jumped and head butted the shelves before he looked at me. "I lost track of time Master." He sounded like he had a blocked nose.
"Have you eaten?"
"Not yet Master."
"Go get a hot drink and some food. I want you in bed and asleep in half an hour. Do I make myself clear?!"
"Yes Master."

"Good. Now go." He sprung up, hurriedly packing his cleaning equipment up and rushing out. I wonder how many rooms he's managed to do in the short time he'd had. I walked out, shutting the door behind me. I walked into another room to find it looking just as immaculate and so were the adjacent bathrooms. "Fucking hell...I'm impressed..." I muttered to myself, walking downstairs. I went into the basement and saw Ricky asleep on his bed, an empty plate next to his bed.

I grabbed the empty plates and walked out, taking them into the kitchen. I walked back down to them and made sure both of them had clothes for tomorrow. I glanced at Ricky's neck, pleased when I saw he still had the ownership collar on. I glanced at the drawers and looked in the top draw, seeing the single pet collar I had.

It was a black leather chocker pretty much, with a chain attached to the bottom and one at the top, so I could wrap chains around his neck. It also had loops for a lock, and it was fucking marvellous. I couldn't help but think about how good it would look on Ricky, how it'd pretty much suit him perfectly.

Shaking my head, I shut the door and walked upstairs. I took my clothes off, so I was in my boxers and I laid in my bed. My phone rang and I sighed before answering it. "What?"
"I just wanted to let you know that me and Nikki will be over about two? It's not too early is it?"
"Of course not Ash. We're all awake by 8 anyway."
"Okay, I just wanted to know."

"I'm sorry about earlier..."
"What was that?" Oh of course she was gonna milk this. "I'm sorry. I was a dick earlier, I just lost my temper. Shit it happened again earlier."
"What'd you do?"
"Make Ricky crawl downstairs to the parlour, dragged him up by his collar and threw him into the room...then I made him clean all of upstairs."

"Seriously? What the fuck Chris? Why didn't you listen to me!?"
"I don't don't have any idea how bad I feel. Maybe I should've just kept Devin."
"I don't know. I think having Ricky and Ryan would be a good thing for you."
"Maybe...I wanna train some slaves..."
"That was random but okay. Why'd you wanna do that?"

"Honestly? Boredom. I don't have anything else to do, Ryan and Ricky behave all the time pretty much. I'm finding it hard to do anything I like doing."
"Look, we'll talk about this properly tomorrow. I'm exhausted, and I'm sure you are too. Get some sleep alright?"
"Alright Goodnight Ash."
"Night Chris." She mumbled, hanging up.

I placed my phone on my bedside table and sighed. Even though I still didn't know what to do, I decided to come up with a rough plan tomorrow with Ash and Nikki. With that in mind, I rapidly fell into a deep sleep.

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