Chapter 8

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-three weeks later-

Ash and Nikki were still at my house. I didn't know why, but they were.

I'd managed to get a new ownership collar for Ricky, it looked pretty much the same, but this time I made sure he stayed by my side all the time. He was dressed in his suit, but it seemed to be getting bigger on him for some fucked up reason. "Richard. Come here." I said, standing up and walking out of the parlour where Nikki and Ash were sucking each other's faces off.

I walked outside and he winced, momentarily blinded by the sun before he stood correctly, keeping his eyes forward. "Why do you seem like you're losing weight?"
"Because I am Master." He said simply, and I saw the bags under his eyes. I frowned and saw how shit he looked, he looked like he needed a break from everything. "Go take a shower. Then I expect you to wait outside my bedroom for me."
"Yes Master."

He walked off and I groaned as I saw Ronnie's car pull up and he climbed out. He had some kid following him, and I groaned again. "Hey Chris."
"Hi Ronnie."
"How you been?"
"Uh same as always." I glanced at the kid. She had brown eyes and soft facial features and black hair. She couldn't have been older than 8. I glanced back at Ronnie, one eyebrow raised.

"This is my daughter, Willow."
"I didn't know you had a daughter."
"Willow honey?"
"Yes daddy?"
"Go inside and play alright? Daddy needs to speak to uncle Chris." She giggled and ran inside. "You have a fucking kid?!"
"Yeah I do. I wanted you to meet her."
"How old is she?"
"9 years old. Fuck I love her so much and if anyone hurt her I'd kill them."

"Is she why you gave it all up?"
"Yeah. One day, you'll find someone special and they'll do something to change your life. With me, it was my ex getting pregnant and my daughter being born. With you, who knows. With Nikki it was him falling in love with Ashley, I mean look at how well he treats Angelo."
"I know Ronnie." I mumbled, watching him lock his car and we walked inside.

"You might wanna take her out into the garden..." I muttered, watching Willow scream as she ran around, tripping over my table. "Yeah maybe." He said before running to her and pulling her into his arms, holding her right before running like a lunatic outside. I sighed before I got Ryan to make me a coffee. "Here you go Master." He said softly, handing me my coffee. I frowned at how submissive he was being.

It's gotta be nerves or something. Maybe I've just been around Ash and Nikki too much, they treat Angelo more like a friend than a slave...and they seemed happy.

I craved happiness, I don't know how long I've wanted it, but it seems impossible.

I walked up the stairs after I'd drank my coffee and saw Ricky on his knees outside my door. I walked up to him, making sure he knew I glanced at his bare neck, and I opened the door. "Come in."
"Yes Master." He said, standing up and walking in. "Sit."

He did as I said, sitting on the floor on his knees as always. "I have something for you." His head tilted to the side, showing his curiosity. I walked up to my drawers and opened them, pulling out two different boxes. One contained the ownership collar and the other contained a collar I'd brought specifically for him.

It was a pet collar, that had a thick leather collar, studs all along the top and bottom, the chains that wrapped around his neck and I'd gotten a lock to fit in the loops, but this lock was special. It said 'I'm my Master's pet' and they key that went with it had 'My Pet' engraved in it. I walked up and held both boxes out, wanting him to unknowingly choose his future.

I didn't even know which box had which collar in. "Choose one."
"Okay Master." He bit his lip as he looked from one hand to the other before he pointed shyly to the one in my left hand. I put the other box down and handed it to him. I watched as his eyes widened and filled with tears, confusing me. At least, it did until he pulled the pet collar I'd had specially made for him out. "Stand up."

He stood up instantly and I pulled the collar out of his hands, grabbing the silver lock eagerly. I quickly placed the collar around his neck and used the lock to shut the collar, so it stayed on his neck. He handed me the key and I placed it around my head, smiling at him. He shyly smiled back and I took my gloves off before holding my hand out to him. He hesitated, probably wondering if I was tricking him.

He slid his hand into mine and I smiled down at him, realising how soft his skin actually was. We walked downstairs and into the parlour. I sat down and Ricky stayed standing awkwardly at the door before I beckoned him over. As soon as Ash saw the collar, she squealed and pulled me into an awkward hug while Ricky walked over. "You did it! I'm so proud of you Chris..."

I rolled my eyes and pulled Ricky into my lap. He tensed up before eventually relaxing against my chest, watching TV with me. Ash and Nikki started making out and I noticed Ricky looking at them curiously. Oh my God please tell me he knows how to kiss. "Look at me, Pet."

He did as I said and I rested my hand against his cheek before leaning in and softly pressing my lips against his. He practically went limp in my arms and I pulled away before I saw pure joy on his face. "Kiss me." I ordered.

This time, he didn't hesitate to press his lips against mine, his hands on my shoulders. I pulled him closer to me, kissing him like my life depended on it. He pulled away with a small gasp and I looked at him in confusion.

Until I realised he was failing to hide the noticeable bulge in his trousers. He went bright red and I rolled my eyes, keeping him on my lap but manoeuvring him so he could keep his dignity. He yawned and cuddled up to my chest, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Get some sleep Pet."
"Yes Master..." he mumbled. I started playing with his hair and within ten minutes, he fell into a deep slumber. "Ashley?"
"Yes Chris?"
"Pets usually have their own rooms, right?"
"Well...they usually sleep in the same room as their master but most of the times they have their own room just in case."

"Can you ask Ryan to clean the room next to mine up please?"
"You seem really relaxed you know Chris? And happy." I was. I felt free, in a way, and powerful. I loved it. "Just please get him to hurry up." I groaned, trying to keep my heartless facade up. She raised an eyebrow as she climbed off of Nikki's lap and walked off.

"Chris? You seem determined to spoil him, why?"
"Because Pets should be spoiled." I murmured, stroking his black hair and sighing. Nikki smirked at me and shook his head before turning his attention back to the film we were watching which was a horror. My phone buzzed and I sighed before grabbing it and unlocking it. Oh god my brother had texted.

N- Hey Chris. Can I come over soon I've got something important to tell you...
C- uhh yeah. I've got something I need to tell you as well.
N- like?
C- me and Devin broke up, I have a new super hot partner called Ricky.
N- Ohh nice! I'll be over in time for dinner.
C- great...see you then.

This was just what I needed, Nick coming over. "Nikki my brothers coming over. Everything BDSM related needs to be hidden. I can't exactly move yet."
"Don't worry I'm on it. You might wanna wake him up and explain it though."
"Whatever thanks man." He raised an eyebrow as he stood up and walked out, yelling at Angelo.

Ricky whimpered and started moving around, shaking his head a lot. "N-no!" He shouted, bolting upright.

I moved him, so he was sat next to me and I put my arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. "What's wrong Pet?"
"I-I don't wanna talk about it..." I nodded and swiftly unlocked the lock and took the collar off of him.

His eyes widened before I pressed my lips to his forehead. "Relax Pet. My brothers coming over for dinner and he doesn't know about any of this."
"So what does this mean d-do I go hide Master?"
"No. You're playing the role of my boyfriend. You'll call me Chris until he leaves, which is when everything will return to normal."
"Okay Master..."
"Good boy." I murmured, holding him closer.

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