Chapter 15

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-the next week-

I sighed as I sat down on the sofa, wondering where my pet was. It wasn't like him, not being by my side all the time and I was slightly worried.

"...Master?" I looked directly at Jared, whose head was down and his hands were behind his back. Why was he acting so...submissive all of a sudden? "Yes. What do you want?"
"It's about Ricky master, he..."
"He what?"
"Upstairs." I frowned and stood up before shoving past Jared and up to Ricky's room.

Ricky was scrubbing the floor, tears rolling down his face and I frowned even more, especially when I saw fucking blood on the carpet. "What happened."
He looked up at me and my eyes widened slightly at the cut on his nose, and the dried blood by each of his nostrils. "What. Happened."

"He-I...I-I..." Ricky stuttered, apparently speechless. "Who was it Baby?" I said softly, crouching down so I was eye level with him and I took his hands, so I was holding both his hands softly. "J-Jared..." he whimpered before more tears fell down his face. I pulled him into my arms and sighed before I carried him downstairs and sat down on the sofa with him in my lap.

"It's okay don't cry Ricky baby, okay?" I murmured softly, running my hands through his hair. He nodded quickly and rested his head against my chest before he fell into a light sleep. I pressed my lips to his head and closed my own until Jared walked in. "What the fuck did you do you piece of shit?" I growled, laying Ricky on the sofa and covering him up with my suit jacket. He didn't answer and I grabbed him by the throat, slamming him against the wall and towered over him.

"What. Did. You. Do." I Spat.
"Hit the stupid bitch." He choked, making me clench my free hand and rapidly punch him in the face. He let out a small whimper and I threw him across the room, before following.


I woke up when Master started on Jared, and I felt bad. Jared didn't know I was Master's pet, which upset me because I thought Chris would've told him.

I guess he thought he was doing Chris' job for him, I didn't know why he'd done it. I hadn't done anything wrong. I sighed softly, making it quiet so Chris didn't know I was awake and I opened one of my eyes slightly.

Chris had Jared pinned to the wall by his throat, pure dominance emitting off of him and I bit my lip. And when he raised his fist, his shirt tightened around the tops of his arms and I couldn't help but notice how fucking hot he looked. I guess I probably shouldn't be feeling this way towards my Master, but I couldn't help it. The way I felt about him was indescribable, any words I could even use to attempt to explain how I felt about him would be a huge understatement.

Chris pretty much threw Jared across the room and I saw Jared bite his lip in arousal. Oh fucks sake, don't tell me he's a masochist. Chris walked towards Jared looking menacing and I couldn't stop myself from frowning as he left the room.

I sat up and wrapped his jacket around me before I sighed sadly. Ryan walked in, apparently being sent upstairs by Chris while he punished Jared and sat next to me. "What's up Rick?"
"I-I think I'm in love with Chris..." I admitted, hanging my head in shame.
"You fucking what? I don't know what to say."

"I'm stupid. But the worst part is that Jared, the new guy, is a massive least, I think he is, and you know how Chris is like a sadist...kinda?"
"Well I-I think that Chris is gonna end up picking Jared over me I mean, why wouldn't he!? I'm just a stupid ugly fucking slave who can't do anything rig-"
"Ricky shut the fuck up. None of that is true do you hear me?"

I looked up at Ryan alarmed, and he glared coldly at me and I felt myself shudder. He'd be great as a Dom, just saying. "But..."
"No. Ricky, you know none of that's true okay? And I'm sure he won't pick Jared, Jared's a dick. He's a fucking cunt."
"I thought you didn't like that word..."
"No I don't. But I like him even less." I nodded and Ry sighed before he hugged me tightly. I heard a loud scream of pain and arousal and I closed my eyes, the sound hurting me.

"Oh Ricky..."
I knew Chris wouldn't change his lifestyle for me, but it doesn't kill anyone to just pretend. Just for a moment, that there'd be a slim chance he'd love me back and I'd get freed and he'd marry me. But none of that would happen.
"I wonder what he's doing to Jared..." Ryan murmured, changing the subject to try and cheer me up a bit. It didn't work.

"He's not gonna change...he doesn't love me back...."
We heard the basement door slam shut and I saw Chris, standing at the doorway, panting with rage. I frowned and he beckoned me over. Instantly, his arms were around me and he was holding me as closely and tightly as he could. "Everything you know in the focus, live in the moment, don't have to question why. Listen to the sound of the virus, you can't deny this." He said softly in my ear.

"More than ones and zeros, overriding all we know....this feeling, the way I-I feel about you Ricky it's ludicrous." He said before he put me down and I frowned before taking a deep breath. "We don't have to feel alone anymore, you know that right Master?"
"Call me...Call me Chris, Please?" My eyes widened and and I looked up at him in shock.

"Please, just for today. I need something to take my mind off of that fucking bastard downstairs."
"Okay...okay Chris..." I said softly, hugging him.


I didn't know where those weird ass sentence came from, I just thought about random words that'd explain how I felt and I guess that's what I came up with. I think I might've admitted to Ricky that I liked him more than a Pet, I hope not.

He hugged me and I hugged him back, trying to ignore everything I'd just done. It felt like I'd cheated on Ricky.

A few minutes ago....

I chained Jared to the bedposts of his bed, tearing his clothes off which emphasised my anger. He didn't say anything, he just spat in my face. I didn't hesitate to grab a whip and whip his chest a few times until his chest started bleeding.

He let out a low moan of pain, with a hint of arousal and I lost it. I tugged my trousers and boxers down before I roughly slammed into him, pulling his hair until he screamed. I increased my pace, hearing him moan and I felt him tighten around me.

All that did was make me more determined to hurt him, and I did. I fucked him hard, not feeling any pleasure myself, and I know he was in pain. The tears running down his face was the evidence. "M-Master p-please!" He whimpered and I snarled before sinking my teeth into his neck. He screamed in pain and released everywhere. I pulled out and punched him as hard as I could in his head before I pulled my trousers and boxers up.


I'd knocked him out, and his neck was bleeding. But I didn't care, he hurt Ricky. He hurt the man I loved. By this time I was pretty much certain I was in love with him, it went against everything I'd ever been taught or done.

But it was unavoidable; I was in love with Ricky, my slave, my pet. And I'd do anything to make him happy.


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