Chapter 2

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I sat on my sofa and called Gerard.
"Calling already?"
"Cut the crap. Why didn't you mention the fact that Ricky's a fucking virgin?"
"We didn't know for definite..."
"Well he is. He pretty much shit himself when I went to do anything sexual."

"Oh he does sexual shit alright. We had to punish Ryan, so we made Ricky give me and Frank head. He's fucking spectacular at giving head."
"I don't care, he freaked out."
"You have two options. Sell him or keep him."
"Well I paid ten fucking grand for both of them so I'm not getting rid of either of them yet!" I snapped.

Shit is it too much to ask for people who actually have a brain? "I knew you'd say that. Also, with Ricky. For some reason, he ends up attached. You should be careful about that, unless you want a pet anyway."
"I thought about how he'd be as a pet earlier. It's too early to tell, and I've got to go."
"Alright call if you need anything else."
"I intend to." I said, hanging up and sighing.

He was a virgin. This was gonna be fucking great. "Ricky! Get here now! And bring that bitch with you!" I shouted, banging on the basement door. "Yes sir!" He called. A few moments later, he appeared with Ryan at his side. Ricky had a red mark across his face and I frowned. "Why does he have a red mark on his face Ryan?"
"I'm not sure Sir."

I gently moved Ricky to one side and glared down at Ryan. "Don't fucking lie to me." I growled, punching him in the jaw. He let out a low whimper and I slapped him before I spat in his face. "I own you, you will do as I say, when I say. I didn't say you could fucking hit Ricky. Respect me and you'll live happily. But if you carry on like this then your life will be shit." I said before I pushed him and shut the door. Ricky was obediently stood where I'd placed him, his hands behind his back and his eye line was perfect. "Ricky. Come in with me, we need to talk."

He followed me as I walked into the parlour. I sat down and he stood up in front of me, unsure about what he should do. "Sit down." He sat down instantly on the floor and I raised an eyebrow before shrugging to myself. "You're a virgin, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"So we need to talk about your limits."
"I live to serve you, sir. I'm not sure about my limits sir."
"You're too obedient..." I said in shock, noticing his blank face.

It was like he had no personality, like he wasn't an actual person. "Listen closely. Being obedient is a good thing, too much obedience and submissiveness isn't a good thing."
"Okay sir.."
"Ricky. Tell me something. Why did you decide to be a slave?"
"At first, it was a kink my ex had sir. I eventually became addicted to it, and he made me his pet before he decided I would be perfect as a slave. H-he sold me a-and here I am."

"Why didn't your ex do anything sexual with you?"
"He believed I'd be worth more as a virgin sir."
"I see. Go downstairs for the night."
"Yes sir." And he stood up before leaving quietly. I've got my work cut out for me with both of them. Ricky was perfect but he needed to develop a personality, and Ryan needed to be more like Ricky. My maid walked in and placed a plate of chicken wings and a salad in front of me before she left silently.

After I'd eaten, I walked up to my bedroom and sighed. I remembered once, I'd let Devin sleep in the same bed as me because he couldn't sleep downstairs. I sat down and sighed sadly. I kinda missed holding someone while I slept, but I needed to get rid of Devin. I couldn't fall in love with a slave. "Fucks sake..." I groaned as I laid in my bed, unable to sleep.

Maybe I should just fuck one of the slaves, Ryan, until he couldn't walk. But what would that do for me exactly? And why couldn't I stop thinking about Ricky or Devin?! "Gerard."
"Chris? What's up?"
"I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Devin. I'm not used to sleeping on my own." Obviously I wasn't gonna let him know i can't stop thinking about Ricky either.
"Then make Ricky your pet. It makes sense, you know it does."
"But I've only just got him, it wouldn't be right."

"Chris you're talking to someone who freed their last slave. I'm now married to him for fucks sake."
"Frank was a slave!?"

"Kinda? Look, it's not my place to talk about it. What can you do Chris? Tell me that."
"I don't know! Why the fuck can't I stop thinking about him!?"
"I don't know maybe you fell in love and didn't realise it." I smiled softly at the memory of Devin being submissive. "Maybe you're right..."
"Damn right I'm right."

"So how can I get Devin off of my mind?"
"Easy. Fuck one of them, drink, talk to Kuza or Nikki."
"Alright ima go." I said, hanging up rapidly and dialling another number instantly.
"Chris. What can I do for you?"
"I need help, all I can do is think about my old slave. I don't like it."

"It's a slave. He clearly wasn't a good slave, disobedient I assume. Why else would you end up feeling sympathy towards him and end up falling for him?"
"I didn't fall for him. I just ended up really sympathetic towards him and he had to go."
"You're so stubborn. Do you have anymore slaves?"

"Then go fuck one of them. Or you could just buy a pet, it'd be easier really."
"There it is again. Everyone recommending I get a pet."
"Well yeah. It's a slave, but not a slave at the same time. You can be attached and you can be affectionate. And nobody would judge you for it. It'd be a perfect solution for this problem you have of getting soft when it comes to your slaves."

"What like you with Ashley!? You freed her!"
"I-...yeah. Okay, I freed her so I could marry her. Your point is what? I'm soft? I know I am. I'm not trying to fucking hide it like you and Mike are!" He snapped before hanging up. I sighed and rolled out of bed before I walked downstairs. Ryan was on his side, sleeping silently. Ricky on the other hand, was curled up in a ball, whimpering softly. I frowned before I saw him bolt up, panting quickly. "Sir I-I'm sorry I-I didn't see you there..." he said, trying to compose himself.

"Don't be sorry. You was asleep, you're only human at the end of the day. I wished to know how you and Ryan were fitting in so far."
"He's fine sir..."
"And yourself?"
"I just need to get used to it sir."
"Okay, well get some sleep. It's a busy day tomorrow. I expect you up at 8 am, with a coffee done for me and breakfast in bed."
"Yes sir, I'll have it done."

Normally, I wouldn't ask someone to do all of this shit on their first proper day, but for some reason I wanted the first person I laid my eyes on to be Ricky. He may be a slave, but he's still a human, like me. And it's not like I can pretend he isn't, like Kuza does on a daily basis.

I walked back out and shut the door quietly, smiling to myself. I'd missed having someone act so obedient. I walked back into my room, happier than I'd been for a while. I took my shirt of and my suit trousers before I laid in my bed and finally managed to fall into a deep sleep.

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