Chapter 4

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I sat at the head of the table with Kuza on one side and Nikki and Ash on the other side. "Take some food downstairs for the four people down there." I said quietly to a nearby butler.
"Right away Mr. Motionless." He said, going into the kitchen.

I poured myself a glass of sparkling wine while Kuza and Nikki filled their plates with chicken wings, salad, steamed vegetables, chicken fillets and pretty much everything on the table. Ashley smiled amusedly whilst she drank her wine and put some food on her plate. I grabbed a few wings and some veg and ate it in silence. "So, Chris. Why do you seem softer towards your slaves?"
"What do you mean Mike?"

"Well, you didn't seem bothered about Richard addressing us improperly."
"He's only been my slave for a day. I haven't gone over formalities with them yet." Kuza raised his eyebrow to show his displeasure but he didn't say anything about it.

When we'd finished eating, we sat down in the parlour watching TV. Ash giggled as she sat on Nikki's lap, making me roll my eyes in fake annoyance. "VINNY! GET YOUR WORTHLESS ASS HERE NOW!" Kuza yelled, clenching his fist multiple times. Vinny appeared a few moments later, panting briefly before he stood up with the correct posture. Kuza pointed to a lump in his pants and I groaned. "Not in here, go upstairs." Kuza rolled his eyes and walked out, Vinny on his heels.

"Where are they going?"
"Upstairs to fuck or something."
"Delightful..." Ash said sarcastically, cuddling up to Nikki. "How did you realise you was in love with her?"
"I didn't. Gerard did when he dropped Ricky off for me to train. One thing lead to another and here we are."
"Alright. RICKY!" I shouted, knowing he'd make his way up

He appeared by my side a minute later. "Yes Master?"
"Sit down." He did as I said, sitting by my feet and I started playing with his hair again. "Chris? Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure Nikki." Nikki pulled Ashley off of him, kissing her briefly before he walked outside, with me following. We stood outside and he didn't waste any time. "Why are you treating him like a pet, but not making him a pet?"
"I-I'm not sure. I haven't acted this way with a slave ever, it just feels natural with Ricky."
"Then make him your pet. It makes sense, you know it does."
"I do, but I can't. Not yet." He raised his eyebrow and shook his head.

"You make no sense Chris."
"I do, but not to you. I have my reasons for not making him a pet."
"And they are..? What? Is it because of what happened with you and Biersack's slave?"
"No, it's because of what happened with me and my ex. Happy now!?"
"Not really, you're being vague as normal. But Im certain he'd be better as a pet then as a normal slave."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"M-Master! F-fuck!" Vinny's voice rang out, making me and Nikki cringe. We walked back inside and Ricky hadn't moved an inch, keeping his face straight and blank.

Nikki sat back down and pulled Ashley into his lap, kissing her softly. I rolled my eyes. "Ricky follow me." I muttered, walking back into the basement. Ryan was sitting on his bed and Ricky stayed by my side until I pointed to his bed. He went and sat on his bed whilst I walked over to Ryan. "I've seen some improvements in your behaviour, so it's time for a reward." Ryan glanced over at Ricky smugly before he nodded at me.

I pointed to the floor and he dropped to his knees on the floor, not looking me in the eyes. "What do you say?"
"May I suck your cock master?"
"Yes you may." He unbuttoned my trousers and pulled my dick out.

He lightly kissed the tip before I grabbed him by the hair and shoved him forward. He gagged around me, making me shiver and I let him up for air briefly before we continued the cycle. I eventually got bored of this and started throat fucking him, my thrusts eventually growing sloppy. I glanced at Ricky, who was watching with curiosity in his eyes. I smirked and pulled harshly on Ryan's hair, making him stand up. "Bend over the bed." He did as I said and I pulled his trousers down before I pushed into him.

He was tighter than I'd expected and I started moving, pulling harshly on his hair. "Master p-please faster." I smirked and did as he said, feeling him tighten around me. "Master c-can I cum please?" He moaned, gripping the bedsheets tightly as I pounded into him. I decided to wait before I answered, thrusting in and out even quicker until I grew bored. "Yes, you may."
"Thank you Master!" He moaned loudly as he came onto his bedsheets.

I pulled out of him and made him face me before I throat fucked him until I came. "Open." I said as I pulled out and sorted my self out, buttoning my trousers up. He showed me his white tongue and I closed his mouth by pushing his jaw upwards. "Swallow."
He did as I said and I nodded to a jug of water. "Get yourself a drink."
"Thank you Master." He said softly, walking over after pulling his trousers up and grabbing himself a cup before pouring himself a drink.

While he drank, I walked over to Ricky and looked down at him, seeing a flash of fear in his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing Master."
"I don't like lies. Stand up." He did as I said and I walked over to the drawers, pulling out a chain. I walked into the soundproof room, making him follow me. I wrapped the chain around his arms and his chest before I chained him upside down. The blood began rushing to his head instantly and I grabbed a candle, lighting it and waiting for some of the wax to melt.

"What did you do wrong."
"I-I lied Master..." he whimpered, making my heart drop. I blew the candle out and held it over him, making sure the hot wax dripped onto his chest and neck. He bit his lip to keep from yelling out in pain and I sighed before making sure all the melted wax was on him. "Since it's your first punishment, and you took it without any fuss, I won't carry on. But if you lie to me again then you'll regret it."
"Yes Master, sorry Master..." he said sniffling, unable to wipe the tears running down onto the floor.

I unchained him, putting him on his feet. He leant against the wall and I looked at his bare chest. The black wax had dried and his skin had already started blistering. He wiped the tears away and I sighed before walking into their bedroom, with Ricky following. "Sit down." He sat down on the floor and I placed a shackle around his arm and attached it to his bed post. "You can stay there and think about what you've done. Ryan, get some rest."
"Yes Master, Thank you Master." I nodded at Ryan and he laid in his bed, falling asleep before I managed to leave the room.

Ash was waiting outside the door, her hand on her hip and she was frowning at me. "You punished him, didn't you?"
"How the fuck would you know?"
"Angelo. He walked out shaking and I told him to tell me what was going on." I swore and she looked at me coldly. "You really need to be careful with him."
"Don't tell me how to deal with my own slaves!" I snarled, glaring at her. She looked down, wincing at the memories of me punishing her and walked off.

Kuza walked down and said goodbye before he left with Vinny, who was limping. Nikki glared at me and left without saying anything, keeping his arms around Ashley. Angelo left with them and I shut and locked the door before I ran my hand through my hair in rage.

I walked into the basement and saw Ricky, who had his knees up and his back against the wall. He had his head down and he was messing with his fingers, a hopeless look on his face.

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