Chapter 31

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"Richard Allen Olson. Will you do me the honour, and the privilege of marrying me?"

Tears rolled heavily down his cheeks as he opened his mouth. He didn't say anything, and closed his mouth, wiping away the tears.

My heart was trying to beat itself out of my chest, and I felt the urge to cry. Something I hadn't done for a while, actually.

"Yes...oh fuck, Chris. Yes, I will." I looked at him with wide eyes and grabbed his hand. His other hand was preoccupied with wiping away the constant flow of tears.

I slid the ring onto his finger and, while keeping eye contact with him, I kissed his hand softly. I stood up, dropping his hand and pulling him into my arms.

Our lips met the moment our bodies did, and everybody applauded, and cheered. I rested my forehead against Ricky's and sighed softly, letting my eyes slip shut. This must've been a dream.

A dream that came true.

"I love you." I breathed, smiling softly.
"I love you too..." he choked out, pulling away to wipe the tears away. Again.

"Do you wanna go home, Fiancé?" I said teasingly, kissing his cheek lightly. He flushed light red, looking down shyly. "Okay..." I laughed softly and beckoned the waiter over. He brought the bill with him, and after I'd paid, I walked out holding Ricky's hand.

We ordered a taxi back, how mundane. But after a night like that, well, I didn't care. All I wanted to do was take Ricky home, and tear all of his fucking clothes off.

Judging by how tense Ricky was on the drive back, he was feeling the same way. Before the driver pulled up, Ricky looked up at me and bit his lip, his cheeks lightly flushed. I felt my pants tighten at the sight.

How could someone so small have such a big effect on me? He'd changed my heart, my life and above all, he'd changed me. For the better. "I love you." I murmured softly in his ear as we climbed out the taxi and walked inside.

"I love you too." He said shyly, looking down with a blush. As soon as we walked in, Ryan yelled at us. "CONGRATS YOU TWO DICKHEADS!" Ricky laughed loudly, doubling over at the look on Ryan's face. I shook my head with a small smile.

Ryan, was noticeably drunk. His hair was a mess, standing up in random places, his shirt wasn't buttoned properly and the zipper on his jeans was undone. He also had a half empty bottle of vodka in his hand.

"Where did you get that from?" I don't drink often, and I haven't had anything as strong as vodka in years. "Fucking...whattsername, Ashley. Brought it up for me." I frowned. Why was he speaking so weirdly, and why would Ashley bring a bottle of vodka up?

Then again, she knew I was proposing to Ricky today anyway. Maybe she was doing it so Ryan wouldn't feel so left out? I didn't know, and I couldn't think of any answer either. "Well...this was real fun but..."
"Yeah, Yeah, I get it." Judging by the look on his face, he didn't like it.

I swung Ricky into my arms, earning a loud shriek off of him. "Until tomorrow, Ryan." Ricky opened his mouth, but I slammed my lips into his.

"Yeah yeah, get a room." He grumbled angrily before drinking more of the vodka and stumbling into the front room.

"I have a room. And I intend to please my fiancé until he's screaming and begging for me to stop."

Ricky blushed before kissing me as I carried him into our bedroom and threw him on the bed.

His hair was sprayed out on the pillow as he looked up at me with lustful eyes. I grabbed his shirt and tore the buttons open before pressing my lips to his collarbone.

His breathing quickened slightly as his hands roamed my back before I straddled his hips. He reached up and quickly took my shirt, tie and jacket off.

Ricky's eyes met mine as he smiled shyly. "You're beautiful."
"So are you, dear." I purred, moving and sitting him in my lap.

I gently took his shirt and jacket off and kissed along his neck and down to his shoulder, sucking harshly on the skin.

His fingers curled in my hair as he let out a soft groan, whimpering when I started biting softly. "Fuck..."

I lifted my head and gently kissed his lips, my hands roaming along his back. Slowly, he rocked his hips against mine, letting out soft whimpers.

"I want you...on top." I whispered harshly before flipping us over. He straddled my hips awkwardly until I reached up and pulled his lips down to meet mine.

The kiss erupted, passion was flowing through the two of us. He took the rest of our clothes off, and after rolling the condom on, with lube, he slowly slid down.

Ricky whimpered with his head thrown back as he bottomed out, while I resisted the urge to fuck him like an animal.

He began to move slowly, resting his hands on my chest while he let out soft whimpers. I grabbed his hips and started matching him, thrusting upwards whenever he'd move down.

The moans leaving his lips were whorish, similar to those in a porn movie. And I adored them.

"You're mine." I groaned, tightening my grip on his hips. Ricky threw his head back and moaned loudly before nodding frantically, the sweat on his body shimmering in the faint light.

"Yes...yours...forever." I slammed my lips into his, tugging on his hair softly. I thrusted harshly, and he moaned into my mouth before moving back.

"I-I'm close...Chris..." he whimpered, his movements speeding up. "Come on...finish for me, love." I panted after seeing the desperation on his face.

His back arched, while he let out the loudest moan id ever heard, and released onto my chest before going limp in my arms.

"I'm gonna finish...if that's okay with you." I murmured, holding him up. Ricky nodded weakly, his sweat drenched hair hanging limply.

I thrusted as quickly as I could until, with a loud moan, I finished and quickly lifted him off of me.

Ricky, drained and out of his mind, laid limply on my chest while I stroked his hair softly. "I love you baby."

"Love you too." My love mumbled, before his eyes slipped shut. I smiled softly and moved him onto the bed.

His arms latched onto my waist until, regretfully, I moved him away. I quickly took the condom off and tied it before throwing it into the bin.

The moment my back hit the bed, Ricky was clinging onto me, his eyes still shut. "Goodnight baby." I murmured, kissing the top of his head.

I wrapped my arm around him and laid there, listening to him breathing until my eyes slid shut out of their own accord.

My fiancé, my world, my fresh start. My other half. Everything I ever needed, and he felt the same way, which was a complete miracle.

Finally, I fell asleep, holding the man I was about to marry.

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