Chapter 19

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-the next day-

I woke up with Ricky clinging onto me, mumbling some random shit until he bolted upright, panting.

I frowned as he clutched onto me, worried about him. He let go and shook his head a few times before he cleared his throat and sighed.

"Ricky? What happened?"
"Don't wanna talk about it..." he mumbled, moving so his feet was touching the floor and he buried his head in his hands. "Fucking do as I said Ricky. Tell me what happened."
"Master I-It was just a bad dream."
"Bullshit." I snapped, glaring at him, even though he couldn't see me.

He tensed up before climbing out of my bed and getting dressed. "Ricky?"
"I wonder why I came back. Nothing's changed! You claim to love me, yet here you fucking are Chris. Treatin me like some freak! Like I'm not human! Like I'm just a fuck toy for you!" I froze. I didn't know what I could say, but I slowly felt my entire world implode around me.

"I'm done. I'm fucking done I-I can't do this anymore." He said, briefly looking at me with teary eyes before he darted out the room. I pulled a pair of joggers on before sprinting after him.

I pretty much jumped over the banister of the stairs and heard Ricky yelp before he ran quicker and locked himself in a random room. as I got closer, I frowned when I realised where he was.

He'd locked himself in the kitchen, and I didn't like it. What was he gonna do!? I was so worried about him, it was unreal. I wasn't used to feeling these emotions and I didn't like it. I hated it. All I wanted was for him to be okay, I craved him and I was obsessed with him being okay or not.

"Ricky please I-I've never felt this way before...I don't know how to act, and I'm sorry if I don't act the way you want me to. I'll free you if you want me to, if it'll made you happy then I'll do it. I want you happy and safe, I love you. And I mean it when I say it."

"Please don't give up on me Ricky, I swear I'll do whatever you want." He opened the door up slightly and peered out with red, teary eyes. "Y-you mean it?"
"Of course i fucking do...what'd you want me to do?"
He opened the door and walked out before flinging his arms around me.

"I want you to fuck me as hard as you can into that mattress of yours until I can barely walk, and then? Then I want you to free me, so I can show you that I love you and actually be with you completely." I felt a smirk grow on my face, but I also felt sad, almost.

I was naturally a controlling person, so freeing him was gonna make me feel soft, cowardly even. I felt like I was giving up, and that I was about to lose everything and gain nothing in return. Ricky smiled softly at me and I smiled back sadly, before nodding for him to go upstairs. "I need to speak to someone I'll be up soon."
"Okay..." he said with a frown before walking upstairs.

Instantly I dialled Nikki's number, relieved when he picked up. "What's up Chris?"
"Ricky wants me to free him..."
"Damn, that kid doesn't move slow." He laughed, making me groan.
"I-I don't wanna free him, but if I don't I'll lose him for good."
"Where is he?"
"My bedroom, I think."

"Right, I'll send Ash over with Mike. They'll explain it to him, and Kuza won't touch Ricky okay?"
"Okay..." I whispered before hanging up. To my surprise, the door knocked almost instantly. Ryan opened it and Ash walked in, Vinny and Kuza following. Vinny went with Ryan to Jared or whatever and the rest of us went upstairs.

We walked into my room, seeing Ricky laid down comfortably on the bed. "Hey Ricky."
"Ashley? This is a nice surprise!" She smiles and nodded before sitting down. He sat up and looked around confusedly. "What's going on?"
"I need to explain something on Chris' behalf, he's too scared." Ash said softly, making Ricky glare at me.
"Do you know how long he's been a master for?"
"Not really..." he mumbled, playing with his hands.

"Well, a long fucking time. I became a master as soon as I moved out." I cut in, running my hands through my hair. "Yeah. And it's hard, you know that right? For him to free you, he'll have to change his entire lifestyle again. And we all know how hard it is, right Ricky?"
"Yeah...s-so am I gonna b-be a slave until I-I die?"
"NO!" I practically shouted, earning a dirty look off of Ashley.

"Well, you might be a slave for a little while longer, but please. Listen, okay? I know you probably think Chris doesn't love you because he can't free you right now. Am I right?" He nodded and hung his head, sending shards of ice into my heart. "Well he does. You turned him soft bit- Ricky. I've known Chris for fucking ages and he wants to free you, I know he does. I can see it in his eyes." Kuza spat, making me glare at him. Obviously he glared back which made Ash roll her eyes.

"Ricky, listen to me okay?" I said softly, sitting down next to him. "Okay..."
"When I say I love you, I mean it. You really fucking hurt me earlier, you know that right? I practically saw my entire future disintegrate. I need you, I really do. I just can't free you yet because I'm scared, and I don't like giving up control easily, I'm a control freak."

"What he's saying Ricky, is that he'll free you soon enough. With me and Nikki, it took a while for him to free me, and we got into a shit tonne of arguments. But that didn't mean he didn't love me, he was afraid to change his entire life. If Chris frees you, he'll have to free Ryan and Jared, or he can give them back to Gerard."
"Jared can fuck off, he's a dickhead." I spat.

Ricky laughed softly and I smiled, loving whenever he laughed.  "Okay, so Jared can go back then." Ash chuckled, which made Ricky look at me hopefully.

"Does that mean y-you'll free Ryan as well?"
"Do you want me to?" I asked, gazing into his amazing eyes. He bit his lip and nodded, not breaking eye-contact with me. "Then I'll free him as well." He started smiling widely, his eyes tearing up. "What's wrong?"
"I-I never thought I-I'd be free again..." I pulled him into my arms and he started crying into my chest. "This is a joke." Kuza growled.

"Oh mike shut up. I know how you feel about fucking Dev."
"What do you mean!"
"Whenever you was here you fucked her, telling her how you loved her." Mike looked at me with rage and guilt in his eyes. He opened his mouth, but shut it just as quickly.

"See? You know I'm right." He sighed and hung his head before walking out.  Ash sighed and smiled softly. I pressed my lips to Ricky's head and he cuddled into me, making me smile softly. "Ash? You're looking good you know, with the pregnancy." She blushed and looked down at her slightly swollen stomach, smiling widely. "Thanks Chris.." she laughed before standing up and stretching.

"That's enough excitement for one day. I'll see you guys later alright?"
"Alright bye Ash."
"Bye Ashley.." Ricky mumbled.
"Bye you two." And she left.

Ricky lifted his head and pressed his lips to mine. "Master?" Ryan called, knocking the door.
"Yeah Ry?"
"Jared wants to speak to Ricky.." I locked eyes with Ricky and he just nodded. I sighed and let go of him, watching as he walked out. He gave Ryan a quick hug before he walked down the stairs and Ryan shut the door.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
(1400 words)

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