Chapter 14

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Present time
-two months later-

"RICKY GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" I shouted, seeing red. He was the only one who was allowed in my bedroom, and since Ash left with Nikki and Ange, only one person could've done it.

He walked in, a bewildered look on his face, like he hadn't got a clue what'd happened. But my bedroom was trashed, and I knew Ryan wouldn't have done it; he was too sick. He walked up to me and tilted his head, before I slammed him against the wall by his throat. He winced and I glared into his eyes until he started crying.

I dropped him to the ground and walked out, wishing Ashley was here so badly. But she couldn't. Why? Because she was fucking pregnant. I didn't understand why Ricky would've done it, but he's the only person who could've done it. I sighed and sat in my parlour, feeling more alone than ever before.

Ever since Ash had told me about the aura thing, that'd been the only thing on my mind constantly and it was beginning to drive me insane. "Gerard?"
"Yes Chris what's up?"
"Come over please I-I need some help." Instantly, I heard him say bye to Frank and he told me he'd be there as soon as he could before hanging up.

I groaned and Ryan walked in, a pissed look on his face. "Master?"
"What!?" I spat, glaring at him until he shook where he stood.
"D-Devin was seen on the property three hours ago, I-I checked the cameras b-because Ricky didn't l-leave my side Master."

Hang the fuck on. Devin? Again!? Oh this was the last fucking straw. And then I remembered what I'd done to Ricky. Instantly, I was on my feet, sprinting up to my room. I opened the door and saw him in a heap on the floor, in the middle of the worst panic attack I'd ever seen.

I pulled him into my arms and he let out a low sob, hiding his face in my chest as I tried to get him to calm down. We'd been getting closer since the party, sometimes even acting like he wasn't my slave. He still called me Master, but I didn't change the way I acted about him.

"I'm so sorry so sorry Ricky..." I murmured, holding him close and running my fingers through his hair. He choked back a sob and I held him tighter, pulling him into my lap.

My bedroom door flew open to reveal Gerard and Ashley. She took one look at me before she glared and pointed outside the room, silently commanding me to leave. Gee made his way over to Ricky and made him look at him. "Ricky? Calm down, it's okay focus on my voice okay?" Ricky gasped and nodded, his breathing irregular and too fast. "That's it, you're doing great. Match your breathing to Chris' alright?"

I frowned and took a deep breath, Ricky copying and breathed out slowly. This cycle carried on, Ricky breathing when I did and slowly relaxing and Gerard praising him. When Ricky had calmed down fully about an hour later, he instantly fell asleep on my chest. I felt myself smile softly, lifting him up and laying him in my bed. When I tried to stand up, to walk out my room, I couldn't. He was clinging onto my shirt as tightly as he could.

"Um help?"
"No can do. You're on your own Cerulli." Ash said coldly before her and Gerard walked out. I sighed before I laid down next to him. Instantly, he rested his head on my chest and I tensed up.

He was a slave, I reminded myself, and I shouldn't be feeling these...fluttery feelings around him. I shouldn't...but I am. And I didn't know how I could explain it exactly, I couldn't put the feeling into words easily. But I was fascinated by him, the way his eyes light up when he smiles.

I sighed happily, obsessed with his eyes alone. He was so fuckin beautiful, and for a moment, just a single moment, I wanted him to be mine. But in a different sense, I wanted him to be mine willingly, like he'd do anything to be with me. I wanted it so badly, but what good would it do?

Gerard walked back and and raised an eyebrow before he sat down on the edge of the bed. "I knew it." He whispered, smiling at me softly.
"Knew what?"
"That he'd melt your ice cold heart." He said so quickly and quietly, I wasn't sure if I'd heard him right.

"I want another slave..."
"You what?"
"I have a fucking amazing pet, and Ryan who's one of the best slaves I've ever had. But he can't do it on his own."
"My my, is Chris Motionless being considerate?" I glared up at him and he shrugged before smiling and pulling his wallet out.

Once again, he showed me a bunch of photos of different slaves. Only, this time I couldn't find any that I liked the look of. "Tell me about some of them."
"Well you already know about Devin. Then there's this one, Jared. He mumbled something about wanting to go to China or something, I don't know." I looked at the picture, seeing an "emo" guy, but he looked like he'd be feisty.

"Is he feisty in anyway?"
"He's the worst slave we have at the moment if that's what you're asking. Apart from Devin, whose gone missing for some reason."  I tensed and held Ricky tighter, to reassure myself he was there, so I knew he was safe. "I want him." Gee nodded and walked out, talking to Frank about some random shit, and the slave I wanted.

Ricky started mumbling and fidgeting in his sleep. He whined and I frowned, noticing small beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I relaxed my grip on him and he began tossing and turning, whimpering something about his Uncle, which sent pure fire through my veins.

He let out a small yell and bolted up, panting and shaking. "Ricky?" I said softly, I mean I didn't exactly want to scare him anymore. He turned to face me and simply shook his head, tears silently rolling down his face.

Instantly I pulled him into my arms and rocked back and forth, murmuring to him about how great he was, and how he was the best pet I'd ever had, and that I'd never let him get hurt. He eventually relaxed, but still seemed guarded which I understood completely. Gee walked in, with Jared and I glared at him.

The slave, Jared, had black hair and he was roughly Ryan's height, judging by my view at this particular perspective. He was dressed in a suit, but he had a rebellious glint in his eyes.

"Go take him downstairs and tell Ryan what you need." I muttered, before turning my attention back to Ricky. As soon as they left, I saw how the normal gleam in his eyes dimmed and the blue in his eyes seemed duller. "Ricky?"

"You brought another slave?"
"Yeah, to help Ryan out. Why, is there a problem?" I spat, glaring at him. His lip curled in disgust and he simply shrugged before standing up and going into the room we'd sorted out for him.

Well damn, I might've just made him hate me even more, how could I fix it?

But one question remained on my mind constantly, even when I was punishing Jared for disobedience or fucking Ryan as a reward. Did I love Ricky?

If I did, what do I do? Should I free him? I couldn't come up with any answers over the course of the day. Ricky stayed away, and I didn't want to push anything in case it upset him. With a heavy heart, and questions running around like mad in my head, I laid down and tried to get some sleep.

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