Chapter 9

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A few hours later, the door knocked.

Someone answered it and I hurriedly checked everyone in the room. Ricky, Ryan and Ange didn't have any collars on, and they were all dressed in jeans and shirts, I insisted on putting Ricky in a black shirt and I was not disappointed.

Ash and Nikki were cuddling on one sofa and I was sat down with Ricky cuddled up to me on the other. Ange and Ry were drinking apple juice (I didn't want them getting pissed) at the table, chatting when Nick walked in with a car seat for a baby. Instantly I jumped up and stared at him, when he nodded I ran over.

Inside was the prettiest baby I'd ever seen. She had long black eyelashes and she was the double of him. "What's her name?" I whispered, not wanting to wake her up.

Like really who would. Screaming babies? Not a very nice sound.

"Roxanne...Roxie for short. She's one in two months..."
"Why didn't you bring her over sooner!? She's my niece!" He shrugged and looked away before his eyes instantly went to Ricky. "Whose that?" Nick mumbled, putting the car seat down on the table. I walked over to Ricky and he stood up, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I wrapped mine around his waist, trying to ignore how...alien this felt and pressed my lips briefly to his.

"This is Ricky. I've been with him for three-ish weeks. Ricky meet my brother Nick. Nick, meet Ricky."
"Nice to meet ya Ricky."
"Nice to meet you too Nick..." Ricky said softly, pulling away and messing with his fingers. Roxie began to cry and as soon as Nick went to her, I grabbed Ricky and hauled him downstairs.

As soon as we were in the basement, he started hyperventilating which scared the shit out of me. Had I done something again? "Ricky."
"I-I'm sorry M-Master..." I sighed and hugged him until he managed to calm down slightly. "Better?"
"I-I guess...Thank you M-master..."

All of a sudden, it dawned on me. I was feeling sympathy for Ricky, I wanted to keep him safe I wanted him happy. My eyes widened at the realisation and I stumbled back. I didn't want to throw away all of this for a life of luxury. I wanted him and I didn't. I stood there, with my back against the wall and I tried so fucking hard to think.

There's got to be a rational explanation for this, I was not getting attached to a slave. No, that's ludicrous. I was just...bored? Oh who am I kidding, it's obvious I'm getting attached to him. I frowned and he tried coming over, but I furiously shook my head and growled at him. He flinched and ran upstairs. I sighed and Ashley came down about a minute after he left.

"Talk to me."
"Attached oh god I'm soft oh holy shit..." I mumbled, tugging at my hair in rage.
"That doesn't make you soft..."
"NO IT FUCKING DOES!" She looked at me before rolling her eyes. I gave her a pointed look and her eyes widened. "No don't!" She said, I walked upstairs, a determined look on my face.

I walked into the parlour and saw Ricky sat on his own, a scared look on his face. I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of him and I made sure everyone was looking before I walked up to him, trying to disguise my feelings as disgust and hatred. "We're done. Get the fuck out my house." His eyes widened and he looked into mine, his eyes tearing up. They looked like small oceans, trapped in his eyes.

I heard Ryan growl and Nikki muttered something to my brother before I snapped. "ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES RIGHT NOW RYAN!" Ryan instantly fell to his knees, Angelo copying. Ricky was sat there, shaking and holding back sobs and I...pretended not to care. What he doesn't know...won't hurt him.

Ash walked up and slapped me as hard as she could across the face, making me freeze and she grabbed Ricky and pulled him out.

I blinked a few times before I looked at the astonished look on Nick's face. "'re like Mike...a monster..." he whispered, looking at me like he hated me. "No it's a game we play..." Ryan mumbled, standing up and walking out. Ange laid on the floor and I sighed before walking upstairs. I looked at Ricky's collar, and the key next to it, and I sighed.

I'd made a complete fool of myself, and for what? What was the point? Why did I always put myself through this shit? My bedroom door slammed open and I glared, turning to face whoever had barged into my room. The person slammed the door shut and I realised how alone we were.

"So I guess I'm going then, right? Seeing as you "broke up" with me down there." Ricky said, a cold look freezing the oceans in his eyes. "Watch your fucking mouth."
"Or what!?!" He shouted, grabbing the collar from my hands and throwing it out the window. I stood up, towering over him, and backed him against the wall.

"So fucking disobedient. Can't wait to get rid of you Ricky."
"Good! I can't wait to go!" He shouted in my face, shoving me away. Oh that was fucking it. I grabbed his wrist and threw him onto the bed. He tried to move, but I'd already handcuffed him to the bed. He swore and started tugging futilely at the restraints, making my chuckle. I peeled off my shirt and threw it aside, walking off.

I went to my closet and opened it, pulling out a box I'd hidden ages ago. I opened it and grabbed what I was looking for, a whip. I walked over to him, holding the whip over my shoulder. He looked at me, a look almost daring me to whip him.

I ran the whip along his body, watching as he shivered. "I never thought this was how someone was gonna lose their virginity..." I said, grabbing a knife and dropping the whip. He flinched but all I did was cut through his shirt. He closed his eyes as I pulled his shirt off, but I froze as I spotted something I hadn't seen before. There was a scar, in the shape of a 'D' on his collar bone.

"M-Master p-please..." I snarled at him and held the knife to his throat, making him freeze. I sighed and moved down to his stomach, lightly tracing shapes with the knife on him. "Why shouldn't I hurt you? Why shouldn't I fuck you that hard, you can't walk for a week? I could kill you, and I don't think it'd bother me much." That was a lie, he didn't need to know that.

I saw pain in his eyes before he shrugged. I saw how skinny he was, how each bone stood out more than they should, and my heart ached for him. I ran my hand along his body, stopping at his neck and I sighed before I squeezed. He made a few choking noises, and I saw the tears and how his face went red and I dropped my hand. I didn't want to do this anymore, it felt boring.

Then he spat in my face. I froze and glared at him before punching him in the face. "Don't fucking spit on me."
"I don't care anymore. Just kill me!"
"Why not!? I'm just a slave remember!"
"NO YOURE NOT!" His eyes widened and I roughly kissed him before I pushed myself away.

"You're going tomorrow. I don't want to see you again Ricky."
"Yes Master..." with that, I walked downstairs trying to hide how hard I was, and how sad I was.

But of course I couldn't hide it from Ash, who was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"You're not actually getting rid of him, are you."
"I don't know Ashley okay? Just leave me alone." I muttered walking outside. I walked into the garden and my face softened as I saw his collar on the grass, looking the same as before.

I picked it up and sat down, holding it tightly in my hands. What was I doing?

Why was I trying to resist the way I felt about him?

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