Chapter 6

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The door knocking woke me up once again, but this time I didn't answer. I couldn't be arsed I was too fucking tired.

"Master? Are you awake?" Ryan's voice rang out. Ryan? Why the fuck was he waking me up? "Urgh just fucking come in." I groaned, turning so I was laid on my back. "What'd you want."
"It's about Ricky, Master. He's not downstairs."
"You what!?" I practically screamed, jumping out of the bed. He nodded and looked down. I hurriedly threw a random pair of jeans on and a shirt before I walked rapidly down the stairs to the basement. The room was completely empty, excluding a note on Ricky's made bed.

I walked over and picked it up, feeling my veins freeze.
Hey Chris, remember me asshole?

You seemed to enjoy punishing me after I decided to run away from your abuse you sick twisted bastard. So, let's play a game! Hide and Seek! Just like before, but this time you're finding Ricky. That's his name, right?

If you haven't found him by oh I don't know maybe four today I'll kill him. You know I will, I don't give a shit. You fucked me up, and now it's my turn. I know how you treat him, like he's your little pet awwh. Your a sick bastard who gets off on making other people's lives miserable.

Now hopefully you'll know how it feels. And if not I'll carry on until everyone that you love is dead.

So have fun looking, and I'll give you a clue, it's the least I can do. You can find us both where it's least expected, but in plain sight.

See you soon!


Devin had been here. And I didn't even fucking know. "Fuck. Shit FUCKING HELL!" I growled, pacing around for a few moments, gradually becoming more and more annoyed. "Ryan! Call Ashley right now!" I barked, rushing upstairs. I threw a pair of socks and a jacket on, hurriedly putting my boots on and I froze. Why was I so bothered that Ricky was gone?

Why did I seem so determined that he didn't die? Ryan rushed up and handed me the phone. "Chris? What's wrong?"
"DEVIN'S BEEN BACK!" I screamed, slamming my door open and shut again.
"You what!? What's he done!?" She said, alarm evident in her voice. "Fucking taken Ricky. He's taken Ricky and if I can't find him by four today, he dies."

"Oh shit! Fuck! Im on my way." She said, hanging up. I ran my fingers through my hair while I dialled another number. "Andy?"
"Chris what a nice surprise."
"Stop I need your help."
"I'll be over soon." Andy said, hanging up. I called Mike and Tim at the same time, demanding that they get their asses over here.

Within ten minutes, Andy and Ashley were downstairs with Ash, Nikki and Angelo. Mike was on his way, he was picking Tim and Nero up, and he was gonna speak to Ronnie to see if him and Craig would be able to come over and help. "Show me the note!" Ashley demanded, holding her hand out. I handed her the note and she frowned before passing it along to Nikki. "Somewhere in plain sight and unexpected? Maybe their in the house still."

"Good idea." I mumbled, sitting down.
"Ash. Go upstairs and look around with Angelo." Andy said, glaring at his pet, Ashley P. He nodded and him and Angelo ran upstairs. The doors banged open and shut multiple times before they came down, shaking their heads. Mike walked in, Vinny hot on his heels. Tim walked in, frowning at Mike and Nero was clutching onto Tim. Ronnie walked in after them all, Craig following.

After I'd told all of them what'd happened, they all went in different areas to look for Ricky. Ryan and me were searching all over the estate before I mentally kicked myself. "Somewhere unexpected and in plain sight? OH! OF COURSE!" I screamed, realising what Devin meant. I knew where Ricky was. I think.

"Ryan send a text to the others telling them to meet me at Gerard's warehouses."
"Yes master." I ran back inside and grabbed my car keys, hurriedly getting into the car. I started it and drove like a madman to the warehouses, making a half an hour journey take less than 10 minutes. I parked my car and ran inside.

Devin was sat down on a chair, wearing the sluttiest outfit I'd ever seen him in. A practically see through top, lace underwear, knee high socks and boots. "You managed to find me. Well done." He said in his dark voice which fuelled my rage. "Where the fuck is he you dumb slut."
"Haha wouldn't you like to know? Times ticking Chrissy. Tick tock." I glared at him.
"What does he have that I don't Chris."

"Self control? He wouldn't fucking kidnap someone you psychopath!"
"That's rich coming from Mr. Slave owner over here isn't it? Do you know why they call you Motionless?"
"I already fucking know!"
"Because you have a habit of leaving your slaves dead." He carried on, acting like I hadn't spoken.

The door opened and I turned to look at who was there. Nikki, Kuza and Ronnie all stood menacingly in the doorframe, and I saw Devin's reaction. He was scared. He should be, 3 intimidating guys?

They went after Devin whilst I searched for Ricky. "RICKY!?" I shouted, listening closely. I heard a chocking sound, frowning and running until the sound was pretty much next to me. I opened the door and my eyes widened. Ricky was tied to a chair, his mouth gagged and his hands were bound and chained up to the wall. "Ricky oh my fucking god. GUYS!" I walked over to him and tore at the rope until he wasn't trapped on the chair.

I pulled the gag out of his mouth and he let out a low sob. "Ricky, I'm here." He shuddered at my voice and Ronnie walked in before he broke the chains with an axe he must've picked up somewhere. I untied Ricky's hands and pulled him into my arms. I didn't have any gloves on, so I was breaking one of my rules. At this point?

I didn't give a shit. He hugged me back tentatively and I ran my fingers through his hair. "Oh Ricky calm down my pet, it's okay. It'll be okay, don't worry." I cooed, picking his shaking body up. He cried into my chest as we walked out. Ronnie wordlessly climbed into the drivers seat whilst I went into the back, holding Ricky in my arms. Kuza came out, dragging Devin by a chain around his neck, pulling him into his car. Nikki climbed into his car and followed Mike.

They weren't going back to mine, that was obvious. "Take me home Ronnie."
"On it." He muttered, starting the car. While he drove, I kept stroking Ricky's hair, trying to calm him down. "Ricky? What's wrong?"
"I...scared...Master..." he sobbed, trying to climb out of my arms. I simply held him tighter and he relaxed in my embrace, trying to hold back his tears.

"Ronnie hurry up." I said loudly, sending a text to Ashley asking her to hurry back to mine. When we were outside, I opened the door and carried Ricky inside. Ashley looked at him and her eyes widened at something I must've missed. "Chris...his neck." I glanced down and my eyes widened in shock. His collar had been torn off, and he had bruises and cuts all over his neck. "Did Devin do this." I said coldly as I handed Ricky to Ash. She frowned at me and walked downstairs and laid him on his bed.

I stood in the doorway and she looked at me sharply before dragging me back upstairs. "Chris leave it."
"No. If you carry on, he'll go into shock. Just leave him for now."
"Alright..." she frowned at me and dragged me into the parlour and made me sit down.

Nikki walked in with Kuza and Devin. As soon as I saw Devin, I sprung to my feet and clenched my fist. He looked at me fearfully. "You wanna fuck with my shit?!" I snarled, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him against the wall. "Too long I've put up with all of your shit!" I growled, punching him in the face. Mike and Nikki tried pulling me away, but one look from me had them frozen in their spots.

"You really thought that it was a good idea, didn't you! COME ON SLUT! TELL ME!"
Devin looked at me with tears falling down his face. I shoved him away, trying to ignore the guilt eating away at my chest. "Do whatever you fucking want with him. I don't wanna see his face ever again." I spat, storming upstairs.

I sat down on my bed and groaned. Why, just WHY did people have to do whatever they could to piss me off? Ash walked in and smiled softly at me. "I'm proud of you Chris. Oh Andy and Ashley have gone home, so has Nero and Angelo is getting mine and Nikki's things."
"Chris, calm down."

"I can't. Don't you see? I want to hurt him. So fucking badly. I want to hurt Ricky, and he didn't do anything wrong!"
"Oh.." she said, looking at me with wide eyes.
"'re getting attached to Ricky...."
" I can't be."
"But you are Chris."

Maybe she's right.

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