Chapter 24

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We sat down and ordered food, waiting and talking about random shit.

Yes small talk at a date, how shocking(!)

As soon as we'd eaten, I grabbed Ricky's hands and he looked at me, finally. "Ricky. I know I've fucked up, I know I did okay? But I'm trying to put things right, just to make you happy. I'd do anything for you, I didn't think I'd ever fall in love."

"Don't you see Ricky? You changed who I am! You've changed everything about me. Before I met you, all I cared about was getting off to whoever I wanted to fuck. I didn't care about anything, I just punished my slaves and fucked them until they were half dead. I was horrible, I didn't have any proper friends and I cheated on my girlfriend. I didn't even wanna date her, I just wanted sex. I was greedy."

"And then you came Ricky. With those fucking blue eyes that melted my ice cold heart. I fell in love with you, the person with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I love you, and I need to know. I need to know if you'll be my boyfriend." His eyes widened at me words, almost like he wasn't expecting me to say anything like that.

And then his eyes clouded up.

I froze, thinking that meant the worst. But it didn't. He pressed his lips to my hand and nodded, which sent electricity all over my body. "You'll be my boyfriend?"
"Yes!" He said with a laugh that ended with a sob. I couldn't contain my joy, I flung my arms around him. 

Our combined weight was too much for the chair, so we ended up crashing to the floor. The chair broke and Ricky looked around with wide eyes before we burst out laughing. Craig was standing to one side with an amused smile across his face as I helped Ricky stand up.

"I love you."
"I love you too Chris." I saw how relaxed he was, now that he was free...and it made me happy. Genuinely happy.

"Come on, I've gotta take you back to Ronnie's." He sighed and nodded, following me and Craig back to my car. The drive back was silent, and when he got out he didn't speak, just waved. I frowned as Craig drove me back home, wondering why he was acting like that.


I paused outside of Ronnie's house when I heard someone call out my name. I turned around to see a police officer staring at me, beckoning me over. I gulped and did as he said, surprised when he met me half way.

"You've just came back to the area, after a kidnapping correct?"
"Y-yeah." I mumbled, my confidence fleeing. He leant in and smirked deviously. "Then how did you meet Mr. Cerulli so quickly? Why would he invite a nobody out on a date?" He sneezed before standing up straight. I resisted the urge to tell him everything and just shrugged, making sure I was looking at the floor.

Hey, I wasn't gonna let myself get caught so easily.

Ronnie came out with Willow on his hip, a dark look on his face. "TJ. What are you doing here?"
"Asking Olson some questions, Mr. Radke. Care to explain how he met the fucking record label owner already?"
"I introduced them. Is that a problem?" Ronnie snapped, glaring at TJ.
"That doesn't make any sense, seeing as he hadn't came here for a while, yet he knew Olson was staying here. How does he know you?"

"We have mutual friends. Like Gerard and Frank, Nikki and Ashley." TJ glared at Ronnie,  clearly not believing him. "Olson. Do you know who Gerard Way and Frank Iero are? Tell the truth!" He barked, making me flinch.
"Y-yes!" I basically screamed at him, which made him point his gun up at me. I froze and Ronnie growled before putting Willow down. "Go inside baby."
"Okay daddy." She giggled before skipping indoors.

"Well, Officer Bell. Are you gonna shoot someone who has only just came back to civilisation?" Ronnie sneered, cracking his knuckles and glaring at TJ. "Shut up Radke." He growled, which made Ronnie tower over him. "Stop this. Otherwise, maybe I'll go speak to Chris and your boss, I'm sure they'd be very interested in this." TJ looked at Ronnie before growling and turning straight on his heel.

Before he climbed back into his car, he shot me a dirty look. "I'll be keeping a close eye on you." He called before climbing into his car and driving off. Ronnie exhaled and relaxed before turning to face me. I was hyperventilating, trying not to cry.


I swore and picked Ricky up, carrying him into the house and kicking the door shut behind me. He let out a low moan, tears running down his face as I carried him to the sofa and laid him down.

"Willow honey! Get daddy his phone please!" I called, sitting down on the floor by the sofa. Ricky kept mumbling random shit and moaning, like he was in pain. Willow ran up to me and handed me my phone, looking at Ricky curiously. "Daddy what's wrong with Ricky?"
"He's just....tired baby. Go play, okay? I'll come play with you in a bit okay?"
"Okay..." she mumbled, walking off.

I sighed and unlocked my phone before scrolling down and calling Gerard. "Hello?"
"Yo. I need some help."
"Why? What's happened Ronnie?" He said, sounding fearful.
"TJ. He started questioning me and Ricky and now Ricky is freaking out."
"For fucks sake...have you told Chris yet?" Gerard groaned.

"Nah, not yet."
"Me, Frank and Mikey'll be round soon. Call Chris." He hung up.

I sighed and dialled Chris' number, surprised when he answered instantly. "Chris, help me."
"What's wrong? What's happened? Is Ricky okay?!"
"Not really, I think he's having a breakdown cause of TJ." I quickly filled Chris in on the events with TJ. "I'm on my way." He said bluntly, hanging up and leaving me with a sobbing, shaking Ricky.  I knelt up and brushed his hair out of his face, resting my hand on his forehead.

He had a temperature much higher than normal, which made me frown. Somethings going on, it's gotta be more than the shit with TJ. He whimpered and I groaned, pulling my hand away and walking away.

Willow ran up to me sobbing, holding her hand. I dropped to one knee and grabbed her hand. "Baby what's wrong?"
"I-I hurt m-m-my hand!" She bawled. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because I already fucking knew she'd hurt her hand, it wasn't like she hadn't made it obvious. "How?"
"I-I don't know!" I pulled her into my arms and stood up, keeping her in my arms and I went to go back to Ricky.

The door knocked, loudly, making Willow whimper and hide her face. "Baby shh, it's okay." I said softly, opening the door to reveal Craig and Chris. "Where is he?"
"In the front room." I mumbled before turning to face Craig. Willow saw him and giggled, holding her arms out. "Uncle Craig! Pick me up!" Craig glanced at me before taking Willow and holding her on his hip. "You alright Ronnie?"
"Do I look alright?"

"Do you want the truth or..."
"Oh haha. Thanks so fucking much. She hurt her hand, check it for me, I need to call her mom." Craig's eyes widened briefly before he started cooing and checking Willows hands.  Chris tapped his foot impatiently, clearly waiting for me to let him in. "Come in man."

Chris nodded his head to thank me before he went into the front room as quickly as he could.
(1301 words)

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