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"I swear on Salazar's grave Moony, you scratch me again and I won't hesitate to claw your eyes out."

"You say that as if I have control over it!" Remus laughed and winced. "That hurts, you know?"

"Good! Maybe try telling the werewolf you that I'm not food." I rolled my eyes and put the rag away and sat next to him.

"Where are the boys?"

"Passed out by the kitchen probably." I yawned. "This is the reason we have extra rooms. You three spend a lot of time in here."

"Yet you love us. We're still your boys." Remus smirked.

"That you are. You know the way to your room so go ahead and get some rest. I'll go and wake them up so they can go to bed. We leave tonight." I sighed and stood up.

"Where do we have to go again? I forgot."

"Wales, I think. Something about the Deatheaters setting up headquarters there since we destroyed the last one." I shrugged.

"You mean you destroyed it. We just sat silently in the background terrified while you destroyed everything." Remus smirked.

"What can I say? I was on my period and Nott kept pissing me off." I laughed and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, Moony."

"Good night, Little Vixen." I smiled and walked to the kitchen to find my boys passed out on the table and floor.

"Idiots." I mumbled to myself and started to wake them up. "Bam Bam, it's bedtime."

"You better clean up that gash before you get more blood on me." James said yawning. "G'night."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards Peter.

"Wormy, it's bedtime." Peter sat up and rubbed his eyes nodding.

"I'll see you later, Vix." I nodded and he went up to his room. I turned around and found Sirius passed out on the floor. I laughed and shook him awake.

"Pads, it's bedtime." He woke up and smiled softly at me. "I'll be up once I clean my wound."

"Sit on the counter and don't move." Sirius mumbled standing up and placing me on the counter. "You always clean our wounds and it's time someone did the same to you."

"Fine, but don't use the white ones. Use the-"

"Already stained one by the left side under the sink. I know the drill." Sirius chuckled and took out the small towel and ran it under warm water. "It's probably gonna sting."

Sirius dabbed the towel on my shoulder and chest and I winced.

"I told you." He mumbled kissing my forehead. "Next time Prongs gestures for you to move, please move."

"I thought I could handle it." I shrugged.

"Why is it that every time you say that, you always appear with a new wound?"

"Probably because I jinx myself way too much." I yawned and laid my head on his chest. "Ready to kick some ass tonight?"

"You mean, you kicking some ass while I run around making sure you don't get yourself killed." Sirius laughed.

"You know what I mean."


"Umm, Didi!? You might want to see this!"

"I'm kinda busy!" I yelled as I punched a Deatheater in the jaw. "Asshole prick."

"This is kinda important because I think Sirius needs your help here." James yelled and hexed another Deatheater. I groaned and ran towards him.

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now