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"Will she ever stop puking?"

"James, she's pregnant with twins! It's a miracle she hasn't lost her mind. Can you imagine another James?"

"The world would be a better place."

"Yeah, no."

"You feel better, sweetheart?" Molly asked and rubbed my back. I nodded and wiped my mouth.

"I think. I forgot the morning sickness. This was definitely something I didn't miss." I chuckled and threw up again. "Yep, definitely didn't miss this."

"It's only for a few months, Jade. You'll be okay soon. Where's Sirius?"

"With Remus and Bill buying groceries. Ever since I told him he was a free man, he's taking every opportunity to get out of the house. That and to try and get away from his mother. Can't say I blame him." I shrugged and stood up. "Harry left this morning right? Sorry I missed him, the pups won't let me say goodbye to my godson."

"Yes, he did. And he totally understood the reason why. Now we wait."

"Now we wait."


"Guess who!?"

"FOOD!" I ran down the stairs and took the bags and ran to the kitchen. "GINNY! WE'VE GOT ICE CREAM!"

"ICE CREAM!" Ginny ran into the kitchen and took one of the pints. "'MOINE ICE CREAM!"

"YES!" Hermoine walked in and grabbed a spoon and a pint.

"Thanks guys!" I smiled and started to put away the groceries.

"That's not all we got." Bill smiled. "Dumbface, you can come in now."

"Miss me, auntie?"

"CHARLIE!? YOU'RE BACK!?" I tackled my nephew in a hug and he laughed hugging me back. "I thought you were in France?"

"Back in Romania actually. Needed to check on my babies when my owl came in and said that uncle Sirius was a free man. So naturally, I back here for a while. Now, what's this I-"

"Let me stop you there for a second. Pads, get the trash bin. The pups decided to make me puke up a storm." I groaned and Sirius handed me the bin just in time. "Thanks."


"Oh yeah, they're having twins." Bill said smiling. I nodded and continued to throw up.

"This is really not a fun time." I mumbled as Sirius rubbed my back and held my hair.

"It'll be worth it. The pups will be worth it." Sirius smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'd never though I'd see the day where auntie Jade was pregnant again. Congratulations you two." Charlie smiled and handed me some water.

"Thanks, Charlie. Now, tell me about your kids. How are they?" I wiped my mouth and handed the bin to Remus who pulled a face looking at it.

"That's disgusting."

"Nobody asked you to look at it, Moony."


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The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now