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"He's not your son!"

"He might as well be!" I heard Molly yell and I looked at Bill confused.

"Should we-"

"I think we should." He nodded and we entered the dining room to find Sirius and Molly glaring at each other. "What the hell is going on?"

"Umm, Molly doesn't want Harry in any Order meetings, Sirius does and shit has left the room." Remus shrugged and looked at me. "I'd take a seat if I were you two."

"Vix, you'll back me up, right? Molly doesn't want Harry involved with the Order but given the circumstances, I think he should." Sirius pulled me towards him and I sighed standing in between the both of them.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Molly's right. He's too young, Sirius. Not even we were that old when we joined. We did that after graduation." I said and Sirius scoffed.

"He's the-"

"I know he is. That's why I'm agreeing with Molly. The less involved he is, the better. He's just a boy, Sirius. He has O.W.L.s to worry about and I'm not letting his grades drop just because of him."

"James would've-"

"HE'S NOT JAMES, PADFOOT! And neither am I. And if it's any constellation, James would agree with me on this." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"She's not wrong."

"I'm just saying that he should know what happens around here." Sirius shrugged and sat down.

"I know and I agree with you on that. But I'm also concerned about his mental health. We weren't forced into a war at fifteen, we were forced at eighteen and look at how that turned out. Look at how it affected us. Imagine how that would affect his fifteen year old mind, Sirius. James isn't here, I know. But he's not like James. Not completely anyways. Things are very different than how they were back in the seventies. I have connections in the Ministry, and it's a chaos because of his trial. And don't you fucking dare say that you're going with because I'll punch a wall. I'm not going. Now, just let it fucking go or we'll go have this conversation elsewhere." I said pointing at the door where the kids where standing.

"You're not the same Vix, I guess." Sirius mumbled and I sighed.

"No, I'm not. The old Vix was naive, I'm not."

"They're gonna fight right?"


"Is it gonna end badly?"


"Are you scared?"



~Sirius POV~

"You're an idiot. You do know that right?"

"Can it, Remus. I'm not in the mood." I rolled my eyes and fed Buckbeak. "Where is she anyways?"

"Molly forced her to take a nap. That was some argument you two had. The screams bounced off the walls, y'know? Bill had to take the kids out for ice cream." Remus said and leaned on the doorway. "It's been happening a lot lately. You two never fought like this. Everything okay?"

"I dunno. Everything started when she read Reg's letter." I mumbled.

"She's mourning, Sirius. Vix has her own peculiar way of mourning. She pushes people away and locks herself in her thoughts and that's never good. Right now, the last thing she needs is someone pushing all of her buttons at once. She needs her Snuffles to be there for her. There's only so much I can do now." Remus shrugged and I sighed.

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now