The Calm

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"What the hell did you do to your hair?"

"I got bored and messed around with some spells. You like?" I smiled and moved my hair around.

 You like?" I smiled and moved my hair around

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"I love it actually. It really suits you, little Vixen. And is that Pad's old jacket? I thought you had it in a box and you only took it out once a year?" Remus asked and I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, it is. Mine is all worn out so I shrank his old one and decided to wear it. In all honesty, it looks way better on me than it ever did on him." I smirked.

"Whatever you say, Vix. You saw Sirius a few weeks ago, right?" I tensed and looked at him wide-eyed. "I've known you for what, like 22 years? I know you like the back of my hand. I'm not mad, by the way. But I'm slightly offended that you went behind my back. You could've just told me."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But it was a kinda personal moment and I don't want you to be an accomplice or anything like that. And hand me that towel, your scars opened again." Remus rolled his eyes and handed me the towel and water. "Now, stay still."

"Just tell me he's okay. That's all I wanna know. And how are we gonna catch Wormtail? And that hurts, you know?"

"He's okay. I'm coming up with a plan to catch the asshole, and it won't hurt so much if you just stay still." I smiled and put another bandage on his face. "All better now."

"Of course you would be directly involved with it." Remus rolled his eyes and picked at his arms but I swatted his hand away. "Rude."

"If I can't pick at my arm anymore, neither can you. And I'm directly involved with it because if I let you and Sirius plan things, it would end up being a disaster. This is a murder we're talking about, Moony. This ain't no fun and games." I shrugged.

"You could say it's-"

"James no."


"Oh Godric, he said it."

"I have no regrets."

"I know, I know. But are you sure we can get away with it, Vix?"

"We can if you let me handle it. You two just follow my lead and everything will work itself out." I assured Remus and he nodded somewhat scared.

"You terrify me, you know?"

"It's kinda in the job description, Moony."

"She has planned about how many murders, James?"

"Six and perfectly executed one."


"The war, Lily. And in her defense, the deatheater crucio'd me and Sirius. She saw red and we can all guess what happened."

"Oh my. And she didn't think twice?"

"All I remember was her screaming and then the death eater was on the floor bloody and dead. That scream haunted my dreams for weeks, Lily."

"A total badass. I love it!"

"So do her boys. Peter should fear for his life."


"Siri? I brought food."

"Hi sunsh- WOAH! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" I smiled and handed him the food. "Okay, you have competition. This food looks amazing. You already ate?"

"Nah, but it's okay. I had a late lunch. You need it more than I do. You look sickly thin. How long has it been since you were properly fed?" I asked concerned.

"Remember the pasta we made at like three in the morning because you were having cravings? The night before it happened? That long, sunshine. It's a miracle I haven't died from malnutrition." Sirius shrugged and started to eat. "So what's new? How's my sunshine and best friend doing?"

"We're fine. Moony and I just got back from a full moon so you can imagine how that went. He managed to cut his face this time so I had to take care of that. But we're fine, Siri. And slow down with the food. I know you're starving but damn!" I laughed and he flipped me off. "Rude."

"I'm glad you two are okay. Have you heard from Regulus? You haven't mentioned him in a while." I tensed and looked at the ground.

"No, and I'm not talking about it. Haven't seen him in years and that's all I'm saying about the matter."


"Either drop the subject or I'm leaving. This isn't the place nor the time to talk about Regulus and that's final. We'll talk about it when this is all over. Even I don't know what happened." I muttered and handed him some water. "You feeling better?"

"He went there. BAD DOG! We don't talk about possible dead relatives!"

"What really happened to him, James?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, I am. Thanks sunshine." Sirius said and I smiled softly.

"I'm glad. You want anything else? I think Honedukes is still open. I could get you some-"

"Vix, it's okay really. I'm starting to feel a lot better. I just wish I had a time-turner right now." Sirius said sadly and I sighed leaning on his shoulder.

"We can't change the past, Sirius. It's time you accept it for as it is and not for what it should've been. Prongs and Doe are dead and there's no changing that. Adhara is also gone and as much as I would like to change that, I can't. But we have a chance to possibly make Harry's life a little better and we can't take any chances. To hell with what happens to us, it's Bambi we're talking about."

"She would've made an excellent mother."

"Can you not break my heart, Lily? You already broke it for seven years. GIVE IT A BREAK!"

"I know, sunshine. It just sucks that we never got to live the life we wanted. I'm sorry I wasn't there because of my stupidity." Sirius mumbled and I shook my head chuckling.

"But you're here now and that's all that matters to me. My two favorite boys are still alive and well and that's all that matters." I assured him and he nodded slightly.

"I love you, sunshine."

"I love you more, Pads."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now