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"I proposed, Didi. It's not the end of-"

"BITCH I WANTED TO BE THERE! I wanted to see Lily's face when she said yes. How dare you!?" I shook James and heard Peter and Remus laughing. "If you two don't shut up, I won't hesitate."

"Moony we better shut up, her threats never come empty." Peter mumbled and left to the kitchen to help Lily and Sirius with dinner.

"How did you manage to convince Pads to cook?" Remus said and sat down.

"I dunno. I just told him that I was in the mood for chicken confit since I haven't had that since like '69 and not even fifteen seconds later, he was in the kitchen yelling at the window." I shrugged and sat down next to him.

"You know what they say, happy wife equals happy life." James laughed. "We should all take a vacation somewhere. Just the six of us."

"We really should. But what about the Order?"

"Screw the order! We haven't had a chance to relax since we graduated. We should go to Paris or something! You and Pads didn't have a honeymoon right?" James asked and I shook my head. "Well then it's perfect. We can go to Paris just the six of us."

"What about Paris?" Lily asked and sat on James' lap and showed me the ring. "I told him to do it when you were around but you were with Dorcas on a mission."

"And he couldn't wait a few days!? I literally just got back three days ago." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't remind me! Your boots are still stained with blood." Sirius yelled from the kitchen.

"At least it wasn't mine! It's actually Bellatrix's!" I yelled back. Sirius emerged from the kitchen with a surprised look.

"You made Bellatrix Lestrange bleed? The Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"Yep and I barely broke a sweat. She was sloppy and I took an advantage. Malfoy had to drag her away from me." I shrugged.

"Like I've said. I fear you more than Bellatrix." Peter said in shock.

"As you should be."


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"So no vacation?"

"No, Prongs. No vacation for the Marauders. We can't go to Paris." I rolled my eyes. "We have responsibilities now, remember?"

"Well shit!" James exclaimed defeated.

"James, the children!" Remus yelled and covered Sirius' ears. "Think of the children!"

"Fuck off, Moony." Sirius rolled his eyes and moved his head. "We could all just stay here for a few days or something. I mean, we all spent Christmas apart anyways."

"Don't remind me. I hexed Malfoy real bad just because I was fighting his ass on Christmas Day. Don't Deatheaters celebrate Christmas? It's fucking Christmas for Merlin's sake!"

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now