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"I still prefer the other dress. This one makes you look fat."


"Well sorry! I'm the maid of honor, I'm supposed to tell you the truth." I shrugged.

"Now that I look at it, you're right. This does make me look fat." Lily chuckled and went to take off the dress.

"I still don't know why we couldn't go shopping in Diagon Alley. The muggles here are staring at us." Marlene mumbled.

"That's probably because Jade had to drag a screaming Sirius and James out of the store." Lily reminded us laughing and walked out with the first dress she put on. "This is it. This is the dress I'm getting married in."

"Fifteen dresses and two screaming Marauders later and we finally have it!" Dorcas yelled excitedly.

"You look gorgeous, Lils. What do you say I divorce Sirius and the two of us get married?" I smirked.

"Sounds like a plan, Jade."


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"We're back!" Marlene and I yelled walking into my house.

"Why is Lily on your back?" James asked.

"Because we're excited, James. That's all." Lily jumped down and kissed him. "Jade is still mad at you. You do know that right?"

"You're maid of honor, Didi. What else could you want!?"

"Geez let me think." I rolled my eyes and whacked him in the head. "Maybe I wanted to see my brother propose to the love of his life. Yeah, I think that's it."

"You were doing Order things." James sassed.

"You couldn't wait three more days? Seriously James, you're dense as hell."

"You called?" Sirius smirked walking down the stairs and kissed me.

"I'm fifth wheeling and I don't like it." Marlene chuckled.

"You want a kiss too, Marls?" I smirked and started to chase her around the house.

"Get the hell away from me, Jade Black!"

"You love me Marlene!"


"More tattoos!? Are you serious, Vixen!?" Remus scolded me.

"That's Sirius." I pointed to my husband who waved and continued to play with the twins. "I'm Jade."

"I fucking hate you, Vixen."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now