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"I'm home! And I brought dinner!"

"In the kitchen!" I yelled and took out some plates.

"You seem chirpier today. You got a job?" Remus asked and put the food down.

"Far from it. No one wants to hire the wife of a murderer, Moony. But Molly wrote to me and said that Bill wants me to see him off at Hogwarts next week." I smiled and hugged him. "Work was okay?"

"The usual. I hate the stupid werewolf shit that the Ministry put out. It's not fair. I'm not working to my full potential and that pisses me off." Remus said angrily and started to serve the food.

"Life's not fair and yet here we are. The good thing is that we have food on the table and that we have each other." I smiled and started to eat.

"Who the hell are you and what have you done to my little vixen?" Remus gave me a look and I laughed. "You're officially scaring me. Wasn't just yesterday you threw a vase towards a wall because you remembered Wormtail?"

"That asshole is better off dead than standing two feet in front of me, honestly. If Siri killed him, I'm so fucking glad because if not I would've done it with my own bare hands. But it's been almost a year and I've been crying myself to sleep almost every night and I'm tired of it. I think it's time I accept things for what they are and not for what they should've been." I shrugged.

"Well I'm proud of you, little Vixen! And I like the new hair. It suits you."

"Thanks! The long hair just wasn't doing it anymore, so I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it myself. By the way, what are you doing September first?" I asked.

"Work against my will like usual. Why? What do you need?"

"Mind dropping me off at King's Cross before you go? It's okay if you drop me off early because Molly and the kids are coming early too so that I can spend time with Bill before he goes." I said hopefully. Remus smiled and nodded and I hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You need me to pick you up, too? Or you'll apparate?" Remus asked laughing.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Molly will drop me off here afterwards. But I miss my nephews. It's been a year since I've seen them." I said sadly.

"It's been a year since you've seen a lot of people, Vix. We've lost a lot, it's understandable. But I also think it's time we learn to cope with it. And you're taking a step in the right direction. I'm proud of you for that." Remus smiled and I smiled back.

"I'm proud of us, Moony."

"So are we, Didi."


"Auntie Jade!"

"Boys!" I kneeled down and was tackled by my nephews. "I missed you guys too!"

"Hi Remus!" The twins moved to hug Remus and he smiled hugging them back.

"Hey guys! You've gotten so big now." Remus stood up and kissed my forehead. "I gotta get to work. Don't worry about making dinner, I'll grab some on the way. See ya, little Vixen."

"Bye Moony! Have a great day." I smiled and stood up.

"How are you, Jade?" Molly and Arthur hugged me and I fought the tears.

"Surviving. Trying to find the will to get up every morning, but I'm taking it one step at a time." I shrugged and hugged Bill. "You ready for today?"

"I can't wait! Thanks for coming, auntie. It means a lot."

"Anything for my nephews, Bill."


"So, you wanna tell me what's going on? And weren't you pregnant last I saw you?"

"Yeah, I was. I had a miscarriage like five days after Sirius was locked up. The healers said that my body couldn't handle the grief and that the baby was trying it's best but it wasn't enough." Molly gasped and I fought the tears. "But it's okay, I guess. Remus and I left Godric's Hollow and have a small flat close to London so he'll be closer to work. Me on the other hand, can't work for shit."

"Why not? Didn't you want to be an auror? Now's your chance." Molly handed me some tea and I smiled in thanks.

"A cursebreaker actually. I can't work because nobody wants to hire the wife of a mass murderer and a traitor. Remus and I are scraping by because of the new Werewolf shit that was signed a few months back. He can't work up to his full potential and it's bumming him out. I try to cheer him up but it's hard when I'm not feeling all that happy myself." I shrugged.

"Who was the person who passed that around?"

"Dolores Umbridge, if I'm not mistaken. I met her once and I almost puked in her face. I can't stand seeing so much pink on a person. That's just not right." I grimaced and she laughed. "Well that, and the whole werewolf thing. I'd like to give her a piece of my mind one day."

"If you don't mind me asking, what really happened on Halloween last year?" Molly asked uneasily and I sighed.

"How much do you want to know?"

"With whatever you feel comfortable telling me."

"First of all, Sirius didn't do it. I just wanna make that clear before I continue because nobody wants to listen to my story. It was all Peter. He was made secretkeeper but James and Sirius were two idiots who decided to not inform Dumbledore of the matter and that pisses me off. Anyways, it started when we were painting the nursery. Sirius decided that the two of us should go out on Halloween since we never got a chance to go out because of the Order. We had an amazing day and we bought lots of candy for Harry because why not. That's when we saw Hagrid walking out with Harry in his arms. I begged Dumbledore practically on my knees for him to let me and Remus take care of Harry but he decided that Lily's devil sister was a better fit. I'll never understand that man. I went to the Ministry the day I found out that Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban because if I didn't defend my husband, who will? Everyone turned a blind eye and thought that I was shaken with grief. Long story short, nobody listened to me and Sirius is still locked up. Remus and I were packing James' and Lily's house a few days later when I had the miscarriage. After that, we just decided to try to get a fresh start. So far with little to no luck." I shrugged.

"That sound like a hell of a few months. I'm so sorry, Jade." Molly placed her hand in mine and I smiled a bit.

"Some days are better than others but they suck all the same. If it's not me having nightmares, it's Remus. We try so hard to forget the past year but it's really hard when whenever we go out everybody is always sorry about something. Remus has gotten used to it, me not so much. At first I was taking out my anger at everybody and everything. If you took a look at the place where Sirius and I lived, you wouldn't recognize it. We sold it but that was after I broke every single thing that reminded me of my boys." I mumbled and took out a necklace and showed it to her.

"What's all this?"

"Rings. James' house ring, my promise ring, the engagement ring, wedding band, the ring Remus gave me when we were like thirteen and a paw ring that Sirius gave me when I turned sixteen. And that chain was Lily's. It's my way of having a piece of them with me." I said and put on the necklace and looked at the clock. "I should go. Remus is on his way back and if I'm not there, he'll have an anxiety attack."

Molly nodded and hugged me while calling the boys.

"Aunt Jade is leaving. Say goodbye." The boys all hugged me and I smiled hugging back.

"You'll visit us again right?" Charlie asked teary eyed.

"I'll try my hardest, Charlie. Besides, you're going to Hogwarts next year so I have to be there to see you off." I smirked and kissed his head. "I love you boys so much. Be good okay? I'll try to visit again."

"We will."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now