The stone

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"What- OH MERLIN NO!" I yelled and ran towards Charlie. "No, no, no!"

"It's just a joke, right aunt Jade? Freddie always plays joked." George sobbed and I pulled him into a hug. "It's just a joke."

"For once, I wish this was a joke Georgie. I wish this was a joke." I sobbed and sat us on the floor. "I said the same thing too."

"So this is how it feels, huh?" I nodded and he sobbed even harder. "Why not me, aunt Jade? Why not me?"

I looked up at Sirius and Solis who were hugging each other and crying.

Prongs? Why them? Just why?

"I'm asking myself the same thing. Don't worry, Lily and I will take care of him. You know the pain he's feeling, Didi. Don't let George make the same mistakes you did."

"Hey, what- oh no!" I heard Ron walk in and he immediately ran towards us kneeling down in front of Fred.

"He was laughing, aunt Jade. He was laughing." George continued to sob and I played with his hair.

"I know Georgie, I know. I'll help you with this, I swear on my life."

"Will it get easier?" He finally looked at me and I felt my heart break. That's exactly how I looked when Prongs died.

"I wish I could lie to you, Georgie. I really do wish I could tell you that the pain will stop, but I can't because it never leaves. The pain just becomes a bit more tolerable. But he's never going to leave you, George. He'll always be there when you need him the most. You'll see. You'll always be Gred and Forge, until the end." I wiped his tears and stood up looking at Percy. "Who did this?"

"Rockwood." He sobbed and I nodded.

"I'll add him to the list. If you'll excuse me, I have some business to take care of." I mumbled and moved when Remus try to grab me. "You try and stop me and I won't hesitate to put you in a body bind, Remus John Lupin."

"Vix, you're not thinking straight." Remus said and I shook my head.

"You're wrong. I've never thought more clearer, Remus. Take care of Sirius and Solis for me until I get back. I'll see you in a minute." I said and walked out of the Hall.

As soon as I stepped foot outside, I walked to the nearest wall and punched it several times and started to cry again. Broken knuckles? Who fucking cares.


"It's the same old bullshit again, I swear. It never fucking escapes. I never wanted this to happen." I sobbed and Harry pulled me into a hug. "I never wanted this. I didn't ask for this bullshit."

"Neither did I, if I'm being honest." Harry chuckled and took out a snitch. "Look inside."

"I open at the close? What-"

"It has the resurrection stone, Jade. I think we both know what I have to do." I shook my head and started crying again.

"No way! I'm not letting you-"

"I'll come right back. I'm the last horcrux, Jade. The night mum and dad died, mum's love saved me. It was because of that that I became the last horcrux. Do you know what the prophecy says?" I nodded and wiped my tears.

"One can't live while the other survives. If you 'die', you're no longer the horcrux which deems him mortal. You're the weapon that will bring his demise." I said connecting the pieces together. "But if you don't use that stone, you'll be dead permanently. That's not a risk I'm willing to take."

"But I am. Once Voldemort is mortal and I'm mysteriously brought back from the dead, I'll kill him this fulfilling the prophecy and bringing a stop to all of this. That way you can go home, we can go home." He tried to reason with me. I sighed nodding and hugged him.

"As your godmother, I'm not giving you permission to die. If you die, you're grounded."

"I'll take my chances, Jade. I saw the memories, Snape's too-"

"He's dead?" Harry nodded. "Well damn! Looks like I didn't have to kill him after all."

"You and dad really were soulmates, huh?" Harry asked and I smiled softly.

"You have no idea, Harry." I wiped my tears and looked at him. "I am so proud of you, Bambi. I'm so proud of the wizard you've become. Now, go make me proud one last time."

"I won't let you down, Jade."

"You never have."

"We'll make sure he comes back to you, Didi. No matter what."



~Third Person POV~


"Mum? Dad?" Harry cried once he spotted the spirits of his parents. "What are-"

"We never left you. We've always been by your side all these sixteen years." James said smiling and stood next to Lily.

"You've been so brave, sweetheart." Lily smiled looking at her son. "James, he looks so much like you it's ridiculous."

"Now why is that a bad thing!? He's got my good looks." James shrugged and Lily rolled her eyes. "Your mother's right Harry, you've been so brave until now. We need you to be brave for a few more minutes. Think you can handle that?"

"Jade, she's-"

"Hurting? Crying? Possibly broke her knuckles from punching the wall? We know. We never left her too. We were always right there whenever the two of you needed us." James said.

"Does it hurt? Dying?" Harry asked looking at his mother.

"It's quicker than falling asleep."A third figure said. "You must be Harry, right? Name's Regulus Black."

"Regulus? How are you here?"

"You called us. And I've kinda taken a liking to spend time with James so there's that too." Regulus shrugged and smiled at Harry. "It'll be okay, Harry. I'm not gonna let Voldemort win and I'm not letting you die. You mean a lot to my sisters and brother. I'm not gonna let you leave them. They deserve to be happy again."


"You're nearly there, son. We'll be right next to you as we've always done. We're not letting go." James said.

"I never wanted you two to die for me. And Regulus, you-"

"She knows. Jade knows and understands what I did. She knows what I had to do in order to give her and Siri a chance." Regulus smiled softly.

"You'll stay with me?" Harry asked shakily. James looked at his son smiling softly thinking about all the times his twin was scared and asked him that exact same question.

"Until the end."


~Jade's POV~

"You okay?"

"Honestly? No. You?"

"Same." Remus said sitting down next to me and looking at my bloody knuckles. "What did you do?"

"Punched a wall." I shrugged and leaned on his shoulder. "How's the Weasleys?"

"Percy's a mess since he witnessed Fred die, George is acting just like you when James died, and we can imagine the rest. Ginny hasn't stepped away from his body and even bat bogey hexed someone who tried to talk to her." Remus said and healed my hand.

"When will it end, Moony? I just want this to end so we can go home." I cried. "I can't take this anymore."

"Just one more fight, little Vixen. You have have people to kill and asses to kick. Sirius, Solis and I will be right next to you. Just like old times."

"I'll sleep easy once I kill Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback." I smirked and wiped my tears.

"Bite their heads off, Vix."

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