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"Why did I know you would still be up?"

"Probably because you know me too well." I smiled at Bill who was leaning by the doorway and pointed at my plate. "Pie?"

"Nah, had a late dinner with Fleur. She's dying to meet my crazy auntie Jade, you know?" Bill said and sat in front of me. "You told uncle Sirius?"

"Sure did. He cried, the kids cried, everyone cried. He's finally free. It's like a huge ass weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It's like I can breathe again, Bill. You have no idea how happy a single piece of parchment made him."

"If I was wrongly imprisoned for years and then had to go into hiding for a year and a half, I would be happy with a single piece of parchment too." Bill laughed but his mood changed. "I've been snooping."

"Of course you have. The one place where you're not supposed to snoop, and yet you go ahead and do it anyways. What did you find now?" I rolled my eyes.

"A letter. But Kreacher won't let me read it. He says it's for your eyes only. It's in a room labeled R.A.B." I tensed and looked at him.

"Oh no."

"Oh no."

"Take me there. Now."


"Out of all the rooms, you had to go in here? Bloody hell, Bill. This room is off limits to everybody in this house. Not even Sirius has the courage to enter here."

"I'm sorry, auntie. In my defense, it's like something was calling me towards it. And as per usual, I followed my instincts." Bill shrugged and opened the door.

"You fucking Gryffindors with your fucking animal instincts. This is why all your plans fail." I muttered and entered the room and was overwhelmed with a very familiar scent. "All these years and it still smells like him."

"Who's R.A.B. auntie?"

"Regulus Arcturus Black. Sirius' little brother and my best friend. We broke contact once I got pregnant because he didn't want to put the baby at risk." I smiled softly and looked around for Kreacher. "Kreacher, you in here? Bill told me that you have something for me. Can you please hand it over?"

I saw a letter in the middle of the bed and I sighed taking it.

"You might wanna leave, Bill. I don't want you to see your auntie cry." I chuckled looking at the very familiar handwriting. He was so fucking extra.

"And leave you alone? No way, auntie. I'm staying. It's either me or I wake up uncle Sirius, and I doubt you want him in here." Bill said sitting next to me on the bed. "You wanna read it or should I?"

"I'll do it." I mumbled and opened the letter. Here we go.

"Lily, I'm scared."


"My best friend, my sister:

If you're reading this is because Voldemort is back and I have failed. That or you've been snooping in my room because you've somehow got back to Grimmuald Place. I prefer the last one.

I've failed and failed miserably. I thought I could handle it but, as usual, you were right. This was too much for me to handle and I am sorry. Why do you always have to be right?

I wish I could say that I didn't try to stay alive but I really did. I tried to stay alive for you, for Sirius and for your pup. How is the pup, anyways? I hope you had a safe and easy birth and that the baby is filling your life with so much joy and happiness. That's the least you deserve, Jade. I hope you tell the pup stories about insane uncle Reggie. I know you and Siri wanted a girl, I hope your dreams came true with that.

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now