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"Hey Prongs."

"How did you-"

"I had a feeling you'd be coming given the fact that you died sixteen years ago today." I chuckled and sat in front of the tombstone. "How's Harry?"

"Not dead yet, so that's good. Lily's watching over him right now." James shrugged and leaned on his tombstone. "You know, I appreciate you cleaning it once in a while. Thanks."

"Umm, sure? You're welcome I guess." I shrugged. "How's the afterlife?"

"Boring. Making sure Harry doesn't die is the highlight of my dead life. Why does that boy have a death sentence again?"

"Probably because he's your son, the heir of the Marauders and my godson. Death wish is kinda in the description, big brother." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Ha, ha, funny. By the way, I'm digging the blue hair. Midlife crisis much?" James smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"No. Hermoine, Sunny and I were bored while waiting for the Polyjuice to brew so Sunny messed around with my hair a bit and voila, the blue hair was born."

"Well, I love it. Did you bring the twins here today?"

"Yeah, this morning. Moony and I had to pry Padfoot from here. Marlene and Regulus made me cry a bit when they wanted to place the flowers. They enjoy hearing bedtime stories of our school adventures instead of Babbitt Rabbity." I laughed and he smiled.

"That's adorable, Didi. You're raising them right. I'm extremely proud of you and Padfoot." James said and I felt myself tearing up.

"It hasn't been easy but we manage. The good thing is that Moony and Sunny live like two blocks away and spend practically every waking moment with us. She's pregnant, y'know? I don't think I've ever seen Moony so happy." I wiped my tears and James sat down in front of me. "As much as I like having you close to me, your spirit is cold as hell."

"Yeah, sorry. Kinda the downside of being dead." James shrugged and I gave him a look. "But I'm happy that the four of you are getting the life you deserve, Didi. I know it hasn't been easy."

"But at what cost, Bam Bam? Look at all that we lost. I lost my soulmate, I lost you. And I know that you're here talking to me and it feels just like when we were fifteen in the common room, but it's not the same. I miss you, Pads misses you. He still cries whenever I show a picture of you to the twins. I just wish I knew then what I know now. That way I could've protected you better and Harry would get to know his parents. That's all I wanted, James. I wanted Harry to get to know you and Lils."

"But what about your happiness, Didi? You had sacrificed so much for us over the years and that's something I'll never be able to repay. All I ever wanted was for you to have the happy ending you deserve. Now you're getting that chance. And don't cry because I feel like a piece of shit because I can't wipe your tears." I chuckled and wiped my tears.

"Happy endings are overrated, Bam Bam. I'll be happy with just an ending in general. I feel stuck back in '79 again. Forced back into a war to protect my godson and children. You have no fucking idea how many protection charms surround the manor. I suspect you know about the files?" He nodded and I sighed.

"I still don't understand why mine and Lily's files are there. Care to enlighten me?"

"My guess is that they're trying to get me where it hurts most, and that's you. They're getting dirt on you to use against me. We're all being targeted. Moony, Sunny, Pads, me, even the twins! Everyone who's involved with the Order of the Phoenix is being targeted and executed one by one." I mumbled.

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now