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"I'm going, I'm going. Can I at least put on a shirt?" Sirius rolled his eyes and kissed me. "I'll see you later."

"Bye-bye. I'll come see how Prongs is doing later." He nodded and Lily pushed him out the room. "I LOVE YOU!"

"I LOVE YOU MORE!" Sirius yelled laughing and I heard the door shut.

I looked at Lily who was sitting on the foot of the bed looking at the floor.

"Lils, you okay?"

"Petunia's not coming, right?" She asked teary-eyed. I sighed and hugged her.

"I don't know, Lils. But your other sister is here and she'll do her damn best to make sure everything goes smoothly today. I promise." I wiped her tears and smiled.

"She didn't even invite me to her wedding. Can you believe that? She didn't invite her own little sister." Lily cried and I played with her hair calming her down.

"Lily, today you are marrying my brother. Something that none of us thought it would happen until sixth year. If Petunia's not coming, then that's her loss. You're an amazing sister, witch or not. She's just blind to see that. Now let's make you even more pretty and show Petunia what's shes missing out on." She nodded smiling and I wiped her tears one last time.

"Thanks, Jade. You're the best sister ever."

"I try my best."


~Sirius POV~

"WELL BOYS! The day is finally here. I'm marrying my childhood crush. Who would've thought this would happen?"

"Honestly? None of us." Remus laughed and we all nodded.

"Knock, knock. I came to see how the groom's doing." Jade smiled walking inside with Charlie. "How are you feeling, Bam Bam?"

"It's like a permanent adrenaline rush and I love every minute of it." James smiled and hugged her. "How is she?"

"Bummed over the fact that Petunia's not coming, but other than that she can't stop smiling. Molly just arrived with the kids so you can imagine the chaos that's going on." Jade gestured towards Charlie who smiled and hugged me.

"Hey kiddo. You ready for another wedding?"

"Yep! And I lost some teeth the other night." Charlie opened his mouth and I laughed. "They just fell off."

"Yeah? That happens sometimes. It could also be because your teeth are rotting." I said picking him up and spinning him making him laugh.

"Don't traumatize the kid, Pads." Jade rolled her eyes and took Charlie from me. "We've got to get going. We have to make sure that Marlene hasn't drank all the champagne yet."

We all laughed and I kissed Jade and Charlie made a disgusted sound.

"I'll see you four boys later. Make sure Prongs is kept in check and isn't bouncing off walls. That actually happened once when we discovered our powers." Jade smirked and hugged James one last time before leaving.

"You all think she's lying, but she's not."


~Jade's POV~


"Marlene, get your act together." I smirked and hugged Lily. "You look amazing, Lils. What do you say I divorce Pads and you and I get married."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now