Lazy day

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"Sirius, stop it." I giggled as he kept peppering kisses on my neck.

"Oh come on, sunshine. Please?" Sirius pouted and gave me the puppy eyes.

"You know those don't work on me. In fact, it's the other way around." I smirked and flipped so that I was on top. "And that's how you do it."

"I actually like you like this, so I'm not complaining." Sirius gripped my hips and flipped us again. "But I like this one better."

"Now don't be a tease, Pads. It never turns out good for you." I laughed and tugged his hair.

"Maybe today is my lucky day." Sirius smirked.

"Let's see."


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"Your hands are tiny."

"It's not my fault that your hands are huge compared to mine." I rolled my eyes and Sirius put his hand in mine comparing the sizes.

"They're so tiny and delicate. Who would think that such small hands can punch the daylights out of the Deatheaters?" Sirius chuckled and kissed them. "But I love how they fit in mine. It's like the missing piece of a puzzle."

"That's cheesy as hell, Pads."

"Yeah, but you love me for it." Sirius smirked and kissed me.

"That I do, my love. That I-"

Knock, knock, knock.

"It was supposed to be a lazy day." Sirius mumbled against my lips and stood up. I laughed and grabbed one of his shirts.

"They boys practically live here, Pads. It's a miracle they knocked." I shrugged and jumped on his back. "Onward my trusty steed!"

"What the actual hell?" Sirius laughed walking down the stairs. I shrugged and kissed his cheek.

"I dunno." Sirius chuckled and opened the door to reveal two confused boys and Lily. "Hi guys! Where's Wormy?"

"Sirius why are you shirtless? Nobody is interested in your abs. And Wormtail's visiting his family. Some relatives came into town." James said walking inside and throwing himself on the couch.

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now