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"Call the asshole while you're at it, Vixen. I don't think the Deatheaters heard you properly." James rolled his eyes but I pushed him making him fall down. "Real fucking mature."

"Shut up, we have to find Marlene. It's been a few days and she's not back. I told her not to go alone." I mumbled and looked around. "I HAVE A BOTTLE OF FIREWHISKEY FOR YOU IF YOU COME OUT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"Umm, Jade? Isn't that Marlene's jacket?" Peter asked uneasily. I ran towards him and fell on my knees.

"You're too late. Same with the family.

"She can't be serious?" Remus asked kneeling down next to me. "She always plays tricks, Little Vixen. She's probably just captured."

"If she truly is captured, she's better off dead in my opinion." I mumbled scratching my arm and looked around. "Snuffles isn't back, that's not good."

"You don't think?" Peter asked sitting down.

"I doubt it. But at this point anything is possible."


"He's back!"

I looked up and saw that Sirius was walking towards us with his ears back and head down.

"Did you find her?" James asked. He nodded and nudged us to follow him.

We walked around for a while until Sirius started to whine and stopped walking.

"Boys, I think this is the spot." I said making the boys stop. "Where is she Snuffles?"

Sirius gestured towards a bush next to him and we all prepared for the worst.

"No!" James exclaimed falling to his knees. "Marlene this better be a damn trick."

"I don't think so, Prongs. It's starting to stink." Remus mumbled tearing up.

I kneeled down and looked at the body fighting my own tears. Sirius sat down next to me and licked my face.

"She was crucio'd and then killed. She fought until her last breath. Look at the arms. They're scarred meaning she tried to escape." I closed her eyes and started to cry. "Damn it, Marlene. I told you to let me come with you. You stupid bitch."

"I think we should take her with us." Peter cried. I nodded and levitated her body.

"Prongs, you brought the cloak?" He nodded and handed it to me. "I promise I'll wash it afterwards."

"At this point I don't even care." He muttered and helped me wrap Marlene's body with it.

"Let's go. I'm feeling pissed and that's never good."


"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." I sneered and laid Marlene's dead body on the table. "She's dead. Family too."

I heard Lily scream and James had to rush to her side.

"How did-"

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now